To Join a Gym or Not



  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    My gym is 10 bucks a month. I didn't go for the first six months of the membership, but it is always in the back of your mind that it is there.
  • If you have joint issues, try a gym with a pool. exercise in the water is the best! It can be as hard as you want it to be and still be ok for your joints!

  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    It really depends on what your needs are. I workout a home right now using free weights, dvds, and an elliptical simply because the ones that have childcare (dh is deployed) are just too far of a drive with the traffic. Now when he returns I will probably join a gym just to have some me time. I agree that trying out several (if that's an option) to see which one works better for you before joining.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i joined a gym 5 years ago, on a 12 month contract, went about 6 times then quit. the reason was 2 fold.
    a) i really wasnt motivated as i wasnt as big as i am now and b) they werent open at the times i wanted to go. i think we (my wife and i) joined because "it was the thing to do"

    last october i started running, then after dropping about 5kg and stopping, i joine mfp and dropped another 7. Then my wife had a baby and winter set in, so the running stopped and the food watching stopped. i put on about 2kg (which isnt too bad).

    i joined a gym 2 weeks ago and have been 7 times already. i love it. i do my run, and im running harder and faster on the treadmill (yes i know treaddys a phyically easier). but after that i do a rowing machine and then the bike. When i was running on my own i burnt between 300 and 450 depending how far i went (usually 3 - 5km). in one night at the gym im burning between 750 and 900.

    i dont really know what i am doing either. i just jump on the cardio machines and go. dont really have any other aims than spending x minutes on the machine (and reaching speeds for x minutes on the tready). i dont touch the weights cos i have no idea.

    in a couple weeks i will get a couple of PT sessions to get an idea of other things i should. people worry so much about what others at the gym will think, but most of them are to busy doing their own crap.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I wouldnt give up the gym for anything. Such a variety there to keep you going and motivated...weights, cardio equipment, classes. Also watching others in great shape gives me something to aspire to......and I keep going. At home I make excuses but thats just me maybe.
  • Again, I appreciate the feedback from everyone. I have come to the conclusion that joining a gym has its pros and cons (as does everything) and its necessity is dependent upon the needs, goals, and drive of an individual. With this information I think I can now make an informed decision. Thank you so much for all your input.
  • I also disagree that walking is not good exercise - I lost 40 pounds just over 11 years ago by dieting and walking just 20 minutes a day most days. I have also belonged to a gym, which I just canceled because I was never going - it was hard for me to get to, the times for the classes, which I do enjoy, just didn't work for me, and I felt like it was wasting my money. So I'm back to walking - I can certainly fit it into my schedule so much better. If you have cable, look for the free exercise shows you can do at home - I like to do these when it's raining or I just want something different. There are all kinds of work-outs - aerobics, toning, dancing, walking, etc. - I'm sure you could find some to suit you! We have Verizon, and the free exercise videos are under "Exercise TV." I'm pretty sure Comcast has a similar program. Good luck - I think the most important thing, regardless of the type of exercise, is that you just do it!