Just started a 'Biggest Loser' contest at work...

Joined a 'Biggest Loser'competition here at work; cost me $25 but if I win I stand to make almost $500 which would buy a new wardrobe for a hot body! So while I've been happy with my slow-as-molasses process, it's time to step it up a notch and kick it into high gear. The person at work who I dislike the most, has won a few contests in his tenure here, so I intend to kick his *kitten* just for the satisfaction alone!

Anyone have any tips? It's a percentage contest, so the more weight I lose the better, because I am not as heavy as some of the people in the contest.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    well unfortunately for you, men lose weight faster and easier than woman. Start running everyone that has drops the weight, feels great and it really changes you.
  • jsiler181
    I don't really have tips (beyond the usual eat healthier, exercise frequently, etc.) but I just wanted to wish you luck! I actually just won a small Biggest Loser competition at my office and scored enough cash to buy my groceries for the week lol And I totally feel you on the "just cause" attitude towards your co-worker. I pushed myself a bit harder to beat a co-worker (whom I actually like) because she wins EVERYTHING. Someone has to usurp the reigning champ-why shouldn't it be you?!

    Best of luck!
  • Kimgrizz64
    So true! We too are in a contest at my workplace...the men are dropping pounds like crazy, fast and barely changing their normal routine! :0. Buuuut, that gives me such an attitude of competitiveness to GO FOR IT!!!! I want to win too!
    :) good luck
  • cmbradfield
    I've done several 'Biggest Loser' competitions at work and beat out all the guys, so it can be done. Just watch what you eat and continue to exercise!!!! Good Luck.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    It was a "biggest loser" type contest within my mommy group that started me on my weight loss journey! I actually won it, losing 40 lbs in 4 months (21% of my body weight). I was extremely diligent. Portion controlled (used the smaller dessert plates for my meals, measured EVERYTHING), I ran 4-5x a week, did strength training 4-5x a week, only drank water and limited my carb intake in the evenings. Good luck with your competition, I'm sure you'll do great!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Im almost done with a similiar competition but Im in 3rd place, theres another girl in second place, and the first place is a guy BUT the 2nd place girl is less than a pound from overtaking him; so guys losing faster isnt always true and doesnt mean your automatically out..

    but... drink as much water as you can.. your suppose to drink half of your body weight a day in ounces of water, but if you excercise, drink any caffeine, or have excess sodium, you need to drink even more water. Try to eat as clean as possible with as little processed foods as you can; fruits and veggies as snacks instead of granola bars, etc.

    Your last weigh in, flush your system right before weigh in; get rid of excess waste (they say you can hold 20lbs of waste in your intestines)... also go to a sauna directly before weigh in... but as soon as you drink water your replace that water, so its important that its right before..

    Also jogging/running helps build muscle really fast, so id avoid this because i have runner friends and they cant loose weight because they gain so much muscle so quickly. I stick to circuit training workouts at home (like jillian michaels 30day shred or dancing with weights, etc, walking, sit ups, etc). Also when you workout your body pulls in water to heal itself, so dont workout the last 3 days before final weigh in to let your body heal and release that water. dont come to work with wet hair, pick your lightest clothes, dont eat/drink prior. the final week kick it up with clean eating and even more water to flush out sodium/toxins. remember meat takes longer for your body to break down, so id try to avoid meat the last couple days for sure... my final weigh in is in a little under 2 weeks, and i need to kick it up a huge notch or else ill remain in 3rd place.
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice! I actually have started running, I'm doing Couch To 10K because I want to become one of those people who runs for fun. Mixing in 3 strength days per week I'm aiming for 6 cardio sessions and 1 day of full complete rest. I play soccer and football (and softball, and kickball - but softball's over after tonight, and kickball is over for at least this season, I chose not to play this season) but my trainer told me that I wasn't losing because I was doing anaerobic, and not aerobic exercise.

    If I don't see faster results with my changes in diet and 1 month completion of Couch to 10K then I'll go back to trainer and ask her to put me on something that will whip the weight out of me. The important thing is I feel great, but I just want to lose the pounds I've put on since I've been working in this darn office!

    One problem I have is that I want to get up in the morning and go work out, but I loooove sleeping in. Does anyone have any advice for that?
    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    Good for you! I'm on my 2nd round "biggest loser' at work. I won the first one (yayyy)... coming in w/ a loss of 22lbs!!! I followed the 50 million pound challenge and the weight melted off http://www.50millionpounds.com/

    I'm on the 2nd round and doing a steady weight loss. I haven't follow the 50MP. I'm doing everything on MFP and I love it also.
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    Great advice thank you! I heard from Jillian Michaels that running makes you skinny so I'm trying to do that as my cardio while combined with bike riding, swimming when possible, and my soccer and football. Then 3 strength days on top of it. Like I said if I don't see results then I'll be back in with the trainer telling her to put me on the killer route because I have GOT to win this contest!

    You know when someone just acts like its their job to make your life a living hell? That's this guy... and he does the sauna thing before weighing in etc. I just want to beat him to have the satisfaction because he's made my life so miserable at work!!
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    As for the diet, I'm good there. I'm a Shaklee rep and fully believe in the Cinch plan to help me take the weight off fast because it's done it for me before and I know it'll do it again. Just concerned about the rest of the people doing crazy stuff so that's why I want to know about the tips. I will keep all of you posted, thank you all so much for replying!!