Need ideas for travel snacks please.

I am in my car a lot. That means I eat way to much drive thru food. I try to get yogurt or the apple walnut snack from McDonalds, but that is not much variety. I have decided that I need a travel snack kit. I want to fill a shoe box to keep in the car, so I always have something handy that will not ruin my calorie count for the day. Of course, I will put nuts in the box, but I need other ideas. Please make suggestions. Non perishable, no refrigeration needed items. Thanks, Ang...


  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    special k bars - only 90 calories! they have really good ones like chocolatey pretzel or raspberry cheesecake :)
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I enjoy the wheat thins toasted chips or rice cakes!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Rice cakes are always a good option. There are some good flavors out there.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Why can't you use a insulated lunch bag or cooler? It would definitely give you more options.
  • marquesajen
    Mixed nuts and dried fruit, homemade granola bars, whole fruit, maybe make a small wrap to take with you?
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Unsalted nuts, dried fruit, Kashi bars, unsalted pretzels, unsalted sunflower seeds, low fat granola, cheerios or other low sugar/fat cereal...
  • Jczmuda
    Jczmuda Posts: 1 Member
    Special K fruit crisps are tasty...reduced fat wheat thins...Snackwell's cereal bars...pretzels
  • LittleFootHafner
    Almonds or other nuts
    Raisins, Craisins, Dried Fruit
    Sunflowed Seeds
    Trail Mix
    Dry cereal ( my faves are Shredded Wheat & Oatmeal Squares)
    Pretzels for a salt fix
    Lollipops - not that they are nutiritous or filling, but they give you something to put in your mouth for only a few calories!
    There are also lots of 100 calories granola bars out there...
    Whole wheat crackers
    Rice Cakes

    And lots of water...
  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    I have always heard that you are supposed to keep beef jerky in the car. Its packed with protein and you can really watch your calorie count.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Granola bars (I like the Clif Crunch bars), meal replacement/diet/nutrition bars (I like the Myoplex Lite bars), crackers (Triscuits or Wheat Thin air crisps), nuts (almonds, or planters south beach mix if you can find it), beef jerky, hard candy (relatively low cal for the long lasting, good for the sweet tooth).

    Apples are always good but don't last as long.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Skinny Cow makes candy now, for around 110-120 cals per small pack when you are craving something sweet / chocolatey.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    th yum flavours of the rice cakes in big and small crisp like bags are great,also fruit salad travels pretty well! and you can never forget fresh fruit!
  • suzyqs4
    suzyqs4 Posts: 20 Member
    Good idea to plan ahead. Last week I was in Indianapolis for a class and wasn't going to eat their buffet breakfast so I packed food. I found fruit cups, with no sugar added and took individual packs of pepperoni slices and ate that for breakfast. You could also take sugar free jello cups, individual raisin packs. If you had an insulated lunch bag you could also take cheese sticks. Good luck in your journey!
  • pandabuhr79
    grahm crackers, bananas, apples, dried fruit.. even cereal in a baggy, like cheerios or something :) i was pregnant recently and always had to have easy food in my purse lol
  • ctybor360
    Some suggestions for snacks.... I fill baggies with...

    Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 1 Cup or your favorite cereal

    Pretzel Snaps - 24 each

    Sunflower Seed Kernals

    If you have time pop a bag of 100 calorie pop corn before you venture out

    Cliff Builders 20g Protien Bars 270 calories - great if you want that full feeling

    Hope this gives you a good start. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
    Take care. Corky
  • riacurtis
    riacurtis Posts: 37 Member
    Fresh fruit....
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    There are a lot of pre-packaged 100 calorie snack packs available these days, so it just depends on your taste. There are Craisins, Pringles, Goldfish, almonds, brownies, snack mix...

    Most are in the cracker section of the grocery stores, some in the section where chips are displayed. And in the breakfast aisle, Fiber One has a large variety of granola bars and brownies for only 90 calories each pack. I've tried a lot of them, because I rarely have time for lunch, so I purchase a stock of the non-perishable snacks and put them in a drawer of my desk. Most of them are quite tasty.

    If you want to go to the effort of purchasing and packaging yourself, Kellogg's Special K cereal makes a great snack. They have a large variety of flavors, and all of them have portions that are reasonable on the calories, and a good snack size. There's all sorts of dried fruit available, as well, that you could portion into zip locks.
  • mazza2marilyn
    why not make a batch of sandwiches up ( ham-lo fat cheese- egg etc ) at the begining of the week and freeze them.
    take one out when you leave in the morning ( it will have defrosted by lunch time ) with a bit of fruit.
    will stop you going to the drive thru and being tempted to all those calories.
  • krazeestraw
    krazeestraw Posts: 113 Member
    Bump - ideas are always good
  • heatheramara
    I like to make a snack mix for taking long road trips. The one I most recently used was cheerios, dry roasted peanuts, craisins and m&ms. Weigh everything out before hand, into individual servings. I like to plan a whole serving of cheerios to 1/2 serving of the nuts and dried fruit, with only a 1/4 serving of candy or less per package. That way you get lots of good stuff without too much of any one thing.

    I have found this a great way to have a cheap, crunchy, sweet, filling, healthy and low calorie treat in an instant! Great thing about it is you can keep this in the car in airtight containers for quite a while. Carry around some bottled water, flavored or otherwise, and you're always good to go! Another benefit--takes a long time to eat so you have plenty of time to get that "I'm full now" message.

    Keep us posted on any new ideas you come up with!