People cannot visualize reasonable portion sizes

I had an interesting situation at work today. I teach and each month we have a faculty luncheon. Staff brings food and we have a day of food and feasting.

I was eating with a coworker and they made a comment I found really interesting. The person looked at my plate of food and commented, "It must be hard to be on a diet with all of this food around." The comment was innocent. Here's the funny thing though - I had gone through the food line and served myself what I now consider a healthy portion of food. I probably packed away a 500-600 calorie lunch. That's more than I normally eat at lunch by a good margin. It's not a "diet" for me. I have just learned how to judge a reasonable portion for my calorie goals.

What I realized as I scanned the lounge was that most people were eating portions of food including dessert that probably totaled 1,000-1500 calories or even more. These same people whine to me about how they can't lose weight. What they don't understand is just how much they are eating. I used to be among them until I started weighing and logging my food.

Have you had any similar experiences?



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Oh yeah, I always notice the portions people pile on their plate and know the reason why they are overweight - people need educated on portion size.
    I was one who used to not give a second thought to portion sizes, hence why I was overweight ...until MFP and starting to weigh my food.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    I have that all the time with myself. When I go out, I look at the portions that are served to me in restaurants or pubs and always think that they seem really small, then I don't manage to eat it all and I realise quite how much food there was.

    I know myself that I suck at judging portions for things, but it's these situations that really hit home as to quite how bad I am.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Yeah, correct portion sizes are really an eye opener and most people don't realize how much they are eating.
    It is truly an educational process.
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I've had a couple of people close to me ask for my opinion on what they can do to lose weight. Both insist they hardly eat anything. Based on meals I share with them, I suspect all their portions are terribly oversized, but both refuse to even log, forget about using a food scale. But there's not much to advise them on if they aren't willing to consider that their perception is skewed.

    I see this a lot with co-workers. They complain about weight gain and feeling like poo but never change their eating habits, reduce stress, and exercise. When we go out for lunch they always make the same crappy food choices and wonder why they can't lose weight.