What are you doing to address your mental health needs while shedding the pounds?



  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.
    Ha! I grew up fat, surrounded by adults with mental health problems, and being constantly told that I just needed "more willpower." From now on, whenever I hear or remember the phrase, I'm going to mentally replace "more willpower" with "less insanity." :)

    As to addressing my current mental health, I have a support group here; and am walking outdoors for exercise, Vitamin D and endorphins. I'm also looking into seeing a therapist again for a while.

    oooohh... I LOVE this. Thank you. I’m in for less insanity!!
  • Chrystalanne90
    Chrystalanne90 Posts: 9 Member
    meditation, breathing, getting into podcasts, taking care of myself.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I go to therapy multiple days a week (yay for health insurance that covers it). That said my mental health issues have nothing to do with my eating or my weight for better or worse.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.

    If mental health was based on will power a lot fewer people would be struggling with their mental health.

    Er, I think what @tronjo2002 meant was that willpower is based on mental health...
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.

    If mental health was based on will power a lot fewer people would be struggling with their mental health.

    Er, I think what @tronjo2002 meant was that willpower is based on mental health...

    If that's the case, it wasn't at all clear to me. From the way I read it (and I've done so a few times) they're either equating mental health with will power or saying that weight loss comes down to knowledge about nutrition (among other things) and mental health and calling that set of things will power. I suspect it's the latter.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I'll start. I am doing general counseling for nutrition and exercise. Anyone else have any tips or suggestions?

    So far I have restored two old farm tractors and got a sad looking 2010 F150 Ford pickup now glad looking to tow them to tractor shows.
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    I exercise when I feel up for it, take a day off if I don't. I will give in to a nap if I feel run down or needing rest. I eat healthy most of the time, but will indulge in a cheeseburger, pizza, or Chinese buffet if the craving lasts for 2-3 days. I set small goals (1-2 weeks) for my journey so that I can stay motivated (eat more veggies, do another 1/2 mile on walk/runs, do under a 10 min mile, etc.). Finally, I try to remember I didn't gain the weight in one day, I won't lose it in one day.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.

    If mental health was based on will power a lot fewer people would be struggling with their mental health.

    Er, I think what @tronjo2002 meant was that willpower is based on mental health...

    If that's the case, it wasn't at all clear to me. From the way I read it (and I've done so a few times) they're either equating mental health with will power or saying that weight loss comes down to knowledge about nutrition (among other things) and mental health and calling that set of things will power. I suspect it's the latter.

    Ooh, fun! It's another case of "Where Do You Put The Punctuation/Formatting?" If I correctly understand the way you're reading it, the OP might have conveyed his meaning in a post like this:
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc.; and, 2. Mental health.

    Call it will power or whatever.

    While, the way I'm reading it, OP could have gotten his meaning across with this:
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc.; and 2. Mental health - call it will power or whatever.

    Interesting. :)
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.

    If mental health was based on will power a lot fewer people would be struggling with their mental health.

    Er, I think what @tronjo2002 meant was that willpower is based on mental health...

    If that's the case, it wasn't at all clear to me. From the way I read it (and I've done so a few times) they're either equating mental health with will power or saying that weight loss comes down to knowledge about nutrition (among other things) and mental health and calling that set of things will power. I suspect it's the latter.

    Ooh, fun! It's another case of "Where Do You Put The Punctuation/Formatting?" If I correctly understand the way you're reading it, the OP might have conveyed his meaning in a post like this:
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc.; and, 2. Mental health.

    Call it will power or whatever.

    While, the way I'm reading it, OP could have gotten his meaning across with this:
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc.; and 2. Mental health - call it will power or whatever.

    Interesting. :)

    The main way I'm reading it is with the idea that mental health is being equated with will power in part because of the hyphen. The second reading of it is putting less emphasis on will power being connected to mental health, but even then there's some connection being made.

    Either way - I don't have the will power to try to analyze this anymore this evening because sleeping is definitely a part of taking care of one's self and I can feel myself wanting to fall asleep :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Addressing the things that caused me to gain weight in the 1st place.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Exercise certainly helps me mentally while losing weight (and during maintenance). Coworkers know I exercise and assume that's how I lost the weight. They don't realize I lost the weight by managing my calorie intake (CICO). The exercise affects the CO of course, but the main reason I exercise is for the mental aspect. I am a stress eater. When I exercise I manage my stress. I also really enjoy the exercise. (is that mental too?) My exercise of choice is cycling and running.

    Bingo! On days I don't exercise, I'm finding it nearly impossible to manage my stress, thus my eating.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I struggle with depression. Exercise has been the best thing for my depression. Its my street reliever, happy time, my ME time. My eating also changes with mood. If I am on track my mood seems to be more stable. When my mood is bad so is my eating. Its like a vicious cycle.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 422 Member
    Brad805, what books do you recommend for changing one's relationship to food?
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I prefer 9round. Have a good day? Hit the bags. Have a bad day or someone is pissing me off? I hit (and kick) the bags way harder! That & Fireball at Husker tailgates, but that just helps me cope with this season so far. #GBR
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    tronjo2002 wrote: »
    IMO, there are only two things when it comes to weight loss (health in general). 1. Knowledge about nutrition, exercise, etc. and 2. Mental health. Call it will power or whatever.

    If mental health was based on will power a lot fewer people would be struggling with their mental health.

    If I could like this multiple times, I would. The assumption that willpower is greater then my illnesses annoys the ever loving crap out of me.
  • xrayhexx
    xrayhexx Posts: 11 Member
    Exercise, talk therapy and occasional small amounts of dark chocolate. 😉
  • KeithWhiteJr
    KeithWhiteJr Posts: 233 Member
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Activities I enjoy like coaching basketball.

    Eat a very LCHF diet. Avoid refined and processed carbs. My BG varies greatly with more carbs and the energy swing and discomfort affects my mood and cognition. The fats seem to help with cognition overall too. YMMV