I am back AGAIN

Kate8628 Posts: 23 Member
I don't know what is wrong with me. I have been trying to lose weight for 7 years with 2 pregnancies inbetween. My youngest is 1 and I am still really overweight. I started losing weight a while back but only lost 5lb in 10 weeks and that is too slow for me so I stupidly gave up. Now put all that back on! I am living in leggings and hate it.
Do some people naturally lose weight slower than others? I would like to lose a stone by Christmas so I can wear some jeans. I just find it so hard to stick to as it comes off so slow.
Any advice would be appreciated especially if there are others that lose really slowly. Thanks in advance for any replies x


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    How are you calculating your calorie intake and expenditure? Logging daily? Using a food scale? How much weight do you need to lose to get to a healthy BMI?
  • noeliav633
    noeliav633 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't get discourage, I just signed back on too! I'm diabetic and tend to lose weight slowly. I just figured I might as well be patient because I want to be healthy and see my little girl grow up. I've lost 160 lbs but recently gained back approximately 13 pounds due to insulin. We got this!
  • Kate8628
    Kate8628 Posts: 23 Member
    How are you calculating your calorie intake and expenditure? Logging daily? Using a food scale? How much weight do you need to lose to get to a healthy BMI?

    I was counting them on my own last time and just exercising 5 days a week for 60 mins. I cut out the normal stuff like white bread, chocolate biscuits, crisps etc.
    I have 40lbs to lose to be at my ideal bmi.
    Like I said I did start losing but it was really slow and I just quit which looking back now I know I shouldn't have.
  • Kate8628
    Kate8628 Posts: 23 Member
    noeliav633 wrote: »
    Don't get discourage, I just signed back on too! I'm diabetic and tend to lose weight slowly. I just figured I might as well be patient because I want to be healthy and see my little girl grow up. I've lost 160 lbs but recently gained back approximately 13 pounds due to insulin. We got this!

    I have 3 boys so I want to be healthy as well but I also want to feel good again. So fed up with feeling rubbish but I need to pick myself up and get back on it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    Kate8628 wrote: »
    How are you calculating your calorie intake and expenditure? Logging daily? Using a food scale? How much weight do you need to lose to get to a healthy BMI?

    I was counting them on my own last time and just exercising 5 days a week for 60 mins. I cut out the normal stuff like white bread, chocolate biscuits, crisps etc.
    I have 40lbs to lose to be at my ideal bmi.
    Like I said I did start losing but it was really slow and I just quit which looking back now I know I shouldn't have.

    Log your food here. Set your Goals to "lose one pound per week," like it suggested at setup. That's a good rate of loss at your weight.

    When you exercise eat a bit more, enter the exercise into the Exercise tab and the tool will allot more calories.

    You don't have to cut out bread, biscuits, crisps etc. It does make it easier if you cut back on the portions of them, but all food is fine.

  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    I'm losing at the same rate as OP; a half pound a week adds up! While I'd like to lose faster, even my doctor says this good. Just keep on keeping on!
  • Kate8628
    Kate8628 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I do just need to keep going or I'll just keep giving up and ending up back where i started. So hard sometimes though. I'll keep looking at the success stories on here, that really helps.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    You lost weight, but not fast enough, so you gave up and gained it back. That doesn't make any sense. The time will pass and you will gain or lose regardless. Make your decision about which you want that to be and pass time working toward that. It might be slower than you want, but if you hadn't stopped, think how much more you would have lost. Instead, you're starting over. Stop starting over, and just do. Live. One day at a time. You can do it. You just need to keep doing it.

    One helpful thing I read on mfp was this: Your life is full of obstacles. Don't make yourself one of them. (or something like that... ;) )
  • sarabeth320
    sarabeth320 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Kate, I will add you. Maybe we can keep each other accountable. I am over the leggings life!!!
  • adamwatt305
    adamwatt305 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey Kate I’ve not long started but I’m very motivated and maybe I can help and give some advice.
  • BigMo2017
    BigMo2017 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm also returning after my partner had our second baby. My problem was hitting the sugary treats for a boost when I wasn't getting enough sleep.
    For me the best way to stay motivated is to "do the math". Use a BMR calculator online to find your Basal Metabolic Rate (that's a rough estimate of how many calories your body would go through if you were just sleeping 24/ 7). Use a fitness tracker app like runtastic, endomondo or map my walk and see how many calories you burn just going out for a brisk walk. Add them together and that'll be your minimum calorie burn for the day. As long as you eat less than that you should lose weight. If you keep track of what goes in (what you eat) and what goes out (BMR and exercise) and at the end of the week subtract one from the other you get the excess calories burned. Divide that by 3500 and it'll predict the number of lbs lost that week before you step on the scales. I found it worked for me, and is again this second time around, it takes the mystery out of how it works and gives you confidence that you're doing it right.
  • slheddlesten
    slheddlesten Posts: 41 Member
    I was in the same exact boat as you with giving up many times. I did everything I was supposed to and still gained weight. Turns out I am overly sensitive to carbs. I adapted to a Paleo Diet and I love it.
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    I was in the same exact boat as you with giving up many times. I did everything I was supposed to and still gained weight. Turns out I am overly sensitive to carbs. I adapted to a Paleo Diet and I love it.
    Hi how do you find out if you’re sensitive to carbs? I think I might be so just wondering how to know for sure.