weight gain?

so i opened my dirary and asked for help because i have not lost any weight in months. i am 5'7 and weight 130lbs my goal is 120lbs. pretty much everyone said i should eat more food. i started this two days ago. my question is if i eat more food since my body is not used to this will i gain some weight before i begin to lose again?


  • AMon0101
    When people say you should eat more I believe this would mean eating more healthy food, if you increase your food intake by eating crisp for instance then you will gain weight. But if you increase by eating cucumber sticks and carrots then you should gain nay weight.

    Its all about choosing the right foods.
  • gabrielleshannonhatt
    it would most likely boost your metabolism
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1. For starters How are you calculating calories burned? If you are not using a HRM I would only eat 50-75% of the amount any machine or MFP says.
    2. What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? Since you are already in the low end of normal weight for your height it will be very difficult for you to lose weight. With less than 15 lbs to your goal you should aim for no more than 0.5lbs/week as your goal.
    3. Do you even need to lose any weight?, as you are already on the lower end of the healthy weight range and below the ideal weight for your height (135 lbs 100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch so 100+7*5). Or should you just be trying to change your body composition (BF%)? which I think should be your goal. To do this, if you don't already, start lifting weights, and go as heavy as you can.

    I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    I just upped my calories since I have been at a plateau for a few weeks and so far it has increased my weight range but not by much. What I mean is that I have been at a plateau that ranged from 183.4 to 186. Now my range is 184.2 to 189.8. It sucks but I know it will start moving down again soon. Your body needs fuel and soon it will let go of the fat once it is confident you will keep fueling it right.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    If you've been eating at too much of a deficit it's possible. But looking at your diary you haven't been too far under so you may be okay. You aren't recording water though-drink at least 8oz. If you haven't been you may find you gain a little in water weight until your body fluid levels stabilize.
  • smiles_are_good
    smiles_are_good Posts: 1 Member
    Just wondering why you want to lose weight. If you are lean and strong, you may not need to lose weight. There is a balance that your body has to have. If you start this journey, and your body doesn't need to lose weight, you may be starting yourself on a path that will lead you to a gain loss, gain loss situation. I would seriously think about it before you begin a roller-coaster ride you may not need to go on...

    Speaking as a former 130 lb person who did the same thing and who eventually got over 300 lbs and now has 81 lbs left to lose just to get back to the 140's... I wish I had never started dieting... I don't recommend it...

    If you do continue, I wish you luck, but you should maybe talk to a dietician first and make sure you even need to lose weight.
  • pinkcandy678
    mor raw foods, and boiled foods less fried foods, sugar and salts(unless u choose dried fruits etc which has very little sugar although its pretty sweet)

    then surely you will have your desired figure :D
    good luck!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    1. For starters How are you calculating calories burned? If you are not using a HRM I would only eat 50-75% of the amount any machine or MFP says.
    2. What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? Since you are already in the low end of normal weight for your height it will be very difficult for you to lose weight. With less than 15 lbs to your goal you should aim for no more than 0.5lbs/week as your goal.
    3. Do you even need to lose any weight?, as you are already on the lower end of the healthy weight range and below the ideal weight for your height (135 lbs 100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch so 100+7*5). Or should you just be trying to change your body composition (BF%)? which I think should be your goal. To do this, if you don't already, start lifting weights, and go as heavy as you can.

    I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals.

    thanks for the suggestions. i am set at 1lb lose a week and it gives me 1490 cal. plus i work out everyday so i am alloted more. if i change it to .5lb a week i get 1790 a week plus workout calories and this just seems like to much food!!! uugghhh...i am just gettting frusterated and everyone says to do different things and i dont know what i need to do.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    just curious.. but isn't 120lbs at 5'7" underweight?

    If you don't eat enough calories your body will store what you are eating over time and then you will not lose anymore weight. If you start eating more, healthy food, you may gain initially because your body is still storing food. After time your body will realize that you aren't in starvation mode anymore and you will lose weight again. Definitely increase your water if possible, unless you haven't been tracking it..

    IMO, I don't think you really need to lose anymore weight. Maintaining where you are is great!!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1. For starters How are you calculating calories burned? If you are not using a HRM I would only eat 50-75% of the amount any machine or MFP says.
    2. What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? Since you are already in the low end of normal weight for your height it will be very difficult for you to lose weight. With less than 15 lbs to your goal you should aim for no more than 0.5lbs/week as your goal.
    3. Do you even need to lose any weight?, as you are already on the lower end of the healthy weight range and below the ideal weight for your height (135 lbs 100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch so 100+7*5). Or should you just be trying to change your body composition (BF%)? which I think should be your goal. To do this, if you don't already, start lifting weights, and go as heavy as you can.

    I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals.

    thanks for the suggestions. i am set at 1lb lose a week and it gives me 1490 cal. plus i work out everyday so i am alloted more. if i change it to .5lb a week i get 1790 a week plus workout calories and this just seems like to much food!!! uugghhh...i am just gettting frusterated and everyone says to do different things and i dont know what i need to do.

    What is your activity level set at? 1790 seems quite high, unless you are set at active. If this is the case, why did you choose active (what is your daily job/routine that would make you choose that level) Activity level should ignore purposeful exercise.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    For a 5'7" woman, 130 lbs is HEALTHY. I'm not sure why you want to look anorexic, because I can assure you (being the same height) that skeletal isn't pretty. I used to be 5'7" and 125 in high school and I looked sickly and malnourished.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    For a 5'7" woman, 130 lbs is HEALTHY. I'm not sure why you want to look anorexic, because I can assure you (being the same height) that skeletal isn't pretty. I used to be 5'7" and 125 in high school and I looked sickly and malnourished.

    everyone carries weight differently so 120 may fit her frame, but generally 135 for medium from would be ideal 10% less from a small frame and 10% more for a large frame so at 5'7" a weight between 121.5 and 148.5 would be "normal" depending on frame size.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I just checked out your food diary.. although its good to go over the recommended amount for protein and fiber, too much fiber isn't good without enough fluids. Also, your sugars are over almost every day which isn't good either. Try replacing corn with another vegetable because (I love corn too) it has the highest sugar in vegetables. Lastly, peanut butter is good for you.. it curves hunger and such but too much is a ton of fat and calories that could be spent eating other healthier less fat/cal foods.

    I personally am a person who loses weight when I eat low fat, high protein and moderate carbs. Some people lose weight better when they eat moderate fat and low carbs. So the fat in the PB may not affect you the way it would affect me. But I have noticed since I cut PB out of my diet it's made a difference.. which sucks because I LOVE peanut butter.

    This is all of course my opinion.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    For a 5'7" woman, 130 lbs is HEALTHY. I'm not sure why you want to look anorexic, because I can assure you (being the same height) that skeletal isn't pretty. I used to be 5'7" and 125 in high school and I looked sickly and malnourished.

  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    1. For starters How are you calculating calories burned? If you are not using a HRM I would only eat 50-75% of the amount any machine or MFP says.
    2. What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? Since you are already in the low end of normal weight for your height it will be very difficult for you to lose weight. With less than 15 lbs to your goal you should aim for no more than 0.5lbs/week as your goal.
    3. Do you even need to lose any weight?, as you are already on the lower end of the healthy weight range and below the ideal weight for your height (135 lbs 100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch so 100+7*5). Or should you just be trying to change your body composition (BF%)? which I think should be your goal. To do this, if you don't already, start lifting weights, and go as heavy as you can.

    I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals.

    thanks for the suggestions. i am set at 1lb lose a week and it gives me 1490 cal. plus i work out everyday so i am alloted more. if i change it to .5lb a week i get 1790 a week plus workout calories and this just seems like to much food!!! uugghhh...i am just gettting frusterated and everyone says to do different things and i dont know what i need to do.

    What is your activity level set at? 1790 seems quite high, unless you are set at active. If this is the case, why did you choose active (what is your daily job/routine that would make you choose that level) Activity level should ignore purposeful exercise.

    i am set at active. i have a 5yr old and a 4yr old. i work as a waitress/bartender 5 days a week and i am always out and about running errands
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1. For starters How are you calculating calories burned? If you are not using a HRM I would only eat 50-75% of the amount any machine or MFP says.
    2. What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? Since you are already in the low end of normal weight for your height it will be very difficult for you to lose weight. With less than 15 lbs to your goal you should aim for no more than 0.5lbs/week as your goal.
    3. Do you even need to lose any weight?, as you are already on the lower end of the healthy weight range and below the ideal weight for your height (135 lbs 100 lbs at 5' and add 5 lbs/inch so 100+7*5). Or should you just be trying to change your body composition (BF%)? which I think should be your goal. To do this, if you don't already, start lifting weights, and go as heavy as you can.

    I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals.

    thanks for the suggestions. i am set at 1lb lose a week and it gives me 1490 cal. plus i work out everyday so i am alloted more. if i change it to .5lb a week i get 1790 a week plus workout calories and this just seems like to much food!!! uugghhh...i am just gettting frusterated and everyone says to do different things and i dont know what i need to do.

    What is your activity level set at? 1790 seems quite high, unless you are set at active. If this is the case, why did you choose active (what is your daily job/routine that would make you choose that level) Activity level should ignore purposeful exercise.

    i am set at active. i have a 5yr old and a 4yr old. i work as a waitress/bartender 5 days a week and i am always out and about running errands

    That sounds about right.