Army ready meltdown

Hi I'm Leyshka I'm 20 years young I currently signed up 8 years in the army as a cargo specialist. I'm on the delay entry program because I wanted to shed some weight off before going to basic training like a good 90lbs-100lbs. I'm currently 256 pounds and I want to get down all the way down to around 150-160lbs. If anybody wants to help me out it has any questions of how I'm losing weight and what exercises I'm doing let me know ☺️


  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    RealWorldStrengthLLC Posts: 552 Member
    edited October 2018
    The army has maximum body fat allowances before they will even let you ship out to basic. If your recruiter didn't tell you that, he's an a$$hat.

    Eat in a calorie deficit, and keep your protien intake up while you do.

    They recently changed the PT test and I don't know what the new one entails. You should google it (I will after this post and tell you what I personally think the best way to train for it is.)

    The old test was based on pushups in 2 minutes, sit ups in 2 minutes, and 2 mile run. Best way i found to train for it was 10sets of 10 reps on bench with 2 minute rest intervals, an unsupported sit-up pyramid 2min/1:30/1min/30 seconds with the rest period being the amount of time of your next set. For the 2 mile run, quarter mile sprints worked well, as does longer runs, and intervals of 30 second sprint, 1 minute jog for 21 minutes total. Again, these were for the old test but they are still relevant.

    Also it doesn't hurt to work on squat, bench, and deadlift. Also, walking with a load on your back - army standard is 35lbs + water for 12 miles in 3hrs. There is also a standard for 5 miles in 45 minutes - not sure if they still use these but they are not bad to train for.

    EDIT: I misread your post, thought you were asking how to train. I'll still leave it up there though, it's not bad info. (Source US Army SGT, Infantry, medically retired after 7 years service)


    I REALLY like the looks of this new test, but there you go.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Yeah, you won't make it past final MEPS if you don't meet their weight requirements. They allow a little leeway both for slightly underweight and overweight individuals. I figure they think that Basic will fix either issue or it's a wash. I was five pounds under the minimum and I was allowed in. ;)

    How much time do you have before you have to leave for training? That's a lot of weight and although it may be possible to shed that much in a year with a pretty aggressive deficit and consistency. My understanding is that the max allowable time in DEP is one year, 365 days.
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    Sending hugs that is a hefty goal . as a mom who had 2 sons go through basic and went through herself in 1978 . train now . the run and the push ups were what was my hardest part . the recruiting office may have some training available I think the run is 4 miles and the time I am not positive . do not wait until basic to start to train it was very hard on me and I was in shape ( or so I thought ) . count your calories and stay in deficit try to eat as healthy as you can 1500 calories filled with loads of protein and vegetables is not the same as 1500 calories of low nutrient food . if you do not try to eat healthy your body will not have the tools it needs to get strong .
  • Milocmolly
    Milocmolly Posts: 23 Member
    Did they already have you sign a contract? You can’t pass MEPS with the weight. I am in the DEP currently with the AF and I couldn’t pass MEPS being overweight. I was just wondering. I leave for basic in several weeks.

    Consistency is key, track your calories, exercise and drink lots of water. I would start out with cardio. You can do it! Just hang in there and before you know it you will be right where you need to be.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    Hi! How tall are you? Army weight standards are based on height and age.

  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    There is no way you are in the delayed entry program without first passing MEPS. You are either confused or misinformed. How do you lose weight? Eat in a caloric defecit.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Interested to know how the U.S. of A army works: do you - as a 20 year old - employ you as a "specialist" or are they going to train you that - maybe - you will reach the qualifications to be a specialist in your field?
  • daveredvette
    daveredvette Posts: 88 Member
    Great job on wanting to sign up in the Army. I retired as a CW4 so I know it can be a good starting point or a career. Your recruited should be helping you with workouts and tracking weight lose otherwise he/she can't get you in Army.
    Like others have mentioned start tracking what you eat and work outs. Stay motivated
  • Milocmolly
    Milocmolly Posts: 23 Member
    Interested to know how the U.S. of A army works: do you - as a 20 year old - employ you as a "specialist" or are they going to train you that - maybe - you will reach the qualifications to be a specialist in your field?

    That is her job title. The Army will train her for that specific job after she passes basic training.