

  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    O the horror stories, im in
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    So, what's going on? Anyone got any good stories to share?
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I just closed my OkCupid account today....oh boy was it infuriating. The messages were ridiculous!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I was asked out by this guy years ago and i'll never forget it. He asked if he could take me to dinner and a movie so figured it would be a nice way to get to know him i said yes. We went to a chain restaurant (ie: Chili's Applebees etc.) He ordered 2 drinks, an appetizer and a seafood main dish and I got the practical budget friendly salad. Made conversation while he would sometimes slip in a demeaning comment about the waitress between bragging about his job. I politely would defend the waitress when the comments were made and continued to listen.

    So when the bill came it wasn't even open on the table and you know that moment where you kind of are trying to figure out who is going to grab it first? Yeah, he already had decided...put his index finger on it and slid it to me across the table. I figured, well that was really rude, but hey...maybe he's going to pick up the movie (like split 50/50 which happens sometimes). Yeah didn't pay for his ticket either. Gestured me ahead in line to i purchased mine then had the nerve to ask If i had gotten his. I told him no, i figured we were each getting our own. Movie ended and so did date....

    Next day he called me and said he had an amazing time and would like to go out again together. I told him i had no doubt he had a great time considering his practically free night out...needless to say we didn't go out again...
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was asked out by this guy years ago and i'll never forget it. He asked if he could take me to dinner and a movie so figured it would be a nice way to get to know him i said yes. We went to a chain restaurant (ie: Chili's Applebees etc.) He ordered 2 drinks, an appetizer and a seafood main dish and I got the practical budget friendly salad. Made conversation while he would sometimes slip in a demeaning comment about the waitress between bragging about his job. I politely would defend the waitress when the comments were made and continued to listen.

    So when the bill came it wasn't even open on the table and you know that moment where you kind of are trying to figure out who is going to grab it first? Yeah, he already had decided...put his index finger on it and slid it to me across the table. I figured, well that was really rude, but hey...maybe he's going to pick up the movie (like split 50/50 which happens sometimes). Yeah didn't pay for his ticket either. Gestured me ahead in line to i purchased mine then had the nerve to ask If i had gotten his. I told him no, i figured we were each getting our own. Movie ended and so did date....

    Next day he called me and said he had an amazing time and would like to go out again together. I told him i had no doubt he had a great time considering his practically free night out...needless to say we didn't go out again...

    I was going to insert a funny comment here, but since he did ask you out, he should have paid.

    That's just rude.
  • sweetsapphire85
    Oh i would have been fine paying for mine. But paying his $35 compared to my $10 was weird. Go dutch if you are going to splurge...
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I recently set a goal for myself. When I lose another 20lbs I'm going to start dating. I was in a long relationship and haven't dated in about 15 years. Any advice you all have to offer would be appreciated!
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Sounds like a good idea.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Oh the joys of dating.

    AS fun as it is Im so ready to finally be taken
  • sweetsapphire85
    I'm in school with 99% females and work in an office of all females. I can't even find places to meet guys my age besides the bars (and we know how that goes...) where do all you guys look to meet other singles?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Oh i would have been fine paying for mine. But paying his $35 compared to my $10 was weird. Go dutch if you are going to splurge...

    I agree.

    While if I ask, I pay.

    If I'm out w/ someone who is paying for my meal, I will order something more than reasonable. I do not like for others to pay for me to eat something expensive.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm in school with 99% females and work in an office of all females. I can't even find places to meet guys my age besides the bars (and we know how that goes...) where do all you guys look to meet other singles?

    Just remember... "Myspace is the new bootycall..."

    I can't remember the movie that was from lol.

    Grocery stores (serious)
    Sporting events
    mutual friends
  • sweetsapphire85
    Yeah, I met a guy off of myspace once. He said "I love you" and came up with the idea that we should get a pet together on outing number 2. haha

    I did for 3 months, and e-harmony at one point but I've been multitasking it with my education so I figure once i'm done school next May I may give it another go round.
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm in :)
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    I decided to put my toe in the crazy waters of internet dating again ..... ewch.... it seems like the only way to meet people these days. So what is everyones thoughts about taking the time getting to know someone via email and then meeting or just skipping the whole email thing and meeting up.

    I like the idea of getting to know someone but then you really don't know them until you meet them anyway. I spent a month getting to know someone via email, developing this incredible connection and then when we met there wasn't the chemistry there and it was INCREDIBLY disappointing!! Thankfully after many months we have been able to get to a place where we can maintain a friendship, but it wasn't without heartbreak along the way.

    This time around I haven't taken quite as long to get to know someone via email, however I've met up with a couple of guys and just not felt that spark or connection.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I haven't really decided what I'll do once I move, but I might use something just to meet new people in the area (I'll know no-one) and then go from there. But, I'm also not a creeper and I'm not interested in telling someone I love them the first day :D
  • sweetsapphire85
    I like the idea of getting to know someone but then you really don't know them until you meet them anyway. I spent a month getting to know someone via email, developing this incredible connection and then when we met there wasn't the chemistry there and it was INCREDIBLY disappointing!!

    Completely agree, I've had a few times where I had really invested myself and the e-mail conversation was great but it was way off after meeting the person. I wish i had a solution, I don't get out much for socializing now with my other obligations (Internship, 3 classes, on top of other daily living tasks) so it sadly hasn't left much room for meeting new people which is why for a few months i was doing online but it didn't match me up either.

    I sadly feel out of touch with my peers though, i'll be 26 next month and out of all the girls I know there are only 2 that aren't engaged, married, or have children (or more than one of these statuses) Even when we go out that's all they talk about is their hubby's or play dates for the kids etc. I really need to get back in the game so i can relate to my friends once again.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    ok, so where are all the HOT guys at on here?! LOL
  • Molly_Louise
    I'm in! Though me being single is my own fault really. I don't have the confidence to date at all, so bring on the weight loss and then bring on the dates!