Personal Trainers with Facial Piercings??



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    What an interesting question! I'm 50 and find piercings mostly kind of silly, although I would never say anything to someone about them unless they asked for my opinion. Lip and tongue piercings don't bother me unless they interfere with the ability to talk, which happens more often than the owner of the piercing seems aware. If you talk like a kid with a retainer it's going to be difficult for me to take you seriously. On the other hand, eyebrow piercings sort of ick me out.

    You might get fewer clients of a certain type but more clients of another type. Since you feel strongly enough about this to change your body over it, it seems to me you should do what seems right to you and ignore the opinions of others.
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    Some people will be put off, some people will find you more relatable. Take some personal marketing courses, some social media courses, soft skills courses, etc. That way you can draw enough clients that accept you and you don't have to turn yourself vanilla and appeal to the masses. You are striving to become a business person, after all, not just someone who transfers knowledge.
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited September 2018
    To me it's not what a person looks like if they are awesome at their industry. I've had a 110 pound girl give me killer workouts due to her knowledge and study of kinesiology. I've also had garbage workouts from muscled up fools that believe what works for them will universally work for everyone.

    Even yesterday this concept held true: I went to a Yoga class and the guy was older and not exactly in the best shape. However, by far he explained the movements the best and I am way more sore this morning from a great class.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Or they qualified? Are they a good fit for me? If yes, I don't care if you had a unicorn horn implated to your skull. I work with a trainer to better myself, not to look at them.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    I work with a trainer to better myself, not to look at them.
    You can't train while wearing a blindfold. Your unicorn PT might be demonstrating proper head position. Are you watching and listening carefully or are you saying, "look at that massive appendage"?

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    61 yrs old here and wouldn't care about piercings, tattoos etc. As long as you treated me with respect and came up with a good programme for me. But then I have just had a large tattoo done on my lower back so I may not be the typical 61 year old.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I don’t like them and find them to be annoying and distracting on others. That doesn’t mean I think someone who wears them is a bad person. However, some people will judge me because of my opinion.
  • BeccaColliesBurton
    BeccaColliesBurton Posts: 79 Member
    I'm an old lady and I wouldn't judge you by your appearance/piercings...but I would judge you if you judged me for being old and inexperienced.

    Example: I had a young male at the gym who I hired to teach me some things. He was condescending and acted bored all the way through the sessions. He lasted three sessions. If you are in it to help people, then help them. If you don't want to help overweight older ladies, well. Maybe work at different type of gym.

    He was the reason I quit that gym. That's about $1500 per year that gym is out, between membership and classes/training sessions.

    Hope you told the gym!!
  • Charlene____
    Charlene____ Posts: 110 Member
    edited October 2018
    As others have said, it depends on the type, whether they hinder your speech, or if you are obsessed with playing with them. However, what I do find gross however are those ear things that stretch the hole out to the size of a half dollar. I personally could not stomach that.

    With that being said, I am "bothered" by lots of bling and clutter, whether on someone, in an environment, etc. My workplace regulates tattoos, piercings, and jewelry. Even women aren't supposed to wear those dangly charm bracelets, but when one does, I am annoyed by the constant sound of them clattering. I am overly sensitive to things like that. Same with clutter on a table or at a desk- even someone else's.

    So probably in all honesty, I wouldn't judge YOU for the piercings, however I would find it irritatingly distracting for myself. Just like if you had 10 fingernails painted in different colors/patterns. But again, more my issue than yours.

    PS- This is finding faults of my own, not in you.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I am 61yo and couldnt care less! I see it as a rebellious state of youth.
    I know many in my generation who feel the same.
    Every generation has its "thing". It is typically outgrown. No biggie!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Now I should add that as a representative of a profession....I probably would not hire an overly tatooed or obvious pierced individual.
    Some jobs it would be fitting. But it would limit opportunity and college/university opportunities.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    I have no clue what facial piercings have to do with personal training. Like... none. But I understand what you're saying, there's different kinds of people and some might be put off. Frankly, if you're good at your job, the ones who don't care will keep you plenty busy.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    I'm good with tattoos but I would get way too distracted by facial piercings to be able to pay attention to my workout. Not in a judgey way. Just in a "how does that not hurt??" kind of way. So that would be on me and not on the trainer.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Doesn't bother me a bit when people have tattoos, facial piercings, etc. If you know what you are doing, can explain it clearly, answer questions and don't have poor hygiene then it's all good.

    Except for those large gauged earlobe thingies - I find them fascinating in a horrible kind of way and they would be really distracting for me.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    I'm 49 female, the tattoos wouldn't bother me, the piercing? it would depend, if they are something that was small and inconspicuous, I'd have no problem with, if it was something so big that it caused your lip to droop, then yea, I'd have an issue with it. Would I not hire you because of the piercings? probably not, not unless I saw how you were with other clients and I didn't like what I saw.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    edited October 2018
    This is your job, a source of income, so let's be realistic here. Let me frame what I said earlier another way... I doubt anyone will say "he has no piercings, nope, can't have him as a PT" but I fully believe there are some people out there who might say "I don't like his piercings, I'd rather not taking him on as a PT".
  • dandelion85_
    dandelion85_ Posts: 5 Member
    Wouldn’t me cause I love piercings. There’s PTs at the gym I go to that have lots of tattoos. I haven’t come across any judgement :/