105 lbs to lose

Hi everyone! Got on the scale on July 15th and saw a number I hadn't before. Decided to atsrt dieting o. July 16th. At 12 weeks in, I've lost 36 pounds. Hit a wall at about 10 weeks and joined the gym, still get my feet under me there. Decided to start counting calories (as I wasnt before) and My Fotness Pal seemed to be a good way to do it. Hoping for some additional results. Any feedback anyone can give me would be much appreciated; I'll do the same!


  • Sharpe2103
    Sharpe2103 Posts: 20 Member
    Great going with the 36lbs lost so far!!

    Always hard after hitting the wall, keep focused it'll come again.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi @celona316 - Congratulations on all your great work! I am on a similar journey (59 pounds down, just 62 to go!). Tracking all food was a key step for me. If you haven't got a kitchen scale (something like this, with a tare function and the ability to switch between grams and ounces), that could be a thing to consider adding. Weighing things helps you track more accurately than volume, which you may find helpful. Great work!
  • mds1207
    mds1207 Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats on your success so far!!! Take a moment (or three) to celebrate not only your success, but the journey! Consider replacing "on a diet" with "eating healthier." Measure, measure, measure...I just found out recently how off I was when trying to "eyeball" portions. I prefer weighing to volume measures as my kitchen tools are notoriously inaccurate. Good luck with your EVERY goal!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    mds1207 wrote: »
    Congrats on your success so far!!! Take a moment (or three) to celebrate not only your success, but the journey! Consider replacing "on a diet" with "eating healthier." Measure, measure, measure...I just found out recently how off I was when trying to "eyeball" portions. I prefer weighing to volume measures as my kitchen tools are notoriously inaccurate. Good luck with your EVERY goal!

    This is all so brilliant!