127 lbs lost, yet still a failure



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,102 Member
    You seem like a kind, thoughtful and genuine guy. Hang in there. The right girl is worth the wait.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    edited October 2018
    Have you considered a life coach? For somebody to be as unlovable as you describe yourself there must be something seriously wrong that you're not seeing. A life coach should be able to help you figure this out and figure out a way to remedy the situation.
  • bythebeach1154
    bythebeach1154 Posts: 4 Member
    BV1980 wrote: »
    I joined this site way back in 2009 when I was 29 and about to turn 30. I was 452 lbs and desperate to make some changes. I had never had a girlfriend and was really motivated to change that. I always wanted to get married and have a family and that wasn't going to happen with my weight. I joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, and logged on this site every single day. There were ups and downs, but it is nearly 10 years later and I have managed to lose keep off 127 lbs. I worked on everything about myself. I worked hard at my career and am now a senior software engineer. My house is well on its way to being paid off. I have saved and saved and have made great progress to my retirement account balances. Over these past 10 years I traveled all over the US and even spent 2 weeks in Europe. I have done all of this alone.

    I worked hard at dating too. People always told me that I needed to work on myself and then work on meeting someone and that is what I did. I have tried everything I could think of. I joined pay dating sites as well as the free ones and have gone on many first dates. I always pay and then am told later on that I am not their type. The most recent girl didn't even bother to tell me that though. I showed up at the restaurant for the second date and got stood up. Not a word from her. It ruined my whole weekend. I felt like such a fool. Why does this keep happening? I was patient. It has been nearly 10 years since I started really working on myself and getting to the point I am at. I am so tired of hearing that I need to just be patient or that it will happen. I have been patient. I am 38 now and still have yet to have a girlfriend. I am a 38 year old virgin. I wanted to get married and have a family and that isn't happening. Yeah I did this for myself and my health, but what is the point of being healthy and living a long life when you have to live it alone? I am so unbelievably frustrated. I've done everything I can think of. I have worked very hard and yet somehow I am still the loser failure who comes home to an empty dark house every night and has to eat alone. Or travel alone. Or go to a movie alone. I am so tired of doing everything alone.

    What more do I need to do? I feel so defeated as I am quickly approaching 40 now and still don't know what it is like. It isn't as if I am checking in 10 years later and regretting not getting started. I got started and I worked hard. I worked at so many aspects of myself and my life. I just never saw the end goal. I am still incredibly isolated and lonely. This wasn't supposed to be. I am not sure what to do from here and I feel so panicked about it all. I have no plan B for life. I set myself up to be a provider. I even have a savings account that is designated as an "engagement ring account" for when the day came that I would propose to someone. That account has grown and grown and is much more than needed, but I never thought it would stay invested and never get used. I feel like cashing it in and just giving it all to a children's hospital or something. I will never get to use it for what it was planned. I am just so in disbelief that after nearly ten years of working so hard that I am still alone. I cannot believe it. I don't know what else to do.
    BV1980 wrote: »
    I joined this site way back in 2009 when I was 29 and about to turn 30. I was 452 lbs and desperate to make some changes. I had never had a girlfriend and was really motivated to change that. I always wanted to get married and have a family and that wasn't going to happen with my weight. I joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, and logged on this site every single day. There were ups and downs, but it is nearly 10 years later and I have managed to lose keep off 127 lbs. I worked on everything about myself. I worked hard at my career and am now a senior software engineer. My house is well on its way to being paid off. I have saved and saved and have made great progress to my retirement account balances. Over these past 10 years I traveled all over the US and even spent 2 weeks in Europe. I have done all of this alone.

    I worked hard at dating too. People always told me that I needed to work on myself and then work on meeting someone and that is what I did. I have tried everything I could think of. I joined pay dating sites as well as the free ones and have gone on many first dates. I always pay and then am told later on that I am not their type. The most recent girl didn't even bother to tell me that though. I showed up at the restaurant for the second date and got stood up. Not a word from her. It ruined my whole weekend. I felt like such a fool. Why does this keep happening? I was patient. It has been nearly 10 years since I started really working on myself and getting to the point I am at. I am so tired of hearing that I need to just be patient or that it will happen. I have been patient. I am 38 now and still have yet to have a girlfriend. I am a 38 year old virgin. I wanted to get married and have a family and that isn't happening. Yeah I did this for myself and my health, but what is the point of being healthy and living a long life when you have to live it alone? I am so unbelievably frustrated. I've done everything I can think of. I have worked very hard and yet somehow I am still the loser failure who comes home to an empty dark house every night and has to eat alone. Or travel alone. Or go to a movie alone. I am so tired of doing everything alone.

    What more do I need to do? I feel so defeated as I am quickly approaching 40 now and still don't know what it is like. It isn't as if I am checking in 10 years later and regretting not getting started. I got started and I worked hard. I worked at so many aspects of myself and my life. I just never saw the end goal. I am still incredibly isolated and lonely. This wasn't supposed to be. I am not sure what to do from here and I feel so panicked about it all. I have no plan B for life. I set myself up to be a provider. I even have a savings account that is designated as an "engagement ring account" for when the day came that I would propose to someone. That account has grown and grown and is much more than needed, but I never thought it would stay invested and never get used. I feel like cashing it in and just giving it all to a children's hospital or something. I will never get to use it for what it was planned. I am just so in disbelief that after nearly ten years of working so hard that I am still alone. I cannot believe it. I don't know what else to do.

  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,481 Member
    Well, you finally seem to have attracted some snarky responses. Pay them no mind. Everyone sees the world through their own prism.

    Donate the ring money to the children’s hospital. It’s poetic.

    My reading is @GoodLardy misspoke, but she has the right idea. Limiting yourself to never married no kids, really cuts into the numbers of available women. And this issue gets worse for you the older you get. Ordinarily, demographics favor men as we get older. Your position seems to cancel that out. And you may be cutting yourself off from a large group of women who would highly value the basics of a descent guy with a regular job.

    If you are wary of potential baggage, risk adverse is sort of the antimatter of romance.

    If you want to keep going on MFP, consider joining our group, Guys On A Diet. Use the search feature to find “GoaD.” We’re generally an older bunch, but not all guys. You may get a more sympathetic hearing there. Although generally our advice is straightforward, not necessarily what everyone is looking for.
  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    Well, you finally seem to have attracted some snarky responses. Pay them no mind. Everyone sees the world through their own prism.

    Donate the ring money to the children’s hospital. It’s poetic.

    My reading is @GoodLardy misspoke, but she has the right idea. Limiting yourself to never married no kids, really cuts into the numbers of available women. And this issue gets worse for you the older you get. Ordinarily, demographics favor men as we get older. Your position seems to cancel that out. And you may be cutting yourself off from a large group of women who would highly value the basics of a descent guy with a regular job.

    If you are wary of potential baggage, risk adverse is sort of the antimatter of romance.

    If you want to keep going on MFP, consider joining our group, Guys On A Diet. Use the search feature to find “GoaD.” We’re generally an older bunch, but not all guys. You may get a more sympathetic hearing there. Although generally our advice is straightforward, not necessarily what everyone is looking for.

    You said what I meant much better than I could. Thank you!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I'm sorry you feel like this.. I can't add anything that hasn't already been said or think of anything you havent already done..
    Other than she will enter your life when you least expect it.
    Youve been patient this is true, but you are not an old man so there is still time.
    I understand your frustration, and feel for you..
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited October 2018
    Yeah I hear y'a. And weight loss isn't going to lead to finding love, been there, didn't find it :P most activities I do are female focused (which would be great if I were interested in women romantically - but sadly not the case).

    My main slightly more mixed activity is running and i've been on the bench for a month and another to go (hopefully I can slowly build up from there).

    But you are not a failure. At the end of the day, i think we need to find our own way. Sure lots of people's way is being in a relationship and family and all that jazz but maybe that just isn't in the cards for me. I can't force it. I'm also super awkward socially which doesn't help.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    edited October 2018
    You sir, are a success - look at what you have achieved! I will give you the same advice I give to my son. Dating sites are a minefield - they may be a good way to meet people of the opposite sex BUT they are limited in helping you meet a soul mate. I tell my son to go out and take up a variety of activities where you can meet friends of both sexes who have similar interests - meeting women as equals with interests in common with yours is, to my mind, a much better option than just looking for nice dates. Even increasing your male friends (son moved to a new area - hence this was also a problem for him) is also a good way to meet interesting women - you know - friends of friends are often useful. Please don't give up - you have improved your healtth and fitness, have got your career sorted (what about friends at work?) - have faith - there will be someone out there for you. Just don't rule them out by being only attracted to particular 'look'. And I agree with above - your biological clock ticks a little slower than us girls - you have time X

    ETA - just to add - some girls would love to hook up with someone who plans for the future (my daughter would love to meet one after a series of boys with toys who save nothing!) but maybe not call it an engagement ring fund - after all you may both find a better use for it than a ring ;). I blame the media for this emphasiss on engagement rings - most genuine girls would be happy to spend the dosh on something to support both of your futures and wear a sensibly priced ring. X