5'7 women

for all you women who are on this journey that are 5'7 what is your current weight and ur weight goal. also any other advice or info you would like to share. I am 24 yr old mother of 2. i weigh 130lbs and my goal is 120lbs. I absolutely LOVE zumba. i also use the treadmill lift weights and do hip hop abs. i am currently set to lose 1lb a week but have not lost any weight in months so am considering switching to half a pound a week..................what about YOU?


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9, and my currently weight is 155.. goal 150, but ultimate goal is 140.

    With ten pounds till your goal, you prob. go could down to half a pound a week. I know that the closer I get, the more that I need to eat.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Hi. I am 5'7" and I weigh 161.
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 22 and 5'7" and my current/goal weight is 147 lb., I'm large framed, so this is the weight I chose to be ideal for me and makes me comfortable =) I started 162 lb. almost a year ago and I'm currently focusing on loosing belly fat and toning with cardio 3 times per week and strength training 2 times
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    5'7". Currently 132, goal 128-130. I think 120 is REALLY skinny for someone our height....
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Wow, are you really small framed? 120 is pretty thin for 5'7" It is technically in healthy BMI but right at the bottom.

    I'm 5'7" currently 169lbs and my goal is 159 right now (my dream weight was 142 and I was 18 and really fit then), medium framed, hourglass shaped, always had boobs. I started here last August at 242lbs!!

    Remember that it's important to not only lose fat but build muscle and that 130 well toned looks better than 120 flabby. Once I am at 159 or under the scale really doesn't matter to me, only how I look and my measurements.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I'm 26, 5'7", hourglass shape and currently 180.8. My goal range is 145-150. I've been that in the past and was a nice size 8. I don't know that I could really get much smaller than that as even then I had my friend and brother telling me "don't lose too much" or the ever popular "you need a sammich" lol. I'd be happy with a fit 145-150... I was at a good weight before, but I just needed to firm up what I had then.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    I am 5'7'' too and now at 128 lb, my fav weight is 119-121 lb but I have small frame. I love zumba too, as well as running and cycling class sometimes. Now I am working on getting more lean mass. SO I do a lot of muscle training, boot camp, weights etc. I actually gain 2 lb back... went down to 128 from 126 2 weeks ago (but from original 129). I think it is my training. So now I am @1350 cc per day, did not see the difference between 1200 or 1350 cc. Trying to eat more protein... but I need to be patient and I am not going to check the scale for 3 weeks, just measurements, I already lost 2 inches from my butt, 2 inches each thigh , 2.5 inches off my stomach and 1 inch from my chest ( I wish that one would stay :)))
  • I'm 5'7, 30 yrs old and no kids. Currently 124 lbs, and started off at 129 lbs in June. My calorie intake goal is 1200, which is a challenge! I recommend cardio, cardio cardio such as cycling and kickboxing classes, or the Les Mills classes (if you have gym membership) and using the cybex and elliptical machines. Make sure you spend a few minutes stretching everyday.

    I LOVE to eat and have my splurges, so I just have to balance it with working out 4 times a week for 45-60 min. Keep in mind you've had 2 kids and you're at 130lbs. Way to go! I hope Im in your shoes after I have kids.

    Hang in there and remember portion control, more raw fruits aqnd veggies, LOTS of water! You'll start seeing results soon.
  • I'm 5'7"ish, 28 years old and my current weight is 149. My goal is also 120. I tend to hoover between 125-130 by not doing a whole lot and used to be able to maintain 120 with moderate effort in the gym.

    I was 125 when I got pregnant and gained 50 lbs! EEK! My little one is now 3 months and it is time for this momma to get back into her clothes!

    I hear that 120 (and even 130) is a low weight at our height all the time, but I really don't think it is! I was under 125 until I was 24 and never looked skinny much less too skinny. I lied on my drivers license-the opposite direction-I said 130 even though it was more like 120.

    To lose weight, I am eating better, being more active at work and doing the 30 Day Shred DVD. I will probably add some extra walks and cardio.
  • I also agree that toned at 130 is better than flabby at 120.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    what is a good way to tone your stomach? i do crunches but im not convinced they help?
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow, are you really small framed? 120 is pretty thin for 5'7" It is technically in healthy BMI but right at the bottom.

    I'm 5'7" currently 169lbs and my goal is 159 right now (my dream weight was 142 and I was 18 and really fit then), medium framed, hourglass shaped, always had boobs. I started here last August at 242lbs!!

    Remember that it's important to not only lose fat but build muscle and that 130 well toned looks better than 120 flabby. Once I am at 159 or under the scale really doesn't matter to me, only how I look and my measurements.

    OMG calm down people.. stop harmping on her for her goal weight. she obviously knows it's at the bottom of the BMI, and it IS still a healthy weight, so CALM downn lol... she could go as low as 118, and she would still be a "healthy weight"
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I also agree that toned at 130 is better than flabby at 120.

    what even is this? but toned at 120 is better than flabby at 130...

    SHE HAS A HEALTHY GOAL, so stop wasting your energy trying to tell her to not lose any weight and to get "toned"... You have to lose weight to actually looks toned. Lower body fat percent = easier to see definition = "toned"...

    I am down to around 14% body fat, and that happened because I LOST weight. I have only gained 1 pound of muscle for the whole 15 pounds I have lost ;D

    gooo for it girl!
  • I am 36, 5'7" and currently 122. ( 3 kids) . I am up from 117, where my husband thought I looked morbidly skinny.
    I eat 1200 cals, and do 5x a week at 60 min on arc trainer, treadmill or elliptical, and 1x a week with a trainer doing strength.
    I want to get back down to around 119, which is where I feel I look best.

    Jillian's 6wk 6 pack is awesome for abs! Also the way you eat is key to a lean stomach! My trainer says do as many crunches as you want but unless you eat clean there's only so much you can do.

    Good luck!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I would suggest going to a half pound a week. But you need to give it time to work. 4-6 week. I eat a ton (I net around 2000 on average) and have lost 7lbs in 2 months.

    And no, sadly you can't "tone" away a flabby belly. Overall body fat loss is what you need, but you do need to concentrate on maintaining as much muscle as possible. This is what weight training and having a small calorie deficit will do for you.

    However, be aware that some mothers will never get a perfect stomach back. A lot of us have extra skin and/or separated muscles. It sucks but such is life. But my stomach is getting pretty nice. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones too. You never know until you try, and trying will just make you healthy so why not.

    And no, I don't think your goal is too low. I'm 5'9" and my goal is 145 but I am med-large framed.
  • I am 5'7" and I have been stagnant as far as the scale is concerned. I have been focusing on other things like health and exercise. I have weighed 166 for weeks. Today I did see 165 on the scale, but I won't own it just yet. :)
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'7'' and 120ish-I'm also 21- If i were older and had kids though I'd be stoked (i.e. very happy) to be 130! I'm also saying this because my mom gained loads after children. But she also has a thyroid problem that she didn't get help for until much later.

    Any ways- I used to weigh 108 pounds. 108 is probably too thin - I think you have an excellent goal weight- If you would feel happier being that size go for it! I believe I maintain eating 1,400ish-netting 1,000-1,200 with exercise. But I'm not sure- last week I averaged 1,600 the week before 1,100.

    I like being 120/118-I'm in no rush to change.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'6. Currently 126lbs goal weight 118lbs. Mom of a 3yr old boy. The last 10 are the hardest!
  • I also agree that toned at 130 is better than flabby at 120.

    what even is this? but toned at 120 is better than flabby at 130...

    SHE HAS A HEALTHY GOAL, so stop wasting your energy trying to tell her to not lose any weight and to get "toned"... You have to lose weight to actually looks toned. Lower body fat percent = easier to see definition = "toned"...

    I am down to around 14% body fat, and that happened because I LOST weight. I have only gained 1 pound of muscle for the whole 15 pounds I have lost ;D

    gooo for it girl!

    In the post directly above that I defended her goal and said that it was my goal as well. It is possible to be 5'7" and a flabby 120 so yes a toned 130 is healthier and more attractive (as a general statement nothing to do with OP)--I was agreeing with another poster.
  • katyk00
    katyk00 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'7", 27 years old and currently weigh 147 lbs and my goal is 140. What really helped me out was upping my cals, MFP had me at 1340 but I seemed to gain/lose the same 3-5 lbs. I upped my activity level to "Lightly Active" from "sedentary" and started eating around 1500 and dropped below 150 finally. I do my cardio and strength training each week and the balance seems to work out really well. Also, I broke down my meals so that I eat every 2-3 hours the trainer at work says that helps your metabolism stay up. Good Luck and keep up the awesome work