Starting Orlistat today - how many g of fat and any other advice



  • sam_juggins
    sam_juggins Posts: 45 Member
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I was on Orlistat many years ago. Yes, it dealt with the fat in my diet, but it didn't deal with the sugar and carbs that were also making me put the weight on. It didn't make me change the way I ate, and it didn't help me make different food choices, or understand how my body worked and what I needed to do for it to lose weight.

    Motivation, willpower and being stuck on the toilet every day in pain, leaking oil for an hour, didn't do anything in the long run, either. I know you're desperate, but a quick and temporary fix is just that: temporary. Once you come off the tablets you'll maybe eat less fats, but there's no guarantee your consumption of non-fat calories will change naturally.

    You have to be willing to put in the work of weighing and logging your food, making different choices, eating at a consistent calorie deficit, plodding on when everything seems too hard, and being patient when the scales don't seem to be moving. You can try every diet aid on the planet, and in the long run none of them will work if you don't change your behaviour around food.

    completely agree with this and think the tablets are a complete waste of time, they have had no effect as i don’t have a fatty diet hence why i went to the doctors to see why i wasn’t losing. i think patience is my downfall at the moment i have to accept that when i was younger i could easily lose 2-3lbs a week consistently, now doing the same with more exercise i am lucky to lose 0.5lb-1lb a week, i have to be stricter all of the time to shift a small amount even though i’m the most active iv ever been and that’s just how it is!! i will get there!!!

    to be honest i am disappointed in these tablets, surely people either eat fatty foods and put up with diahreeha after or just eat something fatty and don’t take one to avoid it, i cannot see how they help anyone make better choices with food at all as you say

    In response to the bold type, in your initial post you have had a chocolate bar and salmon both have high fat (salmon has the good fa though).

  • Li5a87MFP
    Li5a87MFP Posts: 63 Member
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I was on Orlistat many years ago. Yes, it dealt with the fat in my diet, but it didn't deal with the sugar and carbs that were also making me put the weight on. It didn't make me change the way I ate, and it didn't help me make different food choices, or understand how my body worked and what I needed to do for it to lose weight.

    Motivation, willpower and being stuck on the toilet every day in pain, leaking oil for an hour, didn't do anything in the long run, either. I know you're desperate, but a quick and temporary fix is just that: temporary. Once you come off the tablets you'll maybe eat less fats, but there's no guarantee your consumption of non-fat calories will change naturally.

    You have to be willing to put in the work of weighing and logging your food, making different choices, eating at a consistent calorie deficit, plodding on when everything seems too hard, and being patient when the scales don't seem to be moving. You can try every diet aid on the planet, and in the long run none of them will work if you don't change your behaviour around food.

    completely agree with this and think the tablets are a complete waste of time, they have had no effect as i don’t have a fatty diet hence why i went to the doctors to see why i wasn’t losing. i think patience is my downfall at the moment i have to accept that when i was younger i could easily lose 2-3lbs a week consistently, now doing the same with more exercise i am lucky to lose 0.5lb-1lb a week, i have to be stricter all of the time to shift a small amount even though i’m the most active iv ever been and that’s just how it is!! i will get there!!!

    to be honest i am disappointed in these tablets, surely people either eat fatty foods and put up with diahreeha after or just eat something fatty and don’t take one to avoid it, i cannot see how they help anyone make better choices with food at all as you say

    In response to the bold type, in your initial post you have had a chocolate bar and salmon both have high fat (salmon has the good fa though).

    as you say salmon is good fat, and the chocolate bar was withing my calorie amount for the day, and after i’d walked 7 miles at work.
    i had no effects after these on the tablets. my daily total of fat for this day was 54g, 10g under my recommended amount according to MFP
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited September 2018
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I have come to the conclusion that these tablets are as pointless as looking for support on here so no more advice needed.
    you tell people you have lost three stone before by creating a calorie defecit and they tell you that you don’t know how to lose weight by creating a calorie defecit...
    i explained that my body is losing weight much more slowly than before and tried these as i had nothing to lose and asked how much fat g to eat to not *kitten* myself while i did so.
    my reference to lettuce was to explain that i was being meticulous with weighing all food to the point where i weighed the least calorie dense food in my diet as well yet somehow i’m adverse to weighing food.
    chances are i am just going to have to accept i’m older, my body does not react to calorie defecit as fast as it use to and it’s going to be a long road to shift any, despite my heavy increase in exercise, a process which would be helped by supportive people who listen.

    So you know you can lose weight when you're in a deficit, and you still are doing but at a slower rate without taking pills that potentially make you shart.

    So why not just keep doing that? Then look into your logging/how you're calculating your calories burnt/whether you need a diet break.

    yep i use to be able to easily lose 2lbs a week on a deficit, this time i am lucky if i lose 0.5 or 1lb a week and it not go back on a few days later, which is frustrating when i’m more careful then ever with my diet and iv increased exercise a hell of a lot.
    i went to the doctors to check it wasn’t medical and i also had all the other symptoms of under active thyroid, they came back clear so must just be because i’m older.
    he gave me tablets and thought why not give them a go but themore iv thought about it i just think they are a waste of time now.
    i have taken them for three days now, i have had no effects other than passing two stools yesterday but they were normal.
    the last three days i have weighed all food, stuck to my calorie limit, had the tablets, low and behold i am up 3lbs this morning for a reason i can’t fathom! i know weight fluctuates daily but it fluctuates up a lot more than it does down! it just seems so difficult! but i will just abandon the tablets i think now and just keep plodding on, i’m sure i will get there eventually!! just going to take a long time i think.

    it will take a while, but then the time will pass anyway...

    just going to leave this here for when you consider the other points i raised:

    also, do you use a trend weight app?

    and you have said a few times that you are 'older', how old is older?

  • the_happy_buddha
    Most family PCPs aren't going to be able to properly instruct you. While they could certainly try, don't rely on them for that. That's just not really their field. Frankly, they know what they need to know to prescribe a medication but pretty much have to rely on the manufacturers dosage instructions, supplied pamphlets or something like UpToDate to provide detailed patient instructions. You should see if you can get a referral for an appointment at a clinic that has a registered dietitian nutritionist(RDN or equivalent) on staff. Your insurance company might have health coaches you can contact that can also guide you down the right path and they might even have resources available for dietary advice. Many people do not capitalize on all the benefits insurance companies provide because they just think of an insurance company as a way to get the bills paid and reduce their out of pocket costs. If your insurance company is paying for the orlistat, they very well might have the resources to get the biggest bang for the buck they are spending in reimbursements to your providers.
  • Li5a87MFP
    Li5a87MFP Posts: 63 Member
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I have come to the conclusion that these tablets are as pointless as looking for support on here so no more advice needed.
    you tell people you have lost three stone before by creating a calorie defecit and they tell you that you don’t know how to lose weight by creating a calorie defecit...
    i explained that my body is losing weight much more slowly than before and tried these as i had nothing to lose and asked how much fat g to eat to not *kitten* myself while i did so.
    my reference to lettuce was to explain that i was being meticulous with weighing all food to the point where i weighed the least calorie dense food in my diet as well yet somehow i’m adverse to weighing food.
    chances are i am just going to have to accept i’m older, my body does not react to calorie defecit as fast as it use to and it’s going to be a long road to shift any, despite my heavy increase in exercise, a process which would be helped by supportive people who listen.

    So you know you can lose weight when you're in a deficit, and you still are doing but at a slower rate without taking pills that potentially make you shart.

    So why not just keep doing that? Then look into your logging/how you're calculating your calories burnt/whether you need a diet break.

    yep i use to be able to easily lose 2lbs a week on a deficit, this time i am lucky if i lose 0.5 or 1lb a week and it not go back on a few days later, which is frustrating when i’m more careful then ever with my diet and iv increased exercise a hell of a lot.
    i went to the doctors to check it wasn’t medical and i also had all the other symptoms of under active thyroid, they came back clear so must just be because i’m older.
    he gave me tablets and thought why not give them a go but themore iv thought about it i just think they are a waste of time now.
    i have taken them for three days now, i have had no effects other than passing two stools yesterday but they were normal.
    the last three days i have weighed all food, stuck to my calorie limit, had the tablets, low and behold i am up 3lbs this morning for a reason i can’t fathom! i know weight fluctuates daily but it fluctuates up a lot more than it does down! it just seems so difficult! but i will just abandon the tablets i think now and just keep plodding on, i’m sure i will get there eventually!! just going to take a long time i think.

    it will take a while, but then the time will pass anyway...

    just going to leave this here for when you consider the other points i raised:

    also, do you use a trend weight app?

    and you have said a few times that you are 'older', how old is older?

    thanks i have never heard the term diet break, will have a look

    i use an app called happy scale and log daily.

    i am 31 now which isn’t that old i know, but the last time i lost weight i was 26 and the time before that 21, the time before that 17, each of these three times i counted calories and each time lost 2-3 stone.

    this time my body seems to be having none of it, is it possible for a body to get ‘meh’ about being in a deficit?

    each time iv gained weight it’s been through depression and comfort eating as a result.
  • Li5a87MFP
    Li5a87MFP Posts: 63 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I have come to the conclusion that these tablets are as pointless as looking for support on here so no more advice needed.
    you tell people you have lost three stone before by creating a calorie defecit and they tell you that you don’t know how to lose weight by creating a calorie defecit...
    i explained that my body is losing weight much more slowly than before and tried these as i had nothing to lose and asked how much fat g to eat to not *kitten* myself while i did so.
    my reference to lettuce was to explain that i was being meticulous with weighing all food to the point where i weighed the least calorie dense food in my diet as well yet somehow i’m adverse to weighing food.
    chances are i am just going to have to accept i’m older, my body does not react to calorie defecit as fast as it use to and it’s going to be a long road to shift any, despite my heavy increase in exercise, a process which would be helped by supportive people who listen.

    So you know you can lose weight when you're in a deficit, and you still are doing but at a slower rate without taking pills that potentially make you shart.

    So why not just keep doing that? Then look into your logging/how you're calculating your calories burnt/whether you need a diet break.

    yep i use to be able to easily lose 2lbs a week on a deficit, this time i am lucky if i lose 0.5 or 1lb a week and it not go back on a few days later, which is frustrating when i’m more careful then ever with my diet and iv increased exercise a hell of a lot.
    i went to the doctors to check it wasn’t medical and i also had all the other symptoms of under active thyroid, they came back clear so must just be because i’m older.
    he gave me tablets and thought why not give them a go but themore iv thought about it i just think they are a waste of time now.
    i have taken them for three days now, i have had no effects other than passing two stools yesterday but they were normal.
    the last three days i have weighed all food, stuck to my calorie limit, had the tablets, low and behold i am up 3lbs this morning for a reason i can’t fathom! i know weight fluctuates daily but it fluctuates up a lot more than it does down! it just seems so difficult! but i will just abandon the tablets i think now and just keep plodding on, i’m sure i will get there eventually!! just going to take a long time i think.

    Since you "increased exercise a hell of a lot", you are likely retaining water. My own scale went up 7 pounds when I started weight lifting again.

    If you are near ovulation or menstruation, you could be retaining water from that as well.

    is this a short term thing as iv been in my active job a year now? or if an ongoing thing how to i get rid of it lol
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    I have come to the conclusion that these tablets are as pointless as looking for support on here so no more advice needed.
    you tell people you have lost three stone before by creating a calorie defecit and they tell you that you don’t know how to lose weight by creating a calorie defecit...
    i explained that my body is losing weight much more slowly than before and tried these as i had nothing to lose and asked how much fat g to eat to not *kitten* myself while i did so.
    my reference to lettuce was to explain that i was being meticulous with weighing all food to the point where i weighed the least calorie dense food in my diet as well yet somehow i’m adverse to weighing food.
    chances are i am just going to have to accept i’m older, my body does not react to calorie defecit as fast as it use to and it’s going to be a long road to shift any, despite my heavy increase in exercise, a process which would be helped by supportive people who listen.

    So you know you can lose weight when you're in a deficit, and you still are doing but at a slower rate without taking pills that potentially make you shart.

    So why not just keep doing that? Then look into your logging/how you're calculating your calories burnt/whether you need a diet break.

    yep i use to be able to easily lose 2lbs a week on a deficit, this time i am lucky if i lose 0.5 or 1lb a week and it not go back on a few days later, which is frustrating when i’m more careful then ever with my diet and iv increased exercise a hell of a lot.
    i went to the doctors to check it wasn’t medical and i also had all the other symptoms of under active thyroid, they came back clear so must just be because i’m older.
    he gave me tablets and thought why not give them a go but themore iv thought about it i just think they are a waste of time now.
    i have taken them for three days now, i have had no effects other than passing two stools yesterday but they were normal.
    the last three days i have weighed all food, stuck to my calorie limit, had the tablets, low and behold i am up 3lbs this morning for a reason i can’t fathom! i know weight fluctuates daily but it fluctuates up a lot more than it does down! it just seems so difficult! but i will just abandon the tablets i think now and just keep plodding on, i’m sure i will get there eventually!! just going to take a long time i think.

    Since you "increased exercise a hell of a lot", you are likely retaining water. My own scale went up 7 pounds when I started weight lifting again.

    If you are near ovulation or menstruation, you could be retaining water from that as well.

    is this a short term thing as iv been in my active job a year now? or if an ongoing thing how to i get rid of it lol

    Oh, if it's been a year disregard exercise water weight.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    How long are you sticking with your plans? Three days here, three days there, isn't really going to show or prove much.
  • alicebhsia1
    alicebhsia1 Posts: 82 Member
    Li5a87MFP wrote: »
    Hi after a year of trying to lose weight and failing, and blood tests that came back clear, I have been prescribed Orlistat.

    Does anyone know

    -how many g of fat is okay to eat without side affects
    -of over okay g of fat how long after eating until side effects appear?

    Today I have eaten a chocolate bar 13g fat and a meal with smoked salmon in it which was another 13g fat...

    my total fat for today is 54g and i have taken a tablet with lunch and a tablet with dinner so far wind but no other side effects...will they come later!?

    thank you for any tips

    no more than 15 gms of fat per meal and make sure you take your vitamin with A, K and one other one I forget which one in it EVERY night or else. I took mine almost every night while taking Alli and I ended up giving myself a vit A definciency anyways. (one sign of it is little bumps on your skin) (And I was only on it for like two months.) I personally wouldn't recommend taking that stuff. It's not worth making yourself sick over. I did lose 20 pounds on it though but I gained it back.
  • Li5a87MFP
    Li5a87MFP Posts: 63 Member
    skram01 wrote: »
    I totally understand how frustrating this all is and how easy it can be to give up. Just so I can have a clearer picture, do you mind telling us your height, current weight, current number of calories you're eating before exercise, and what percentage of your exercise calories your eating back if any? I know you said that you were logging with a scale. How long were you doing that consistently? Also, how much have you lost and over what period of time? I know you've probably answered much if this in bits and pieces. I'm hoping that with all the concrete numbers all together we can help with either numbers or perspective.

    My height is 5 ft 8
    I weigh 18 stone currently although most of this year have stayed between 17 stone 7 and 17 stone 12.
    My fitness pal has calculated my to eat 1600 a day, i eat between 1,300 and 1,600.
    I work with horses so spend four hours, five mornings a week walking, lifting heavy things, pushing heavy wheelbarrows.
    I on these work days burn 2,000-3,000 calories a day according to fitbit.
    i have been doing this for a year.
    i do not eat back calories i burn.
    i admittedly only measured my food for a month or so but only stopped because everything i had been logging was pretty accurate.
    i drink plenty of water.
    i tend to gain around 5lbs at time of the month.
    in the past iv lost weight by calorie counting without weighing anything and whilst working in an office sat down all day, this is where most of my frustration lies.