2lb a week weight loss

What is the best diet to implement in order to lose 2 lbs a week.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    2 pounds a week is a realistic goal when you have at least 75 pounds to lose.

    That said, @sarahbums is correct. Eat food you like, log it, and make sure you are 1,000 calories below maintenance each day. Larger people can achieve this in a healthy manner. Those who are closer to goal risk a higher % of lean muscle loss.

    Look up your maintenance here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Put your information into MFP set it to lose 2lb per week. Eat the calories that MFP gives you. Eat the foods you like in quantities that fit your calorie goal.

    Weigh and measure everything you eat and log it in your food diary and you will see if you are going over and you can make changes as you go along.

    There is no specific diet to lose 2lbs per week it all depends on how many calories you are consuming.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    also note that MFP won't give a recommendation below 1500 for men or 1200 for women - so if the required deficit to lose 2lbs a week is less than that, it won't go any lower

    Yes forgot to add this. Thank you @deannalfisher
  • TeethOfTheHydra
    TeethOfTheHydra Posts: 63 Member
    I know you said "best diet" but you shouldn't overlook adding a workout routine into your daily/weekly schedule. It can help hit your target calorie deficit, gives you something (more) to do with your time, and it could be mutually reinforcing to staying positive about your diet (e.g. eat good, work out good, feel good, repeat).
    Good luck!
  • I can't give you a "diet" per say but I can write a list of foods that I use to hit my macro and calorie goals

    Chicken, lean ground beef, salmon, Greek yogurt, fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, jack cheese, eggs, egg whites, boiled eggs, brown rice, sweet potatoes, sweet potato chips, whole wheat bread, ezekiel bread, beef jerky, almond milk, regular milk, soy milk, edamaamme, protien bars, protien shakes, almonds, postachios, and of course, the best invention ever - peanut butter.