Hoping for guidance!

Hello all!

So, I am hoping for a little guidance on where to go from here, as I've got a fair bit going on and not quite sure how to move forward. A little bit about myself, I'm a single mom that left an abusive relationship back in March. I've been on a weight loss journey since February and have lost roughly 75 pounds at this point. I've met my initial goal which is to be the lowest weight I've been in my adult life. My next goal is to reach healthy BMI, and my ultimate goal will be to hit roughly 20% BMI to gauge any potential need for post weight-loss skin removal procedures. The last goal very well might not happen, and I'm okay with that, but I certainly want to hit healthy BMI which will require about 30 more pounds go to (ish).

The last 2 months, my weight loss has not been the good kind (in my opinion). Because I went from a relatively sedentary lifestyle to working out 5-6 times per week, I developed a nasty case of achilles tendinitis and per my physician, I've been workout free for the last 8 weeks. Add to that, I was having quite a few stomach issues and my physician coaxed me into doing an elimination diet. I lost 20 pounds in those 2 months between loss of muscle mass and the effects of the elimination diet, I also lost nutrition and hair - roughly 30% of my hair. I also am starting to see the excess skin which is mostly hidden except for a mild case of the turkey gobble on my neck. I'm 36 so I'm hoping that that'll bounce back quickly.

My elimination diet has ended, I know what foods to avoid and nutritionally what to do. Where I'm hoping for guidance is the physical piece. Before, I'd focus heavily on cardio: elliptical, cycling, walking etc. I would like to start working on lifting to build up my muscle mass but I genuinely have no idea where to start. Frankly, the weight section at my gym looks like a frat party and I'm incredibly intimidated. Do any of you have any recommendations on a point of departure that would be low impact for my recovering ankle? Perhaps something that might even assist in the loose skin department (not sure if that's a thing). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

PS. While I'm still looking to lose weight, I'm in no hurry. I'd rather lose it right and allow my skin to do what it needs to rather than dump a ton of weight and look like a deflated balloon.

Thanks so much,


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,234 Member
    This thread has lots of helpful information about starting strength training, including some recommendations for beginners:


    It can also be a good place to ask related questions.
  • wirving27
    wirving27 Posts: 6 Member
    There are plenty of resistance exercises that you can do to help. As long as your doctor approves. You can do upper body lower body split with the lower body coming from machines to start until you rehab the ankle. Feel free to reach out anytime love to help!
  • MorningGrace73
    MorningGrace73 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so much for both of your help, I will check out that website and I very well might look into resistance exercises as well. I've already spoken with my therapist and he's recommending machine and resistance work first to ensure the lack of control doesn't end up harming my ankle.