exercise injuries and no help from my Dr

I try and walk,...that's it. Simple, you'd think. My herinated disks hurt like #%@! when I walk and I keep going. But my RE-OCCURING shin splints are what is holding me back the most. When I can afford it, I'm going to a physical therapiist for $30 a visit to see if they can help me. I eat more when I don't exercise! I'm getting extrememly depressed over this. I've done what my Dr told me to do for them, & it didn't work. Any one had them re-occuring and got over it and found ways to prepare your body so it doesn't happen over and over. I'm pretty damn heavy and that doesn't help I know......Amy in florida By the way, I HAVE lost weight, ...just haven't weighed since July an dwon't get to weigh now until another month due to finances where I can afford the appt at the surgeon's office.(Primary Drs scale is old fashioned and doesn't go high enough...so that shouuld tell you how heavey I truely am---discusting.


  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    Sorry to hear all the pain you're going through. :frown: Do you have access to a stationary bike? You may be able to find one on Freecycle.org if you keep checking.
  • alm_kee
    alm_kee Posts: 5
    My problem is also that I live on SSDI and don't have any extra $$$ to purchase much too. That is a drawback!
  • lilcuteness
    lilcuteness Posts: 11 Member
    Ugh! I get shin splints very easily, too! Have you tried those new shape up shoes? I know they don't really tone the body like they claim, but my friend said they were wonderful for her shin splints. Also, go swimming! If you are self-conscious about a swim suit, do what my friends and I do--wear boy's surf shorts! I love it...no worrying about a bad shave job or thighs rubbing together!
    One last thing...if your doctor isn't helping you, he's standing in your way. You might consider a sports medicine (orthopedic) doctor. I love mine! He doesn't want to just shoot me up with cortisone, he actually wants to heal the underlying cause. Plus, he advised me to try acupuncture, and that guy is amazing. Oh! and he uses sports tape (also called athletic tape) and it is brilliant. Here's a link (or you can just google "sports tape for shin splints") about using the tape to heal and prevent shin splints:

    Good luck & don't be so hard on yourself! If you do want to eat, grab some dried strawberries (preferably organic)...makes me feel happy and I don't blow my diet if I eat the whole bag! : )
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    yeah definitely take a look at freecycle, i would suggest swimming but it you're anything like me the thought of wearing a costume in public terrifies me!
    Try googling some upper body exercises, maybe by doing that you can kick start your weightloss journey? I presume that as you lose weight your injuries would improve as less burden on them.
    Sorry i can't be if more use, i hope someone comes along to offer you better advice. Good luck x
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    jenfunfur reminded me: you can easily grab a couple of equally heavy objects (shoes, boots, cans, etc), sit on the couch or stand and start doing a "punching" motion. When you get tired, start lifting your hands over your head, up and down. You WILL work up a sweat quickly and you WILL burn calories.
  • alm_kee
    alm_kee Posts: 5
    You've all come up with various, good, substitutes for walking and shin splints. Some of them, I might be able to take advantage of in a bit. I used to swim laps when I was about 15 yrs younger and on occasion, I''d swim for an hour and a half...Maybe when I shed about 140 lbs, I might see if I can afford to go back to the pool at UNF and pay by the day with the other senior citizens and older adults. I REALLY want to loose weight bad this time around. Back in 2001 --- 20002, I shed 81 lbs and felt great until I gained all it back :-(
    Just saying and ramblig on,..sorry. Thank you all very much for your time in reading my post and taking time and interest to reply. I appreciate each and every one of your comments!!!!! Good luck to you all in your quest for weight loss / fitness...!..............Amy
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm sure your doctor has checked your shin splints are muscular and not a stress fracture, in which case there's lots you can do to keep walking.

    If you can afford them, get proper walking shoes, not generic fashion trainers. The shape-up types help some people BUT they work by introducing instability which can actually cause injuries to others, so be careful. Gel insoles in your regular shoes can reduce the impact which can be a cause.

    Check your walking style - shin splints are often caused by an exaggerated heel-toe action, so lifting your toe repeatedly uses that front muscle. Use a relaxed step and shorted your stride if necessary.

    I expect you doctor has told you to rest and use SSRIs. Also ice the affected area regularly for 15 minutes every hour over the course of the evening.

    To strengthen the muscles, draw out the alphabet with the toes of each foot in turn while sitting down. To stretch them, kneel down with your feet under you and lean back.

    I hope some of these ideas help!