So much food at work!



  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    If you make a rule to live by, such as the one mentioned about only eating what you bring in, it makes life easier for me, and might for you.

  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    At my office, it's the stuff that is always and/to regularly around that I have to watch. Once a month or so special events are generally not what cause weight problems.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    I find making hard and fast rules for myself works. Like no eating at food courts in malls, or at sporting events, never go through fast food. Those absolutes really keep me skinny now. I have my own business and am not subject to that kind of work environment. But you may just want to make a rule...that only your food you pack is what you eat at work. Good job in staying away from all that!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I find making hard and fast rules for myself works. Like no eating at food courts in malls, or at sporting events, never go through fast food. Those absolutes really keep me skinny now. I have my own business and am not subject to that kind of work environment. But you may just want to make a rule...that only your food you pack is what you eat at work. Good job in staying away from all that!

    Yes to the hard and fast rules! That's how I got to my goal weight. And I am not going to blow it. But it was certainly extra tempting to have those snacks right in front of me all day. Next time, I plan to move seats.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing? Move over people......
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    I can totally avoid the waiting snacks and tempatations as 1) I don't usually find them THAT appealing, and 2) they are usually in the "break room."

    Harder thing for me to deal with are all the lunch/meal smells - even our break room is open to the rest of the office (around the corner from my desk, but no dividing walls between that and office space), PLUS, a lot of people eat at their desk.

    Even if I otherwise wouldn't be that hungry, smelling some great meals can make me think I'm hungry.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I find making hard and fast rules for myself works. Like no eating at food courts in malls, or at sporting events, never go through fast food. Those absolutes really keep me skinny now. I have my own business and am not subject to that kind of work environment. But you may just want to make a rule...that only your food you pack is what you eat at work. Good job in staying away from all that!

    I've only recently come to this same notion, and it's turning out to be a winning strategy for me. It occurred to me that I don't want to have to make endless treat decisions in the spur of the moment based on the attractiveness of the temptation and risk making my success dependent on my mood or how tired I might be feeling. I'd much rather make a single all-encompassing decision, basically a rule, in advance and just live by it. I tell myself that I can revisit the subject when I'm at maintenance. (Edited to add: I just noticed that this is in the Maintenance category. I'm still in the losing part of my journey.)

    I'm the employee tasked with buying the office candy and putting it in the bowls for our unit, and I admit that there used to be a kind of a fox in the hen house thing going on. Since making my no-food except what I bring from home rule, I've had no problem with handling the free candy. Before making the rule, it was a daily 50-cal (min) indulgence, and probably accounted for around 500 calories every week. I didn't even savour the treat anymore.

    Meal planning and advance meal prepping on the weekend has helped with my reliance on fast food.
    Unplanned impulse fast food purchases/consumption in 2018? None. :)

    Inspiring post!
    I made it all last week eating nothing but what I'd brought to work. It felt great to have that decision already made.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    When folks ask why I'm not having any, I explain that I am allergic, (pause), it makes me fat
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I make it a policy the only things I eat at work are things I bring. Except for a team lunch maybe once a quarter at a local restaurant.
  • cyncm
    cyncm Posts: 33 Member
    The mini candy bars turned into a compulsive habit last year especially because I am last to leave most days. I have lost 55 lbs and a big part of it was kicking the sugar addiction. Now I don't even think they look good to eat! I will have a tiny slice of birthday cake if it doesn't look too sweet. It helps that oir office has vegans who end up with a fruit tray sometimes. And of course what makes this work for me is bringing my own lunch every day and having a protein bar on hand if I need a snack. Simply bars are equal protein and carbs!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I have had to develop hard and fast rules while at work:

    - No candy (once you get in the habit it's so hard to stop)
    - No donuts (mostly, they're just cheap DD donuts which aren't all that good)
    - No cookies (the ones from our caterer at work are pretty disappointing, anyway.)
    - Almost every day I bring my own lunch
    - I stock my own snacks (I like Kind bars, which have fewer carbs)
  • hopeful4ky
    hopeful4ky Posts: 4 Member
    This happens to me after there are agility trials at the building I teach at. The next day, there are pastries and candies everywhere!!! The building owner and I are both focused on losing weight, so I work hard to get it out the door. I have taken to taking some next door to the car shop to share, sending it home with my young students who I know love sweets, and reminding each class to have some before they leave. I hate having to look at it!
  • DiabeticDer
    DiabeticDer Posts: 21 Member
    My job does the same. If they can find a way to have a party, however small that reason they will. And party=potluck. We've had 5 full fledged parties and 3 smaller cake only parties in the past few months. It's like a catch 22, don't go and people think you're anti-social or go and torture/exercise your self control skills.

    I am the party/event/ catering coordinator for my office. I have to plan monthly birthday celebrations. Since I've started reducing my carbs 5 months ago we have had smoothies, ice cream, slushies, whoopie pies and cupcake parties! Plus like many of you we have a massive chocolate candy bowl in our Reception area. I am proud to say that I have not given into any of these temptations!! My co-workers were sensitive to my new way of eating and rather than having a birthday cake for me they brought in berries, whipped cream and angel food cake for my birthday!
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Whenever someone gets really pushy about food that I don't want I tell them, "I just brushed my teeth so it'll just taste like mint, ew. I'll grab some later when the flavor is gone. " Never had a problem with that one.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,677 Member
    My old workplace was like that. Any excuse to bring in cakes. Birthdays, birthdays of offspring, returning from vacation or maturity leave, going on vacation or sabbatical, x years in the department, project completed on time, even resignations. Birthday cake I get. But resignation cake?
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    we always have a big sams club box of mini york peppermint patties in the break area at work. I can avoid those easy. But when larry brings in his 92 year old mothers homemade peanut butter fudge every couple months you bet im making room for it! lol
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    ktekc wrote: »
    we always have a big sams club box of mini york peppermint patties in the break area at work. I can avoid those easy. But when larry brings in his 92 year old mothers homemade peanut butter fudge every couple months you bet im making room for it! lol

    OMG, peppermint patties!! I would have to find a new job. Think I would pass on the fudge though.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited September 2018
    nowine4me wrote: »
    ktekc wrote: »
    we always have a big sams club box of mini york peppermint patties in the break area at work. I can avoid those easy. But when larry brings in his 92 year old mothers homemade peanut butter fudge every couple months you bet im making room for it! lol

    OMG, peppermint patties!! I would have to find a new job. Think I would pass on the fudge though.

    We have those around a lot. The good news is that they start to become nothing special. That's also the bad news. What is worse for me is when they switch it up a lot. "ooh - I haven't had one of those in a while" and if you don't grab one they will be gone. Sometimes I will grab a few snack size candies and toss them in a drawer and it will last weeks (mixing it up with other stuff).