I feel silly on a treadmill

I want to work out, but I'm surrounded by all these beautiful fit people running their butts off and looking great while they do it and I just can't find the courage. Know how often I've actually run longer than 30 seconds in the last ten years? Yeah, never. I feel like my flabby flab is bouncing all over the place and it's middle school again and all the pretty kids are gonna throw wet jolly ranchers in my hair when I'm not looking. I want so bad to work out, and since owning a treadmill at home isn't an option for another few months, I have to go to the gym. I'd just run at home around the block but I've got kiddos and no one to watch them.
Can someone please reassure me that nobody is going to make fun of me? I hate new situations, and I hate making an *kitten* of myself, but dammit, I want to do this, and I don't want to cry because I'm so scared someone will look at me with that "oh, poor fat thing, do you even know what to do on that?" look. So...reassurance, please? Encouragement? Words of wisdom? Anything?


  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Speed walk to start of if your'e not comfortable with running.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I can't reassure you that no one is making fun of you, but I can suggest that you not care. You are doing this for you, don't let worrying about what others think hold you back.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Um, eff everybody else and what they think. You are ON the treadmill, and you are WORKING HARD for what you want, and the only way you're going to make progress is if you keep getting back on over and over and have the determination to keep going. Other people may be intimidating, but after a few months, you're going to be one of the fit people working out, too. Don't worry about them, worry about you and your successes!!!
  • Tweety379
    I know that I applaud anyone who steps into a gym. As far as running, take it slow. I will do a walk and jog. So I will jog for 1 minute a walk for 3-5 minutes. It starts you out slow until you can build up. I am not a runner by any means and would rather use a bike or elliptical, but I am pushing myself to do more things.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    it's ok! I used to feel the same way at the gym. I wore my baggiest shirts and picked a treadmill in the back. There's a quote I once heard that helps me a lot , something like " No one really is focused on you as much as you are focused on yourself." it was a lot more eloquent than that but basically, everyone cares about themselves and while they may give you a glance, they probably are not thinking as negatively about you as you are!

    If you keep it up, you will be one of those girls that everyone else is intimidated by :)
  • crummywatertowr
    crummywatertowr Posts: 45 Member
    Most of those fit runners are in their own little world trying to get their workouts in. They might not say but I think logically they are proud of you for doing it. They know the benefits of being fit and why would they not want you to be fit!
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Trust me- no one is thinking you're the flabby flab girl on the treadmill... You're at the gym, trying to improve yourself. That's all that matters. Start slow and work your way up...

    LOL- people at the gym are so self-centered, they're not thinking of anyone else. No worries :)

    I hate being on a machine more than anything- but it's easier for me to go to the gym and get it done than try to do an outside trail, etc.

    You're fine! The first step is the hardest one- Get on and give it your best!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Everyone at the gym is there for the same reason. Those gorgeously fit women...who says they didn't start attending the gym at the same stage as you? If you do catch them looking at you like "Do you even know what you're doing?" just smile and ask them if they've got any tips for you. They'll be flattered that you think they know more than you, or else they'll smile shyly and never look at you again ^_^ It's what I always did in the equipment room at school and I always got one response or the other...usually followed by the teacher telling me to just get on with it mind...but no one ever said anything negative back. And I was NOT popular at school :P
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm 6'7 and look totally out of place when I'm walking/running on a treadmill. You have to get it out of your head that your being watched. Stop worrying about what others think and get on the machine for the most important reason, yourself!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was the same way when I started working out at the gym. I found a gym where I was comfortable with the people who went to that particular gym - I didn't want a body builder gym or a gym with all the skinny, hot people while I was trying to sweat my way to a thinner me.

    Found a great gym where there are all kinds of people who work out there. The first few times I went I was very self conscious, but eventually I realized that no one else was paying the least bit of attention to me or what *I* was doing. The only one who was concerned about how I looked, what I was doing, etc... was ... ME. Just me. No one else seemed to notice or if they did notice they didn't give a crap what *I* was doing.

    Go. Workout. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing.
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    I see your goal is a pin up style shoot... let me tell ya, that's a whole lot of fun and you'll love how those photos make you feel. I did one in Apri, when I was just about to goal and it was awesome. Definitely a good reward!

    Anyway, any skinny b!tches who can't see that the "fat girl" is running because she is trying to make a change aren't worth your concern. I have a lot of respect for the bigger people I see jogging outside (jiggles and all! lol) because they're trying to DO something. If anyone does look at you funny, just smile and wave.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Um, eff everybody else and what they think. You are ON the treadmill, and you are WORKING HARD for what you want, and the only way you're going to make progress is if you keep getting back on over and over and have the determination to keep going. Other people may be intimidating, but after a few months, you're going to be one of the fit people working out, too. Don't worry about them, worry about you and your successes!!!

  • pixidaisy
    I will tell you what my brother told me when I first joined the gym and went through a bit of a panic attack. He is fairly fit so I took what he said to heart. He said "you know, I got to the gym almost everyday and I can tell you when I see someone who is bigger walk through the doors and start working out I think 'good for them, they are doing something towards getting healthy.' His friends - who also frequent the gym have confirmed they think the same thing. One also went on to tell me me that he admires people who brave going to the gym when they are not in the most awesome shape, it shows courage and determination.

    When I first started going to the gym I had a little pep talk with myself and all I said was "Hey everyone starts some where, and if someone doesn't like lookin at my jiggling they don't have to but I am not going to stop trying to get healthy, and in shape just because other people don't like what I look like."
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Nobody makes fun of you at the gym. It's not high school.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    nobody is going to make fun of you or judge you... !! I am not the most fit person and sometimes I hate it when a perfect little barbie doll runs on the tread right next to me because I would run for 2 mins then take a 30 sec break then run more and break.. while she's running the entire time lol... All I know is when I am in the zone nobody exists around me and I'm pretty sure that's how the people at the gym feel as well.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    i was 300 lbs when i started and felt the same way as you. panic attacks for a month before i could even go to the gym. first day, i was shaking. and you know what? nobody even looked at me. it really is true, they're all too busy with their own thing to notice. if anything, they're thinking "good for her". what fit people want more than anything is for everyone else to be fit too. I've been there for 4 months now and i'm starting to get some comments. all along the line of how awesome i'm doing.

    Just get out there. they all started at the same place as you. nobody is born fit, they all had to work hard to get where they are. One day, that'll be you. I promise.
  • amygibson82
    amygibson82 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't feel silly! I look at it this way...I am THERE, working my BUTT off. Literally. At least you are doing something about your weight and not sitting around eating mindlessly. Don't worry about what other people think of you! I know that is easier said than done trust me! But you just have to tell yourself even if people are staring at you that you are making a change in yourself and you are doing awesome. You can do it!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ah yes when my stomach and *kitten* use to bounce up and down lol :laugh:

    I started off walking for the first month, then increased my speeds as time moved along. Also I used a spandex type of shorts to hold my gut and butt bc it was all over the place at first...it gets better over time and you'll be able to jog/run. Just focus on the mental game of eating right and the rest will come :flowerforyou:
    I agree. build up speed with walking. You will build endurance while burning calories. When I see someone at the gym that is overweight, I am applauding them and cheering them on in my head. I was feeling like you when I went to the kick boxing gym with my friend. Everyone else was a) male and b) a professional fighter and in incredible shape. After the workout, about half of them came up to us and said we did good and encouraged us to come back (fist bumps included).

    Don't be scared. No one is thinking you shouldn't be there and if you don't know how to use a piece of equipment, ask! There are plenty of people that are eager to help and share their knowledge. And I promise no one is going to throw things at you.

    I congratulate you on taking the steps to go! Yay You!
  • fbuschur
    fbuschur Posts: 57
    DON'T feel silly. You are there, working to get and be healthy while so many others are home on the sofa eating chips.

    Be proud, and know that nobody is watching or judging you, or that the VERY FEW who might be, aren't worth concerning yourself with.

    The only one you need to impress is yourself, and you will feel SO good for getting it done!!

    Good for you!