August Kick Butt Challenge Week 3 - D'TERMINATOR'S



  • xcbballuver
    lol i think ive been posting on the wrong thread oops.. anyhow i did do the challenges from mon-wed. also have completed 200 crunches
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I am up to date on the daily challenges...and I have 500 extra crunches so far this week!

    I think my abs will be SCREAMING, CRYING, SHOUTING, SWEARING, etc tomorrow!!

    The bad news is that one of my weighted calf sleeves broke open and all these beads/small rocks/whatever they were poured out :(

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    August 18 Week 3 Day 4 50 squat kicks-DONE 100 crunches-DONE 50 military presses-DONE 400 extra crunches -DONE 1050 total for me this week so far
  • searbear1980
    All daily challenges done. Plus 200 crunches. That means 650 crunches down woo hoo!!!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    50 Squat Kicks - done
    6 Sets of Wood Chops - done
    50 Military presses - done
    3 extra miles - done
    6 sets of 21's - done
    400 Jumping Jacks (yes I said 400) - done
    100 Mountain Climbers - done
    20 Lunges - done
    1100 Ab Crunches (100 for daily Challenge, 1000 extra for Team Challenge) 800 done, 300 to go
    50 Burpee's- will do today

    Tomorrow I will be in the pool with my BFF so will be burning calories that way. I am going to have all the challenge stuff done by today, Friday! Its been a GREAT week and I have loved all the challenges. Brink on week 4!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I can't believe I was able to catch up this week! Got a total of 750 crunches and all the challenges done except for tomorrow's two miles which I plan on doing right after my normal elliptical workout. Having this challenge really gives me drive to be a better me! Thankyou team captain and all others who are as dedicated!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I am using today as my official way in day-as I won't have access to a scale on Sunday (my scale stays @ work lol). Plus I am going on vacation tomorrow, and won't be back until Mon 8/29. I will hopefully have internet access to check for the Week 4 list of daily challenges.

    So, I lost 1 lb this week-starting weight: 209, weight today is 206.4 (total weight loss is 2.6 lbs for this month so far). I am hoping to lose another lb by end of next week. This is somewhat a disappointment for me that I haven't lost much this month, but I will take what I can get!
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    August 19th Week 3 day 5 200 jumping jacks-DONE 2 extra miles-DONE 300 bonus crunches putting me at 1350 for the week so far!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Week 3 all done, including 1000 extra crunches! Will be going out of town tomorrow & probably Sunday, so I'll probably weigh-in Saturday morning before I leave.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Week three daily chalenges complete! Managed to do 1044 crunches for the team the skin of my crunches and I have a love hate relationship for weigh ins tomorrow! Good luck all!
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Last night and this morning, finished everything on the list (I am too tired to list it all out, but I checked everything off & went back to double check since I had 2 days off in there). Plus 200 bonus crunches. I don't know what next week will bring with MIL, but you have my word everything will get done even if I have to stay up all night!! Love and peace to you guys.
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    Ended this week we 1500 bonus crunches total, I am proud that I did it, altho my stomach looks weird and is a tad mad at me!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Great Job Everyone!!!

    Baypath - 1lbs is still a loss, awesome job!!

    AFM; Finished all challenges and did 1125 crunches as well... Down 4.8 lbs this week and OFFICIALLY in the 270's