Pressure to Drink Alcohol and Weight Loss



  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    at least they won't accuse you of being pregnant! HA. That's what I get every time I say "I'm not drinking". I want to say PISS OFF.

    It's up to you, you know? You can find a variety of solutions, just pick the one you feel will be most comfortable for you. Everything in moderation though. Life goes on, even though you're trying to have a healthier lifestyle and lose weight. IF you can make it work into your calories for the weekend, then enjoy a few drinks. It's only 1 weekend of your life. If not, just be honest and tell them you're trying to watch your intake. Or, You can be the bartender and mix other people's drinks, and make your own non-alcoholic beverage. Then nobody will know.

    Good luck with it! Don't stress too much. I'd say, go for a run on the beach either way! Sounds delightful to me. Enjoy yourself, that's most important.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Just my opinion....If the people you are going to hang out with for the weekend are really your friends, they shouldn't pressure you to do anything that is going get you off your diet. You shouldn't feel like you HAVE to drink alcohol to enjoy yourself. Changing your life by eating healthier and working out is good for you, but if you can't live your life and enjoy it...what is it worth?

    If you want to have a drink or is not the end of the world, just make sure you stick to something low calorie and low sugar. Go for the lite beer or use mixers that are not too high in sugar. Something I like to do is alternate drinking water between "adult" drinks. That will limit your calorie intake and help you stay hydrated. The best thing to do is stay away from the adult drinks, but if you can't, everything in moderation, but keep in mind that you don't want to "Undo" everything you have started in one weekend.

    Enjoy you time with your friends and it’s not a bad idea to take that mile or so run on the beach each day as well :)

    We all get that sometimes though. "Are you sure you won't have just ONNNNNEEEEE?" Or "OH, come on, one drink won't kill you"! People think they're being funny, or encouraging you to "live a little", but they don't realize that it's making us uncomfortable.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to have no effect on weight loss. In fact, moderate drinkers tend to weigh less than non drinkers. One thing I like about alcohol, when I have a couple hundred calories left over for the day, it's nice to be able to real and enjoy a beer/cocktail. I wouldn't sweat it, plan for it. If you want to drink, drink, if you don't want to drink, don't drink.

    People associate alcohol with weight gain because they tend to binge eat when they drink, but it's the food, not the alcohol that's actually the problem.

    Of course, I'm in the "camp" that believes in not eliminating any foods that you ordinarily eat when "dieting." It's a lifestyle change, and if I cut out a bunch of things to lose weight, just to go back to eating them again afterward, I'll just gain weight back. The important thing is to learn how to incorporate those foods into your daily life in a healthier way.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I just started this weight loss journey and have stayed clear to my diet and workout routine so far. However, I was invited to a shore house this weekend(going Thurday night to Sunday mourning) and will be expected to drink. I kinda have to go because it will be the last time I will see these people for a while. Worst part is that I will be pressured to drink. What to do?

    1. Do I sip on one beer the whole night?

    2. Do I take 3 shots and just drink water?

    3. Do I have a few beers and jog a mile on the beach in the morning and at night.

    Are there any good ways to handle these situations?

    i would go with option 3, as to me, this is a lifestyle change, and while i want to be more healthy, eat better and lose a bit of weight, i also want to have a good time with my friends, and get p*ssed once in a while!!

    i have found i dont drink as much these days, mainly because i will eat everything in sight if i am hungover, so drink to moderation, throw in a bit of exercise & most importantly, enjoy!!!

    I agree with this as well. But... you are totally in control and you have to determine what is most important to you. But... again... this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, and... it's OK to have "the forbidden" in moderation, as long as you compensate with exercise, etc.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    have a soft drink and tell everyone it's a mixed drink (if you have to tell them anything). i.e., rum and coke, gin and tonic, etc.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Well... I'm confused by your post. Do you want to drink? If you want to, just go for it. Don't overdo it, but have a good time and try not to eat a bazillion food when you have the drunchies.

    People will disagree I think but this is a lifestyle change so if you want the occasional drinking night with your buddies at the lake house or whatever, then do that. And if you can get exercise in while you are there as well, GREAT! (But be careful to drink PLENTY of water so you don't get dehydrated. Like, plenty.)

    Great response. Exactly what I was thinking.

    If you tend to drink with friends then completely cutting it out of your diet isn't the smartest thing (unless you are ultimately trying to not drink again). Just be mindful of what you are drinking. Going over on your calories a day or two never killed anyone, it's just good to know exactly what it is you are putting in your body.

    Education is more important than blindly following the numbers, imo.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I'd volunteer to be the designated driver and on ONE of those nights I'd go all out. If they're your friends they should respect & praise you for going on this weight loss journey and not pressure you into drinking every.. single ... night. Just sayin :)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    This is a bit of a bone of contention within my group of friends too - they think nothing of having a couple of cans (usually more) of beer in the evenings and prior to my journey with MFP I was joining them.

    I went out on Sunday with them for a bit, had one drink (gin and slimline tonic) and stuck to diet coke the rest of the time. I suppose it will be harder when this is a vacation with the specific intention of drinking, but I like the idea of having one beer and filling up with water throughout!

    I'm sure a brief conversation just stating that you are looking to drop some pounds and don't really fancy drinking will go down fine though.
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    I would agree with others who are wondering whether or not you WANT to drink. If you want to drink, because you enjoy it, then you by all means should. Get a little workout in earlier in the day and stick with a drink or two and you'll be golden. I personally love to drink as a social activity with my friends and its not something I am willing to give up to lose weight. Just gotta work around it. IF however, you don't want to drink period, then you should be able to tell your friends that.
  • eecain
    eecain Posts: 1
    I'd sip on a liquor drink ... preferably vodka with club soda... not too many calories there.
  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    once in a while is nothing. do what makes you happy. you can get back to the routine tomorrow.
  • NanaDebby
    NanaDebby Posts: 17 Member
    This is a hard one. Especially in the summer when all we seem to do is socialize...which usually involves drinking. I totally agree with everyone who said that it has to be your choice. What works for me might not work for you. And it might be hit and miss until you find out exactly what does work for you.
    Personally.......I try to fit a few drinks on the weekend into my calorie count. I enjoy having a margarita or an iced cold beer on a hot summer day....not willing to give that up. And so far it has worked for me.
    The tip about filling your empty beer bottle with water is sheer genius! I will definitley be trying that one. I have also stuck a lime or lemon in my water to make it look like a cocktail. Another thing I have done (this works well at the beach)....bring your "to go" cup with you. You know, your big coffee cup or some sort of cup with a lid. No one has any idea what is inside and if they can't see what your are (or aren't) drinking, they usually don't bother asking.
    I also like the suggestion of fitting in a run on the beach or a long hike or walk. You might even inspire someone else to go along with you. Above everything else......relax and have fun!!!:drinker:
  • plnxx
    plnxx Posts: 1 Member
    How about I switch this topic up a bit.

    First, an article about low-cal cocktails

    I understand that we are all here to ultimately loose weight, but should it be at the price of denying ourselves? I must assert my hedonistic claim, "no!" Have your sweet sin whether it be chocolate, a rich coffee or alcoholic beverage. If it is in moderation I see no evil in it.

    As for the topic of alcohol, opt for low calorie drinks such as wine, light beers or drinks mixed with tonic water or diet coke.

    I hope this provided some help. Enjoy your evening and try to to succumb to drinking out of obligation or peer pressure. In my opinion, situations are much more pleasant when we follow our desire, not that of others.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I'm in a similar situation tomorrow night when I have to go out to a happy hour with work friends. However, they've all been very supportive of my weight loss journey so I don't think they'll pressure me. The problem will more likely be me: I'd like to have a beer or two (or even better, a frozen margarita) and I love the tortilla chips that are constantly refilled and placed on the table. I'm trying to prepare myself by exercising more this week and eating a light lunch tomorrow. I may go over my calorie limit tomorrow, but on Friday I will be right back at it again.
  • Do whatever YOU want to do. I went away for a weekend and cheated a lot one day of it. I still lost 3 #, probably because I got up @ 5 am and did an 8 mile run the Friday we left, and watched it closely when i came home. Have fun. If people are really pressuring you to drink, let them know you will do keg stands the next night if they get up and do a 5am run with you in the morning.
  • you have options, extra light beer such as canadian 67, blue 55 or sleemans clear...also a shot of hard liq like gin and diet tonic.... all under 100 calories :) you still can indulge :) add some extra activity to your day to give you some wiggle room... dont deny yourself, just choose wisely :)