Anyone else doing low-carb?

Hi!! It's Day 4 on MFP for me, and things are going really well!
I really like this site so far, because of the combination of message boards and really great tracking tools.

I am jump-starting my diet (this time around... lol) by going low-carb for a few weeks, because it really does work for me.
I am especially looking for support buddies who are low-carbing, but interested in sharing ideas or thoughts with anyone.
Feel free to friend me. (include a short message please? :)
Take care and good luck to everyone!!!


  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Good luck!

    There's a range of definitions of "low carb" - what are you following specifically?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I follow the Primal Blueprint/Paleo lifestyle which tends to be lower carb naturally, due to the exclusion of fillers such as grains, soy, legumes, and sugar.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Hi!! It's Day 4 on MFP for me, and things are going really well!
    I really like this site so far, because of the combination of message boards and really great tracking tools.

    I am jump-starting my diet (this time around... lol) by going low-carb for a few weeks, because it really does work for me.
    I am especially looking for support buddies who are low-carbing, but interested in sharing ideas or thoughts with anyone.
    Feel free to friend me. (include a short message please? :)
    Take care and good luck to everyone!!!

    i am doing a low carb, or should i say mostly low carb diet, the anabolic diet, someone on mfp turned me on to it.
    its nice because durning the week (after induction period) its very low carb/ hi fat and pro. but on weekends you carb load.
    i dont feel deprived cause i know ican have stuff i want on weekends. I plan to keep it very health stuff though. this weekend is my first carb weekend.
    oh and by the way i had creeped back up to where my ticker was reading 0 when i started this, thats what brought me to it was at the end of my rope, when a new friend helped me up (given props to Jnick77).
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    try again
  • nelson6500
    I am diabetic so I follow the American Diabetes diet. I do however have a friend that is not and that is the diet her physician recommended for her.

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  • Sunflower729
    Hi Melanie,
    I'm just following my own lean meat, salad, eggs, olive oil (under 20 carbs) kind of thing for now.
    Great profile pic. Makes me miss my chocolate lab.
    Hope you have a great day.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Thanks :smile:

    When I started with MFP I first halved my usual carb intake, and now I aim for around 100-150 a day. That's fairly easy to manage - I dont think I could keep to 20g a day for very long!
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    I am just made it through my 2weeks of South Beach no-carb. I am now on a carb a day, till I loose the 80lbs!! Since I have to record what I eat on fitness pal, that helps me stick to what I say I am going to do.