Soul Cysters 40 in 4



  • Petunia32
    I am tentatively in. At the moment my family are in cootie hell (end of winter here, the damn viruses are attracted to us like flies on dung) and I am recovering from busting about four ligaments in my left ankle, but I'm not getting anywhere on my own steam and could use some motivation and support. We are getting over the flu right now and my diet is abysmal.

    Freeloaves, you sound like me. I read your profile and even our weight loss journey is pretty much the same, including our weights and gain backs over the last year.
  • LittleFootHafner
    I'm in (for a long shot) on trying to lose 40 in 4! ;) That would almost put me at my goal weight, which I originally put Valentine's Day as a goal!?!

    I have a silly question though - I have never done a challenge before, and don't know how they work...

    Do I just report my weight and exercie to you AJ, or do I just enter it in my journal?!?
    I always enter my exercise daily, but I tend to weight myself in on Tuesdays usually...
  • smartipants
    I am in for this challenge. It is GO time! :) Im good with the 300 minute challenge and cheking in once a week. So were starting this Sunday right? Eeek! haha. Let me know anymore details as needed. Thanks!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    So this challenge will end by December. My primary goal is to do 300 mins / wk and 2nd goal is 40 in 4. This will put me around 120 lbs. Heaven knows I don't know if that number likes me. My goal is to be around 140's/130's. So we'll see. Man! Oh man, if I hit 120's I will be in cloud 9. I'll probably go around in 2-pc (with excess skin) everyday. Even in the winter, lol.

    This kind of works out well with school starting my twins will be in pre-k 3x/wk so I have some time to myself to hit the gym or go biking.

    I am so excited. I just got my HRM, my bike and my reebok easytone. i a ready to kick butt.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Nice! I like the goal of 300 min of exercise and Sunday sounds like a good start. Should we post our starting weight on Sunday too?
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Losing 40lb will put me close to my goal weight too. I really need to push my exercise more. I think I need to go on walks when i don't go to kickboxing and need to start dancing up again.

    It's really hard to get motivation to go outside and get up early to exercise when you're in the middle of the biggest snow storm in the country in 30-40 years
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I really wish there was a stronger group feature on this website to put everything together:0/........I am going with:
    1. Starting the challenge on Sunday 8/21 ends December
    2. Weigh in/record on Saturdays (on MFP like you normally do, if you would like message me on Saturday (in order to include exercise time from (Sun-Sat).I want:
    1.starting weight, 2. Weekly weight loss 3. Inches lost 4. Exercise time. I will do my best to chart and make announcements for top performers and to congratulate all progress.DO NOT be discouraged if numbers are not what you want as you work to lose weight we are making a commitment to health.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I will message you on Friday (and it may come through to you on a Thursday cos of the time diff) or would you prefer Monday (which could come through on a Sunday?

    Just that I leave my scales at work and my usual weigh in day is Monday anyway :)
  • Choirgirl37
    Hey! This is just the challenge I was looking for. :-) We CAN do this. It all starts right there: Believing.

    Keep telling yourselves that you can do it. My endocrineologist told me that I could not lose weight w/o metformin. I proved him to be a liar as I lost 50 lbs without it and he is the chairman of endorcrineology at the University Hospitals in Cleveland. I'm not telling anybody to stop their meds -No. I'm just saying that you must really believe that you can lose the weight. Embrace that thought and then you will start to think of what you need to do in order to move in the right direction.
  • smartipants
    Hey there! So just for clarification did you want our starting numbers this Saturday or next Saturday the 26th? Either way I can't wait to start!

    Choirgirl!!! I am so glad to see your post. I was telling myself this week that I was going to make an appt with the doc and demand i get on this Metaformin aka miracle PCOS drug (so it seems), but after seeing your post this makes me think twice. I mean can it be done? Can I do it, more Anyhow thanks for the post and the extra motivation!!!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    The start date is Sunday August 21, 2011. You can send in initial measurements now or on Sunday. Weigh in is Saturday. If it is a conflict for you to weigh in that date that is fine. I just made it on Saturday so that you have a full 7 days to get in exercise etc.

    Week 1: August 21, 2011-> August 27, 2011 ******at the end of the week send in your new weigh in, measurements, exercise time
    Week 2: August 28, 2011-> September 3, 2011
  • Choirgirl37
    Hey there! So just for clarification did you want our starting numbers this Saturday or next Saturday the 26th? Either way I can't wait to start!

    Choirgirl!!! I am so glad to see your post. I was telling myself this week that I was going to make an appt with the doc and demand i get on this Metaformin aka miracle PCOS drug (so it seems), but after seeing your post this makes me think twice. I mean can it be done? Can I do it, more Anyhow thanks for the post and the extra motivation!!!

    Just for clarification, I'm not saying the Metformin is bad. I've read about healthy people who take it for whatever reason (I can't remember). Nonetheless, I chose not to take it because of the side effects. I just doesn't work for me. So, as long as what I'm doing is working, I'm okay with not taking the Metformin. If must go back to it later -then I will.
  • TrufflePig
    Another cyster here, I'm already in a different challenge but I am cheering you all on!
  • Choirgirl37
    We gonna be doing this all hardcore and spreadsheety and reporting back and stuff? lol.

    I don't know about you guys, (and I really don't mean to cause offence here) but sometimes I feel like it's just me who can't lose weight and (sorry for the terminology here) but I feel, personally, like blaming no weight loss on my condition is just kinda like an excuse. I don't know, maybe I'm just too hard on myself.

    I guess because when I first starting losing weight, I lost 20kgs in 9 months and it just came off with no real exercise or anything. And now, for the past 2 years pretty much, I've been at the same weight (though not actively trying to lose mind you), and not seeing any results. I want to just blame myself for not trying hard enough, but I know that it is partially the PCOS ...

    Sorry if that made no sense. Just want to lose weight! lol

    That's an excellent idea! I'm terribly serious about managing PCOS -so any tool we can use to help is going to be an asset. I can work an excel spreadsheet, but I don't know how to post spreadsheets here. I've seen some threads where they chart stuff and then post a photo of the spreedsheet in the thread. Very nice tool if we can find somebody to work it.
  • Petunia32
    Tomorrow is Monday here (your Sunday for those around the other side of the world!) so I'll be weighing in in the morning. I'm not sure if I'll have time to do measurements though. Are we supposed to just post them here or what?

    Also could I request that if anyone starts a new topic, like for each week, that they come back here and post the new link so that it's easy to find? This board can move fast!
  • Choirgirl37
    As of 8/20
    Weight 206
    Chest 43"
    Waist 40"
    Hips 43"
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'll be posting in kgs, as that's how I want to track things

    as of 22/8

    Weight: 93kgs
    Neck: 15"
    Over bust: 42"
    Bust: 45"
    Under bust: 42"
    Waist at smallest: 38"
    Belly button: 46"
    Hips: 47.5"
    Thigh at largest: 27.5"
    Calf: 15"
    Arm at fatty part: 13.5"
    Wrist: 7"
  • Petunia32
    Ok, here we go.


    Will come back and edit to do measurements later as I'm not at home.
  • Choirgirl37
    Found this handy conversion chart to help me so that I understand where everyone else is in comparison to me.


    Petunia 90.1 kg =198.41 lbs

    Freeloaves 93 kg = 205 lbs

    Me 206 lbs = 93.44kg
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I know most people will be in pounds but that's all confusing and not the norm for me ;)

    Sometimes I'll post in lbs, but cos this is a group that's small and more communal, I'll post in kgs, as that's what I'm used to and it feels more successful to me :)