"Diet"....a four letter word😞

Looking for yummy food ideas and fitness suggestions for a beginner that needs to lose 60 pounds...scared of the word diet....thats why I need healthy suggestions on both topics that make it comfortable and healthy instead of a crisis😄


  • bijarkhan
    bijarkhan Posts: 157 Member
    That totally sounds like me. If I fix something I get to binging/out of control eating until it's finished. I had the intention of making it and storing the food in proportionate tupperware for later. It's like it calls my name 1/2 hour later and I eat the little tub. 1 hour later the other...and so on. That feeling drives me crazy. So now, being back on here for six days....I am trying to fix only one serving at a time. Usually, that is working. After having it with a side and some water. I am full/document it in the food diary/ and don't want to remake it again. I read about Keto, but don't want to have to change my body through ketosis and such. I already have migranes, nausea,etc...so this might be a good way for me. But, I'm glad that you had such success with it!!!!
  • bijarkhan
    bijarkhan Posts: 157 Member
    Oh, I forgot the main reason I read this post......Diet is a four letter word, but MFP is all about a lifestyle change not diet. Eat whatever you want just record it down and try to stick within the calorie guidelines. 100% drinking the goal amount of water really helps.
  • taunto_
    taunto_ Posts: 91 Member
    Hey im4gryffindor (love the username btw), What kind of suggestions are you looking for? MFP encourages you to eat anything and everything in moderations and according to the macros set by you for your own fitness goals. If you're weight lifting, you would need more protein etc and might go for a higher protein and fat diet than lets say a runner would, who might choose to focus on higher carbs. If your goal is to simply lose the weight, just surround yourself with foods that you actually enjoy eating, try and cook more at home so you have more control of the portions and you would know what/how much is going in your plate, try to avoid foods that are irresistible to you (for me, if there is cheesecake, I am eating entire cheesecake). For fitness, same thing. Do activity that you enjoy. I like walking while talking with my wife. So we do that. Plus I weight lift at the gym

    But the most important thing, the absolutely most important thing for any one of us to do is, to stay persistent. You will fail, you will make mistakes, you will get some success and then maybe you will have a huge carb overload night. Its ok. Its human. Just get back up and try again and stay persistent :)

    Hope this helps

    Stay crunchy