I can’t bring myself to workout or eat right.

I’m 26 and at the highest weight of my life- 240 at 5”6. Theoretically, I want to lose weight but for the life of me, I can’t make myself workout and I keep eating poorly. My boyfriend constantly tries to push me to lose weight/work out and he doesn’t understand that I just don’t want to, so I lie to him and tell him I’ve worked out/eaten a salad when I haven’t. Why do I keep sabotaging myself? How can I get myself out of this rut and change my life?


  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    FixItImp wrote: »
    Do you want to lose weight? Or do just want the weight to be gone? Is this more important to you or your boyfriend?

    I don’t like being this size and I keep wanting the weight loss without doing the work. I’ve lost weight in the past just to gain it right back and I guess I just keep thinking “What’s the point”.
    At the moment, it’s more important to him. I can tell it really bothers him. I was plus size when I met him, but I have gained 20 pounds this year alone.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    edited October 2018
    pogiguy05 wrote: »
    Believe me I am not one to point any fingers, but in your first post you say "he doesn’t understand that I just don’t want to" and then in a later post "I don’t like being this size and I keep wanting the weight loss without doing the work."

    Unfortunately losing weight is NOT easy and it will take hard work and effort. When you see people who have had success what are some of the things you hear? That it was NOT easy, but that the love the way that they feel since they lost the weight.

    Most of the reasons why I have lost and gained weight have been emotional. I know you cannot see it right now, but if you give yourself a chance you will be surprised at what you are capable of doing.

    Start out slow

    Oh, I see how it wasn’t clear. I meant he doesn’t understand that I don’t want to workout/eat right. Even though I don’t like my weight, I’m not ready put in the work yet. I want to lose weight of course, but I’m struggling to get started on my journey.
    Thank you for your comment, you have really good points.

  • mariececilia10
    mariececilia10 Posts: 77 Member
    If you’re content to not lose weight I’d say lose the boyfriend if he’s the one who has a problem with it.
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Sometimes we sit back and look at how much we should lose in total and it's daunting. Some days I feel like "forget it, staying fat is easier". But I have to remind myself - although I'm relatively healthy now even though I am overweight, there will come a day when it all catches up to me. I have to take charge now. Okay, maybe not today 100% but I'll try to make small choices each day that add up over time. :)

    Here's one of my fave threads in this section. It reminds me I don't need to lose all the weight today. Just for today, I'll commit to one reasonable goal and stick with that. I almost never post there, but I read regularly for inspiration. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10626513/just-for-today-one-day-at-a-time-daily-commitment-thread-for-2018#latest
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    The secret to weight-loss, for me anyway, was small changes over time...

    You just lack momentum... Look at each healthy meal or workout as simply building momentum, one nudge at a time... You don't have to 180 completely in a day.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Many people don't like working out and it isn't necessary to lose weight. You just need a calorie deficit. MFP will set you up with a daily calorie goal. You just have to stay within it everyday. Buy a digital food scale and start weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink. You can eat whatever you'd like, but you'll quickly find that vegetables and fruits go farther on your budget. As for exercising, there are so many things you can do to move more--and MFP will give you more calories that day. As you lose you'll look better if you exercise. Walking is fine to start. Good luck, and don't wait to start. You'll be happier with yourself.
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    Many people don't like working out and it isn't necessary to lose weight. You just need a calorie deficit. MFP will set you up with a daily calorie goal. You just have to stay within it everyday. Buy a digital food scale and start weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink. You can eat whatever you'd like, but you'll quickly find that vegetables and fruits go farther on your budget. As for exercising, there are so many things you can do to move more--and MFP will give you more calories that day. As you lose you'll look better if you exercise. Walking is fine to start. Good luck, and don't wait to start. You'll be happier with yourself.

    If I'm reading it right she doesn't want to do that either.....
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    If you are not ready, you simply aren't ready yet. That's totally your choice.
    I remember being at that point where I wasn't quite ready to make the changes needed. It's up to you and only you! This won't work unless you really want it.
    Your bf could buy you 355 salads and it still won't work. You gotta want it. You have to want it so bad that nothing will stop you. It's all up to you though.
    When you are finally ready, you'll work it out.
    This lifestyle isn't easy. If it was easy ,everyone would do it.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Many people don't like working out and it isn't necessary to lose weight. You just need a calorie deficit. MFP will set you up with a daily calorie goal. You just have to stay within it everyday. Buy a digital food scale and start weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink. You can eat whatever you'd like, but you'll quickly find that vegetables and fruits go farther on your budget. As for exercising, there are so many things you can do to move more--and MFP will give you more calories that day. As you lose you'll look better if you exercise. Walking is fine to start. Good luck, and don't wait to start. You'll be happier with yourself.

    If I'm reading it right she doesn't want to do that either.....

    Perhaps not...but she's on this site asking questions. She may not want to do anything now, but in the future, who knows? Just getting her thinking might help her out.
  • jhilkene
    jhilkene Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds similar to a smoker or drinker who'd like to stop and become healthier but the overwhelming idea of it all discourages them, and having a defeatist attitude only adds weight to it all. @k8eekins touched on this earlier.
    In the end, you have to be ready and really want to commit yourself to making the changes. Sometimes outside sources can motivate us, but deep down its about you.
  • tracybear86
    tracybear86 Posts: 163 Member
    Does your boyfriend pushing you make you feel more resistant? I am on the stubborn side and sometimes people telling me what to do makes me just dig my heels in more to not do what they want. Not great, but I know this about myself. If this is true for you also, maybe sit down and have a discussion with your boyfriend about your feelings. Let him know you appreciate his concern but bugging you about it isn't helping and that you need to do things at your own speed.