How often should you go to the gym

Hi peeps,

I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks now and I have to say I'm really enjoying it (I never thought I would say that) !!
What do you think is a reasonable amount of time to go? I've been going every other day and alternating between swimming, cardio and weights. I also want to start some classes as well.
I went last night and I did a fair amount of cardio, I was going to go to a class tonight (Body Combat) but my legs are quite achy so I think I need a night off, the trouble is I feel quite guilty about not going.
Is 4 times a week good do you think? I'm not an obsessive person, just curious as to what you all think.


  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    In case you become an obsessive person, take at least one day off a week. Otherwise, just take it slow and easy, while still pushing yourself, and you'll do better than you could imagine.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I find it is best for me to go daily, but try to take one day off. That way it seems to 'stick' as a good habit, and it functions to reinforce and motivate my other good habits.

    You need to go 3-4 times a week, really, to feel health benefits.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    When you're starting out, take two days a week off, but you might want to make them active rest - go for a brisk lunchtime walk, for instance.

    Also, look at your goals. Your routine will keep you ticking over (and swimming is cardio too), but if you want to improve your strength, cardio endurance etc. make that your focus of three sessions a week, but don't drop the others to maintain all-round improvements.

    If you ache today, why not make it your swimming day? There's always a way to keep going.

    Good luck!
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    As you are still new to the gym I would recommend a couple of days off a week.

    It does depend on your workouts though, if you're mixing them up between resistance and cardio your body can recuperate between workouts.

    Intensity is more important than frequency though so there's no point in going just so you can say you've been if you barely raise a sweat.

    Listen to your body, over the next few months you will be able to increase workouts, don't rush as you'll get injured and then it's back to square one.

    Good Luck
  • Dander
    Dander Posts: 26
    Hi Shaz, I personally do one day on and one day off. But on my off days I still remain active (walking/cleaning/dancing around my living room). It's important to let your body recover but you shouldn't be completely static (or else you'll stiffen up).

    I think your regime sounds pretty good at the moment. Maybe do a yoga class tonight instead of body combat?

    Good luck!
  • shazzamax11
    Good idea, I think I'll go swimming tonight. I love my swimming ;o)
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    There's always a way to keep going.

    Except when you hurt important stuff like your back. Rest then.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i don't go to a gym,but workout at home i workout 6 days a week hard and on day 7 i have a "active" day off go for a long walk or something...
  • MJStory
    MJStory Posts: 42
    You're smart. Keep listening to you body! The machines in the gym are designed to exercise just 1 muscle group at a time. It's not bad in the beginning if you're out of shape. As you advance, you need to change it up more & more to get the results you want. Swimming & aerobics classes can provide some variety of movement toward your goals. If you're experiencing soreness every time you're in the gym, you should give it a rest and skip a day. You don't want to develop an injury by overdoing. Once you overcome the soreness episodes, you can attempt to work out daily, but give it a break when soreness happens. There will be a time in which the gym doesn't get you the results that you want for weight loss.. What can I say? It happens!
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I tend to go 5 days a week, have one rest day and then one day I will go for a really big walk, just to get out of the Gym Environment and break it up a bit.

    This week I have taken my rest day today, rather than Saturday, see if I can trick my body a bit :smile:
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    I would love to go to the gym every day if only to keep me from raiding the fridge at home. However, with my advancing years and knackered knees I just can't physically do more than 3 days in a row. I have 2 rest days a week. Trouble is, the rest days are far from active rest days. They tend to be stop dead still and don't even breathe rest days so the next time I go its almost like starting again.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I used to go 2 or 3 times a week, but now I don't go at all.

    I get all my cardio from walking and running and resistance work from stuff I have at home and I do a lot of core strength and flexibility stuff via yoga/pilates like exercises. I'm going to start p90x in a couple of weeks - see how that goes.

    I was never really much of a gym person, and now I'm nearly £100 (about US$165) a month better off, so happy.
  • shazzamax11
    I start a Yoga class on the 8th September which is every Thursday so I think that will help with my strength. My shoulder and back are still weak after the surgery and I'm doing weight training to help with that. I think little and often is the way to go. I think by going every day I'll get bored and I do have an active social life. I just need to find whats good for me and work around that I think. I am varying my workouts so I'm using lots of different muscle groups. :smile:
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I just go whenever I am free. In holiday times (I'm a teacher) that can be every day but in term times it could be only 2-4 times a week. I feel much better when I can go every day

    I'd definitely recommend trying that combat class, whether it's today or another day. All the Les Mills classes are great. I'd never keep going if I was doing solo cardio and weights all the time.
  • shazzamax11
    There are loads of classes I want to try, but my working hours are a bummer. I work in London and most of the classes start at 6.00pm. I'm going to aim to do a class on a weekend, I fancy Body Balance, Body combat and Body pump. I want to do Zumba but the class timings are awkward at the moment, I shall persevere though !
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    There are loads of classes I want to try, but my working hours are a bummer. I work in London and most of the classes start at 6.00pm.
    Snap! And I have my long run at the weekend, so not much opportunity there!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You seem like you are taking a varied fitness routine. Working in healing time for your surgery is a good idea. I think you are working toward a good balance of resting and working at varying levels. I know you will stick with it and reach any goal you set.
  • shazzamax11
    Thanks hun, I've never been this dedicated before, but the surgery has made me appreciate my health and overall fitness. :smile:
  • CalamityCat
    I go six times a week, because if I have a day off in between that day turns in to three or four off......I do make sure I am busy on my day off though, so it's an essential day off!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i have been doing 4 days a week for almost a year. this includes 3 days using regular gym equipment and 1 day zumba. once in a while i also do pilates 1 day a week.

    if i had the time, i would go 7 days a week but it is just not practical with my schedule. i did 7 days a week while i was a student and had more time on my hands.