HELLO! My name is Kerry and I am 26 years old. I am a wife and mother and I have a wonderful life. I have been overweight on and off my entire life. I have tried all the quick fixes and they all worked great but as soon as I gave up I gained all the weight back. Most of the quick fix weight loss plans are not designed for long term use and I always ended up bigger than when I started. I know the only way to lose this weight and be healthy for life is to lose it the healthy way. I need to do this. I am tired of looking in the mirror and hating what I see. I am tired of my weight causing me to have a bad day. I am tired of being mean to my husband because I feel bad about myself. I am tired of starving myself and feeling awful to lost 5 pounds only to gain 10 the next week. I can't live like this anymore. My husband and son deserve better and damn it I deserve better too! I'd love any support the myfitnesspal communtiy is willing to offer and I will provide my support in return. WE CAN DO THIS!!!


  • Linsey1973
    Linsey1973 Posts: 75 Member
    I have been using this site for a week and love it!!

    I will be doing a weigh in on Sat, so hopefully see my hard work pay off. This site has helped me so much x
  • ckclontz
    ckclontz Posts: 68
    Nice to meet you Kerry! My name is Catherine, and you've found a great place to be! We will share your good, bad, and even ugly, and you'll have amazing support and motivation.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    Good luck and good health! :flowerforyou:
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    We CAN do this! :smile: I started in July and this site has been so great. This is the easiest it has ever been for me to lose weight. There is just so much support on here that I don't want to quit.

    Welcome to MFP and good luck.:happy:

    Oh yes, feel free to add me if you would like
  • jimtripin
    jimtripin Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome........... you're at the right place lots of great people and support
  • I have been using this site for almost two weeks. I love the fact that I can eat what I want, within reason, and then at the end of the day log in and see where I am at! The first week that I was here, I lost 4lbs. During that week I had good days, great days and really bad days!

    We can do it., and we have to realize that we will have bad days in the future, the important thing is to know that we have to pick us up, dust ourselve off and start the next day!

    The weight didn't come on overnight, so it isn't going to leave overnight! You are on the right track by wanting it for yourself as well as your family! Please feel free to add me as a friend!

    Like you, I have been overweight, basically my entire adult life!