
Hey everyone! I’ve been on MFP on and off but haven’t really stuck with it... after a summer of indulgence I want to give it another shot!

I’m trying to consistently eat better and make exercise part of my daily routine... I have a crazy work schedule so it has been tough.

I was hoping to find a few friends that I can check in with on a daily basis and we can keep each other accountable! I think that if I know I have to report back to someone about my day, it will help me stay on track and achieve my goals (and vice versa)!

Let me know if you’re interested - I’d love to help however I can!!!


  • chrisanderson3015
    Also looking for accountability partners. 43 married, 2 kids, full time job trying to be consistent and better each week. I currently try and sit down weekly and assess my progress and “report” to myself. Willing to try it daily to see how that works. Please feel free to add if you like.
  • beckysbeauties
    beckysbeauties Posts: 61 Member
    Would love to join you!
    I have previously lost around 60 lbs, however after a summer of indulgence I am higher than I am comfortable with. I am also struggling to find balance as I work full time during the day and go to school full time in the evenings. In between that, I also have two busy kids, a husband and a farm!

    I find I start out everyday good and then by the end of the day, I am just so exhausted, I don’t care anymore, until I wake up the next morning and step on the scale.😩
  • lindsaycatherine11
    Thanks guys! Added both of you! 😊
  • showjack70
    showjack70 Posts: 57 Member
    Kind of my story too.. Just returning to MFP after a summer of all the food. Feel free to add :)
  • lindsaycatherine11
    Added! 😊
  • MommyEmz1983
    MommyEmz1983 Posts: 14 Member
    You can add me if you like.. I’m on here everyday.. I work have kids etc xx
  • lindsaycatherine11
  • madelenehy
    madelenehy Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me if you want, I’m back in mfp after having a baby and desperately trying to loose it 😅 I’m on here every day too x
  • bizygal
    bizygal Posts: 4 Member
    I could use some accountability, too. Just can’t seem to get consistent and would love to check in with a couple of people so I can stay on track. I’m busier than I’ve ever been starting a company and with an unwell father and I find that the busier I am, if I get hungry I just eat without really noticing what I’m doing. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies but as I get older, I really need to eat less than before. Married. Two kids - both in college.
  • lindsaycatherine11
    Great, thanks ladies! Added! 😊
  • saralee555
    saralee555 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a crazy stressful job and 3 kids. It seems impossible to keep it all together sometimes. So far since starting mfp I have lost 20 pounds. It has mainly just been calorie restriction and exercise whenever I can fit it in which is usually only a couple times a week. I have found that the exercise helps me deal with the stressful career. That and having people in this community to keep me accountable seems to help. Good luck
  • lindsaycatherine11
    That’s a great success story!!!
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
  • fred8o8
    fred8o8 Posts: 10 Member
    If you are still looking for friends to help out, count me in. Along with anyone else in this thread. It would be nice to know others are looking out for you and helping you to keep on track.
  • lindsaycatherine11
    I agree! Thank you!! 😊
  • brookebenham
    brookebenham Posts: 1 Member
    Also looking for some accountability buddies!
  • tlynndaniel
    tlynndaniel Posts: 1 Member
    I’m new to MFP (about 3 weeks). I’m old, and just figuring out how it works! At 51 I’m trying to lose weight and get fit. Would love to have accountability friends!
  • amalarangnekar
    amalarangnekar Posts: 15 Member
    Same here, an accountability partner will help in being sincere as well as cultivate a healthy competitive spirit which has helped me get leaner in the past.
  • vidushi2806
    vidushi2806 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I join too? I came to this forum for the same exact thing. I had been on MFP some years ago I had then lost 20-25 lbs. I gained those back now due to depression and PCOD. I have started my journey again and managed to lose 10lbs till now. But suddenly lost motivation in the last month. I need people to held me accountable. I can help you out too.
    Send me a request too all of you.
    Thanks 😘