tell me what you think

robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
Okay guys i love Chinese dumplings, hot and sour soup, and pizza! i have learned a new way to cook pizza thats good for me but what about those dumplings and hot and sour soup????????????


  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    They're not exactly dumplings, BUT I think you'd like the Chicken Shu Mai from Trader Joe's. They're low cal and delicious.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    Enjoy them *once in a while* ;-)
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    Moderation, moderation. moderation... If you love dumplings go for the steamed ones instead of the fried ones. If you like soup split a serving and eat a small bowl. It's okay to splurge every once in awhile just be accountable for your actions and eat nutritiously on the other meals.
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I also love hot and sour soup... I love a good splurge meal when I've worked out and burned tons of calories... maybe try having it only on those days as a treat!

    Also, I second the dumplings from TJ's. They are amazing!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Thanks everyone for helping me!!!!!!!!!!! now to answer everyone

    hng2101- i am in GA and we have no trader joe that I know of! Can I get them online?

    coachmaritova-I know, i know, i know!!!!!!! but as always you know i wanna cheat! but i wont!

    kid4239, i cant share what i have already eaten!!!!!!!!! LOL if I go buy it, i will eat it before I get home so i wont have to explain why i ate something that "wasnt on my diet plan" to my kids!

    runningathena-do you think that hot and sour soup is that bad for us or just high in sodiium????????????

    I am going to do right ladies, just because you all care enough to respond to my post/rant/rave!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    and just for the record kld you are my motivation! you started out where i did at the same time i did but you did it!!!!!!!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why is hot & sour soup bad?
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    i am not sure hot and sour soup is bad! i actually think its good for you. Its the Steamed dumplings i think are bad for ME~ I caneat 6 at one sitting!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    hey ladies! just had to come back and say that although i dont have a Trader joes........................i have googled and researched and found out that ALDI has teh same things as Trader joes adn we just got one here so i am heading there this after noon to see if they have the Dumplings!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Okay ladies actually went into Aldis this weekend and guess what they have in the freezer section on SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE love that word dont we? WEll I do if you dont! They had the Steamed Dumpling on sale! i have yet to open th epacket because i had leftovers for Sunday dinner and didnt want to appear greedy! but tonight its God for us all and man for himself for dinner in my house so guess what im having, Dumpling! I will let you know what happens!