127 lbs lost, yet still a failure



  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    huango wrote: »
    "It was a very unique weekend and a ton of fun. That was our first date. We ended up dating for 3 months,
    ===>>> but in the end I wasn't good enough for her."

    Please help elaborate.
    What aspects of did she find not good enough?
    Not a good kisser?
    Not a good fashion sense?
    Not a good cook?
    Trying to learn more about how women you've dated perceive you.

    At first it was all fun and nice, but then she started to snap at me for anything and everything. We were playing a game of Uno one Saturday night. She asked me to buy it one the way to her place. So I stopped at Walgreens and bought a deck of Uno cards. This deck, though was newer and had new special cards in it that I had never seen before. I hadn't played Uno since I was a kid. Well, we were playing and I had one of the newer special cards that I didn't fully understand and I guess I played it wrong. She snapped at me that I ruined the game. The mood just flipped. And I said it is just a game. We are supposed to be having fun and laughing. It is Saturday night. But that was that and the rest of the night was just a downer mood. So more and more things like this would start happening and eventually this one time I got sick of it and spoke up. Well she told me, and yes these are her words, that she was trying to train me to be able to meet her needs. This really upset me. I mean I may be inexperienced with actual relationships, but I am not naive. I know that they take hard work and compromise and sacrifice. I truly get that. But the way she said she was training me, like I am her dog. If she didn't like me for who I am then she shouldn't be with me. Another time where I just felt terrible was when we sat down to watch a movie at my house. I went to cuddle up next her, because I crave physical intimacy, and she commented wow someone is super needy. That really threw me off. We never had sex. She was super into me holding her hand anywhere we went in public, which to me got to be impractical at times. let me drive so we don't get into an accident rather then me having to hold your hand and have one hand on the steering wheel. But then when it came to like cuddling during a movie I am being needy?? I just felt like I was never doing the right thing or saying the right thing. I was being scolded a lot or corrected about things I would say. I felt like I wasn't good enough to her.

  • amyjsparkles
    amyjsparkles Posts: 6,165 Member
    BV1980 wrote: »
    huango wrote: »
    "It was a very unique weekend and a ton of fun. That was our first date. We ended up dating for 3 months,
    ===>>> but in the end I wasn't good enough for her."

    Please help elaborate.
    What aspects of did she find not good enough?
    Not a good kisser?
    Not a good fashion sense?
    Not a good cook?
    Trying to learn more about how women you've dated perceive you.

    At first it was all fun and nice, but then she started to snap at me for anything and everything. We were playing a game of Uno one Saturday night. She asked me to buy it one the way to her place. So I stopped at Walgreens and bought a deck of Uno cards. This deck, though was newer and had new special cards in it that I had never seen before. I hadn't played Uno since I was a kid. Well, we were playing and I had one of the newer special cards that I didn't fully understand and I guess I played it wrong. She snapped at me that I ruined the game. The mood just flipped. And I said it is just a game. We are supposed to be having fun and laughing. It is Saturday night. But that was that and the rest of the night was just a downer mood. So more and more things like this would start happening and eventually this one time I got sick of it and spoke up. Well she told me, and yes these are her words, that she was trying to train me to be able to meet her needs. This really upset me. I mean I may be inexperienced with actual relationships, but I am not naive. I know that they take hard work and compromise and sacrifice. I truly get that. But the way she said she was training me, like I am her dog. If she didn't like me for who I am then she shouldn't be with me. Another time where I just felt terrible was when we sat down to watch a movie at my house. I went to cuddle up next her, because I crave physical intimacy, and she commented wow someone is super needy. That really threw me off. We never had sex. She was super into me holding her hand anywhere we went in public, which to me got to be impractical at times. let me drive so we don't get into an accident rather then me having to hold your hand and have one hand on the steering wheel. But then when it came to like cuddling during a movie I am being needy?? I just felt like I was never doing the right thing or saying the right thing. I was being scolded a lot or corrected about things I would say. I felt like I wasn't good enough to her.

    I know you felt like you weren't good enough for her, but it sounds to me like she wasn't good enough for you! She sounds a bit off and that was at the very beginning of the relationship. Imagine a few years in. I think you dodged a bullet. It sounds like she just wasn't right for you.

    I know that can be very hard though, because even though you had issues, I'm sure you really got your hopes up that something great was going to happen :(
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    If I wasn't a divorced woman with kids, I'd date the hell out of you ;)..
    I'm liking that red beard.

    I seriously hope you find peace of mind no matter how things end up.
  • pamplemousse21
    pamplemousse21 Posts: 20 Member
    edited October 2018
    Oh, also, I think the shaved head+beard look might work better on you than what you have going on now. That's what my guy did before meeting me because he had a lot of thinning going on and it worked for him.
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    @pamplemousse21 Thank you so much for such a lengthy and well thought out response. I really appreciate all of your advice and insights and you taking the time to write that all to me. Thank you.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    I am a little curious at this point...

    You’ve been given a ton of feedback. What’s your plan?
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I don’t think wanting to find love is asking too much of the universe. Most people want that same thing. I have several friends your age (I’m about the same age as you.) who have also never been married or had kids. Some of them have had some serious relationships, but not all. And it isn’t for lack of trying. I don’t get it because they are amazing people and anyone would be lucky to have them in their lives. I also don’t see any horrible character flaws in them either. So, it baffles me. In the end it just seems to not work out so far, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever work out. Easy for me to say because I’m not in their shoes.

    I realize that I am not really giving you any helpful advice and I am sorry for that. I just wanted you to know that I know a few women and men who are in the same boat. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with them and I don’t think anything is wrong with you. It doesn’t help. It doesn’t change anything for you. I know. But I hate seeing you beat yourself up.

    I hope that you can have a happy life and I hope that life will soon include a wonderful woman who loves you for exactly who you are. Good luck.
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    I don’t think wanting to find love is asking too much of the universe. Most people want that same thing. I have several friends your age (I’m about the same age as you.) who have also never been married or had kids. Some of them have had some serious relationships, but not all. And it isn’t for lack of trying. I don’t get it because they are amazing people and anyone would be lucky to have them in their lives. I also don’t see any horrible character flaws in them either. So, it baffles me. In the end it just seems to not work out so far, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever work out. Easy for me to say because I’m not in their shoes.

    I realize that I am not really giving you any helpful advice and I am sorry for that. I just wanted you to know that I know a few women and men who are in the same boat. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with them and I don’t think anything is wrong with you. It doesn’t help. It doesn’t change anything for you. I know. But I hate seeing you beat yourself up.

    I hope that you can have a happy life and I hope that life will soon include a wonderful woman who loves you for exactly who you are. Good luck.

    Thank you. I really mean that. Thank you.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    BV1980 wrote: »
    countcurt wrote: »
    I am a little curious at this point...

    You’ve been given a ton of feedback. What’s your plan?

    Honestly, I don't know. A lot of the suggestions are great. And a lot of them I have already done. I just feel lost and like there is no hope.

    I'm probably going to give up on it. I am going to just focus on the gym, my hobbies, my career, my house, travelling, and things like that. My biggest goal is to build a lake house and buy a boat. I will most likely just put my all into that and then go hide away at my lake cabin and fish and read and try to find some kind of peace in this world. This overwhelming desire in me for love, marriage, family, is killing me. It leaves me terrified that I will end up alone. I'll just hope that I can leave this world sooner rather than later so I don't have to just exist in loneliness until I am in my 80s or whenever. If I have to be alone, I hope I get to leave much sooner than that.

    So sorry you feel that way.
  • shannonfox1984
    shannonfox1984 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on what you have fine! Dating is hard these days, especially online and when overweight. I'm having a hell of a time as well. Keep your head up!