Creepy stories, anyone?



  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    Bumpity bump
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    All of these stories give me the chills! I have never personally experienced anything paranormal. But, about 10 years ago, I was in an abusive relationship and was at my lowest point emotionally. Really, so deep in depression that I couldn't see a way out. I was sobbing and praying in despair one evening, and my sister called me on the phone from a different state worried about me. She said she had been taking a shower when something like tunnel vision came over her, and she knew she needed to call me right away. She had no idea I had been going through some stuff, so it was kind of a weird sixth sense on her part.

    Here's a story that happened to a good friend of mine (I changed the names). Susan's daughter Mary had committed suicide. Susan knew that in the year leading up to her death, that Mary had been pregnant and had terminated the pregnancy. But, Susan was against abortion, and never asked more about it. After Mary died, Susan said she would have dreams with Mary in them comforting her. She said in one dream Mary told her she was sorry about the babies. Susan asked her what babies? Mary said that she had aborted twins. When Susan awoke, she called Mary's cousin who Mary was really close with, and the cousin said that Mary had been pregnant with twins, but no one had ever told Susan this information.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.

    I remember one terrifying time in my life. The house we lived in was haunted. I was about 6 years old, and these spirits would talk to me out of the TV static. They finally pulled me through into the TV, and the only way I could communicate with my parents was through the TV. It was creepy. Things would fly off the walls of our shelves, and toys would come to life (my brothers' clown doll tried to kill him). Finally, my parents (who bear an uncanny resemblance to Jobeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson) found a psychic to purge the house of the poltergeists. It turns out, our house and neighborhood were built on an ancient indian buriel ground. So, we ended up moving. But, the house we moved to was in Amityville, NY. It wasn't much had been the sight of a grisly mass murder....
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.

    no wonder u dont remember anything after that, that is messed up i hope that something supernatural didnt take their lifes thats freaky
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I just thought of another. One time my best friend and I were house sitting for a family friend. We were sleeping in one room together because we were both babies and scared of the dark (shut up!) Anyway, Casi asked me why I didn't put the dogs in their cages before we went to bed, and I told her that I had. So she says, "Well, do they have any cats?" They did not. She screamed and ran to turn on the light, and when I asked her what was wrong she said she had felt something heavy get on the bottom of her bed and sit next to her. At first I thought she was dreaming, but this was maybe 5 minutes after we had laid down, probably around 3 am. I calmed her down and we turned off the light and laid back down. Not even 2 minutes later, we heard this weird scratching on the carpet, almost like nails or something. So we turned the light on again, and there was an old rusty screw lying in the middle of the floor that had not been there previously (we cleaned the room we were staying in, and we would have noticed it and stepped on it if it was there.) Casi got freaked out and threw it across the room, and I saw it land behind the TV stand and very clearly looked at it there. My brother heard her scream so he came in and asked what was wrong, so we told him. He asked where we had thrown the screw and I told him. He went to pick it up, but it wasn't there. So we looked all over for it, and we went into the hallway for a brief moment to see if it ended up there, and when we got back in the screw was back in the middle of the floor where we had found it the first time. At this point all 3 of us are creeped out, so I go to call my mom (we lived just around the corner, but our neighborhood was not good enough that we wanted to walk home.) As soon as I picked up the cell an unknown number called. I ignored it and it kept calling back. When they finally stopped calling I called my mom to come get us and she picked up on the first ring. Apparently, she was just about to call anyway because she had woken up with the feeling that something was wrong. When we went to leave, we turned all the lights off and double checked everything. When we got in the car though, we saw a light flick on. We just freaking left it on. Weird, eh?
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    WE were out to dinner one night and my then 4 yr old daughter very clearly looks over the left shoulder of her Dad sitting across from her and says, "Do you like my drawing PePaw?" Pepaw was my husband's Dad who had past away a couple of months before.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.

    no wonder u dont remember anything after that, that is messed up i hope that something supernatural didnt take their lifes thats freaky

    sej1990, may I suggest you watch a movie called, "When a Stranger Calls" at your convenience?
  • liza27201424
    i was at a pub waiting for some friends
    and some what looked like 85 year old guy came up to me in a really creepy way
    and was like may I take this seat, im all like uhhh no and than he like walks away looking at me the whole time
    i was like omg get me outta here
  • msmith5251s
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.

    I remember one terrifying time in my life. The house we lived in was haunted. I was about 6 years old, and these spirits would talk to me out of the TV static. They finally pulled me through into the TV, and the only way I could communicate with my parents was through the TV. It was creepy. Things would fly off the walls of our shelves, and toys would come to life (my brothers' clown doll tried to kill him). Finally, my parents (who bear an uncanny resemblance to Jobeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson) found a psychic to purge the house of the poltergeists. It turns out, our house and neighborhood were built on an ancient indian buriel ground. So, we ended up moving. But, the house we moved to was in Amityville, NY. It wasn't much had been the sight of a grisly mass murder....

    haha, :]
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    This isn't as creepy as it awesome.

    Watch this video to see the story of a muslim's encounter with Jesus.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    When I was a littler kid, back in the 60's, we had a peeping tom. Turned out he was a local college student that got off on peeping, being discovered and then eluding.

    Down the street we had a family. The Father was named Blackie Boomer. No kidding. He was a retired Catcher for a trapeze act in the circus. He also owned his own TV repair shop and rode a Harley, but that's many other stories.

    Anyway, Blackie's wife was walling down the hallway one evening when she heard a noise coming from the den. She turned on the light. Nothing there. There was a large indoor plant blocking the window that opened to the back yard. She stepped up and couldn't see anything. She reached up and moved the plant to one side and was staring straight in to the face of the peeper. About 6 inches away separated wy glass. She p*ssed herself and yelled "BLACKIE !!"

    That's her creepy story.

    The Peeper's story starts when he ran around the side of the house and came face to face with Blackie. I forgot to mention that Blackie looked like Charles Bronson covered in tats. He was scary looking and massive. He came running around the house from the garage where he was working on his Harley.

    We didn't have 911 back then. Blackie's wife called the police directly and they came and picked up the pieces of the Peeper.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    The kids died, by the way.

    WHAT??? This conclusion needs more elaboration!

    Best thread in a long time BTW!!!
  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    I enjoyed reading all the stories posted so far. Here's mine:

    My sister and I went to The Menger hotel downtown to look at it and take pictures since it's so old. Well, we'd heard about it being haunted and decided to walk up and down the halls to see if we'd hear/smell/see anything unusual. After we decided we weren't gonna have a haunting experience we decided to leave but when we got to the main hall/rotunda area (I don't know what else to call it) we smelled cigar smoke. Now, we'd been walking all through the hotel and we never saw or heard anyone else. Let alone, anyone actually smoking inside the hotel.....