Need to lose 60 pounds that should never return

pamgoldfarb Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2018 in Getting Started
Anyone want to keep me honest? Want to embrace this promise to myself with good people determined too


  • Irenebates85
    Irenebates85 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to help you
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    edited October 2018

    There's a really nice group here on MFP called the Weight Loss Challenge and Support Group. We have end-of-day checkins on how we are doing on the things that will move us towards our goal (did food, water, exercise go as planned?) and weekly weigh-ins. The challenge is that you are on a team, and that the leaders add up the weekly weigh-ins to see which team did the best that week, which is fun. The big focus is on support, and people share about what they are up to and what's challenging.

    Here's the link, in case that sounds interesting:
  • BamaAngel17
    BamaAngel17 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on that journey myself. I started my journey on July 8 of this year. I am down 18 lbs. I set myself goals of 10 lbs each. It has been a struggle but I am doing it. I wish you the best. I will be here to encourage or to possibly even help you if you need it.
  • PigHerder
    PigHerder Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in exactly the same boat. 60lbs needs to go! I got started last Saturday, so still early days - but so far, so good! I'll send you a friend request! :smile:
  • iampirateking
    iampirateking Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it, just never give up!