I'm young but I decided to make a change.

Hey there. I'm Andrea and I am only 5'1. I used to be the skinniest child in our family but I've grown to be the biggest. My parents also exercise so I have much motivation. I changed my way of eating and lounging around snacking out of boredom because I have health issues and it's due to my weight. I started out by being 152 in June. By July, I went to the doctor's and I was 149. I'm trying so hard to get to 115 because thats how much I should weigh for my age and height. I LOVE SPORTS and I plan to keep using MFP because I have seen so many success stories I plan to keep going! Nice to meet everyone and after 5 weeks I will post pictures. Bye for now (:


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    kudos on picking a reasonable goal, and for starting to learn healthy habits young! It will help you as you get older for sure :) I started at 15!
  • dreabearxo
    Thank you. I plan to stay strong and not give up! (:
  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    It's never too early to start learning how to make the right choices!
    You'll do great and feel even greater!
  • maxamilliond
    I am 15 right now, and started a few months ago! it has worked great for me so far, I hope all goes well for you (:
  • dreabearxo
    I am 15 right now, and started a few months ago! it has worked great for me so far, I hope all goes well for you (:

    thank you (:
  • dreabearxo
    It's never too early to start learning how to make the right choices!
    You'll do great and feel even greater!

    thank you!