Decision Time- Advice from those who've been there plz.

Okay, so I've been at this since January. Not lost a single pound- though I've lost a few inches but not really enough to make dramatic drop in pants size or anything.

I hired a personal trainer the first part of May and still no loss despite strength and cardio 5 days a week. In fact, other than gaining obvious strength I've gained 6lbs and am now 201.6lbs. First time in my life I'm over 200lbs. I had a complete come apart at the gym, my trainer and I got into an argument about how he thought I wasn't putting forth enough effort- I've never been so angry in my life. I literally lift heavy 3x a week with cardio and ropes and the other 2x a week do cardio with ropes. I work SO HARD that my house is falling apart-- I have no energy to clean it. I'm snappy with my kids- I'm too wiped for patience. I've not been sleeping well-- I went to bed at 11pm but was back up playing on MFP at 1am. All of this and now I'm going back to work for the first time in 12 years.

I have figured out over the last month that bread, pasta etc. is causing me some serious tummy trouble. I have eliminated it from my diet and I do feel better. I did have pasta a couple of times to test and sure enough- looked pregnant complete with a swollen face, sleepy and well-- had some bathroom issues, So bread is gone from my diet and I feel better.

I've also decided to try and eat cleaner- really watching my macros etc. It's not as hard as I thought.

Now its time to think about my workouts and this is where I need some advice. There is no way I can keep up this kind of workout intensity forever. I'm getting to the point to where I'm not enjoying it- esp, because I'm not seeing progress but also because I don't like the way its making me feel.

I should be at the gym right now doing my cardio, abs and ropes (strength was yesterday) but I have no desire to go. I'm thinking I'll just take the dog for a walk (she could lose some weight too BTW :laugh: )

There is no progress for me to hamper at this point- I just want the scale to move. I need to know if essentially cutting two hard kicking days of cardio out of my week (but keeping the other strength cardio days with the trainer )will make everything I'm doing all for naught.

I have my lbs/week loss set at 1.5 which gives me roughly 1250cals a day before exercise calories. Should I change this? My BMR is 1,610 according to MFP. I don't know if my diary is set to public or not. I can tell you until the last couple of weeks it probably didn't look too good- under calorie goal but with bad stuff. I took July off- we were gone gone gone and it did do damage.

I need for this to be a forever change, but I can't imagine a forever change including this massive amount of exercise that leaves me feeling horrible each day.

I'm off to take the doggie for a walk- I hope you'll respond with some helpful advice to help me get the scale moving but at the same time staying happy and productive.

Thanks so much in advance--

ETA: 39 years old
Pants size: 12/14
Shirts size: M/L (yeah lost inches where I WAS NOT blessed- thanks right?:ohwell: )


  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I have felt similar to how you feel as well. I started going to a trainer 10 weeks ago, 2 times per week, 30 minutes per session. The same day I started with JP (trainer), I also found this site and began logging in my calories.

    I initially lost about 3 pounds in 2 weeks. But after that, I almost came to a grinding halt despite adding high intensity cardio intervals on the treadmill to my 2x week sessions. I decided I needed to step it up, and now I am going to JP 3x a week and also adding in 1 or 2 25 minute cardio interval sessions per week. Over the next 7 weeks or so, after my first two weeks, I only lost about 2 pounds. I was very very frustrated.

    It was literally this week that the scale finally started moving down for me again. I firmly believe that my body shape was changing, fat was being replaced with lean muscle mass, which meant I was not losing any weight. But now that I have stuck it out and remained consistent, the weight is coming off. The other thing I did this week is drastically reduce my diet soda intake from about 8-10 cans per day to 2 cans per day.

    I understand your frustration. The only thing my trainer told me, and I had to tell myself, was to be consistent and just keep doing what I was doing. If you are doing all the right things, you are getting healthier. For your workouts, what are you doing? I know that for me, running at a steady pace for 20 minutes burns way, way less than my high intensity intervals, where I run as fast as possible for 1 minute, then recover by walking for a minute or two, and repeating that. And the time also goes by faster for me.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Maybe you should try eating back all you exercise calories. You should eat 1250 calories plus all you exercise calories. Another thing you could try is to increase your calories from 1250 to maybe 1350 or 1400. When I hit a plateau I also zigzagged calories to change things up. I hope one of these things works for you.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Not to knock personal trainers (because I work for a company that offers those services, and that would really be biting the hand that feeds you!), but I really don't think they are for everyone. I started my journey about 3 years ago at very close to 200 pounds, and it's been up and down over that time but mostly progress. I have never set foot in a gym during that time or worked with a trainer. I do cardio at home, walk my dogs, hike on the weekends, and my hubby and I recently started doing the 30 Day Shred at home together.

    Sounds like you really jumped in with both feet, and my advice would be to start out a little slower and work your way into a program. For over a year, the only exercise I did was walking the dog and housework! LOL I couldn't find anyone to be my exercise buddy, so I recruited the dog. She loved it and also lost a few pounds in the process. So maybe start with walking, then try some workout videos or yoga or something to see what works for you. Once you lose some weight and feel stronger , then maybe return to the gym for another go.

    Hope things work out for you. Take care! :)
  • jesihovey
    jesihovey Posts: 46 Member
    One thing a lot of people forget is that muscle weighs more than fat. If you've been doing strength training, you've been gaining muscle.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I took a look at your diary over the past couple of weeks. Love that you're eating eggs, but where are the veggies? I remember one cup of broccoli... Your sodium levels are also pretty close to the recommended amounts and you might want to track your sugar too. Excess sodium and sugar can both cause you to retain water.

    Sounds like you're working too hard. How much cardio are you doing - what type and for how long? Like said previously, HIIT is the way to go to burn fat and you're in and out of the gym in 20-25 minutes.

    It seems like the scale should be moving more for all that you're doing - but know that you ARE benefiting your body! Good luck!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Have you been to a doctor to check your thyroid? I'd get a check-up to make sure everything is ok. If you get a clean bill of health, I'd second the suggestion to actually eat more, as strange as it sounds. It takes a lot of work for a long time to gain muscle, I don't think that's what is happening.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    So far thanks for all the advice. I have had my thyroid checked and it always comes back clean- my GYN tests once a year.

    If my NET calories at the end of the day are 1250 to match my GOAL calories of 1250 is that eating back my exercise calories?

    For those ladies who do incorporate weights into your routine- help me here!! I do the elliptical due to a lateral release done end of OCT '10 on my left knee. Running feels kinda funny and it kinda hurts.

    Okay and here goes my routine:
    M/W/F: 15 minutes elliptical resistance of 5 reaching 1 mile x2

    Chest press: 70lb 2x15

    Tri press: 70lb 2x15

    Shoulder press: 27.5lb 2x15

    Lateral Raise: 25lb 2x15

    Lateral Pull: 70lb 2x15

    Bicep Curl: 35lb 2x15

    Row: 70lb 2x15

    Leg ext: 45lb 2x15

    Leg press: 150lb 2x15

    Leg Curl: 45 2x15

    Low Back: 80lb 2x 15

    Hip Add: 80lb 2x15

    Ab cruncher: 60lb 2x 25

    10lb ball twists 40 rep

    Battling Ropes: 50 doubles, 50 side/side, 50 singles, 50 round-a-bouts (sometimes x2 depends on how I feel)

    All the cardio, abs and ropes I do the other days.

    Sat/Sun- rest other than family activity
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have no advice because I am going through the same thing! I have been on here 130 days straight as of this morning and the only direction my scale has gone is up! I don't have a personal trainer, I live too far from town, I work out in my basement to dvd's or outside running! I have my goals set at .5 lbs/week and I am supposed to eat 1540 calories a day! I am so grumpy because I am a slave to my scale (kitchen and bathroom) I weigh and measure everything I eat and I watch my micro's too! I am hoping someone comes on here and gives us both the advice we need! Keep your chin up!
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    One thing a lot of people forget is that muscle weighs more than fat. If you've been doing strength training, you've been gaining muscle.

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat!!!!

    A pound of fat, muscle, gumballs . . . all 16 oz.

    Muscle is more compact than fat.

    The the OP - I suspect your diet isn't in line. You can kill yourself at the gym, but you if you are eating too much you won't see progress. You need to log everything, it all counts. Every last bite, lick, taste, yup the food you eat off your kid's a hubby's plate count too! Are you weighing and measuriing your food consistantly?

    What's tough for us in this game is finally coming to terms with the fact that it is so easy to blow your hard work and weight loss efforts with food. It doesn't take a lot either, it's scary how small things can really trip us up.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member

    If my NET calories at the end of the day are 1250 to match my GOAL calories of 1250 is that eating back my exercise calories?

    For those ladies who do incorporate weights into your routine- help me here!! I do the elliptical due to a lateral release done end of OCT '10 on my left knee. Running feels kinda funny and it kinda hurts.

    Okay and here goes my routine:
    M/W/F: 15 minutes elliptical resistance of 5 reaching 1 mile x2

    Chest press: 70lb 2x15

    Tri press: 70lb 2x15

    Shoulder press: 27.5lb 2x15

    Lateral Raise: 25lb 2x15

    Lateral Pull: 70lb 2x15

    Bicep Curl: 35lb 2x15

    Row: 70lb 2x15

    Leg ext: 45lb 2x15

    Leg press: 150lb 2x15

    Leg Curl: 45 2x15

    Low Back: 80lb 2x 15

    Hip Add: 80lb 2x15

    Ab cruncher: 60lb 2x 25

    10lb ball twists 40 rep

    Battling Ropes: 50 doubles, 50 side/side, 50 singles, 50 round-a-bouts (sometimes x2 depends on how I feel)

    All the cardio, abs and ropes I do the other days.

    Sat/Sun- rest other than family activity

    Okay, so you're doing 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical 5x/week? I have/had knee problems too, so I understand your affinity for the elliptical! Thankfully, my knees have gotten much better the more I've worked out. Can you change the routine up a little to incorporate intervals? Do 3-5 minutes to warm up, maybe start at a 3 and work to a 5, then go as fast as you can at 3-5 for 2 minutes, then up the level to as high as you can - to where it feels like you're walking through mud - for 2 minutes, then decrease the level to a 3 and recover for one minute. Do that 4 times, then give yourself 5 minutes to cool down, get off the elliptical and STRETCH. This is the cardio interval recommended by Jackie Warner and I did it a lot and still do. You can also do it on a bike or the treadmill or even running outside. Basically you go all out for a minute or two, recover, repeat.

    I have to claim ignorance as to the "battling ropes," I workout in a small gym in the basement of our office building and we don't have any fancy equipment!

    All I know is what has worked/is working for me. I started counting calories in January when I weighed 211. In February I started working out, following Jackie Warner's program from This is Why You're Fat. Her program has you do 20 minutes of interval cardio 5x week, and free weights 3x week. I lost 40 lbs and 3 sizes following her program. Last week I started the program in New Rules of Lifting for Women. I also upped my calories from 1200 to 1432 and increased my protein intake. I still have a lot of fat to lose and I'm hoping this change in program will help.

    From everything I've read though, fat loss is 80% due to diet, if not more. :o)
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    I'm figuring out the diet thing- I even told hubby last night that after dinner if he could please put away the leftover goodies (like mac n cheese, potatoes etc.) so I wouldn't be tempted to pick that would help- especially since I'm cutting all of that kind of stuff out. The kiddos are responsible for their own plates in the dishwasher- I instilled that rule because of mommy picking (hey kill two birds with one stone right?:wink: I'm not their maid!)

    Its looking like I may need to up my calories/reset my MFP goals to 1lb a week and eat more. The challenge is going to be getting the calories without many carbs. I'm going to try the intervals on the elliptical like suggested. That may be part of the problem...I get bored with machine cardio.

    I had such a nice walk with Lucy (dog) today followed by some ab work here at home. I even jogged a couple of times for about a minute each time. I really would like to replace those two cardio days at the gym with more days like this. Especially since I'm heading back to work and I have to figure out how to fit all of this in now that I will have less free time.

    Battling ropes: it is a 50ft rope looped around a pole to make 2 25ft pieces. You generate signals in the rope (like putting a sheet on a bed) for a certain number of reps. I do a double "wave" side to side "wave" single "wave" and circle "wave" I really like it. It is kind of like cardio sprints for your upper body.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Battling ropes sounds so interesting! I'm afraid I'd take someone out with my flying arm flab!

    I wouldn't worry so much about carbs as about processed carbs! It's the mac and cheese and potatoes that will kill ya! My husband's a vegetarian and finding meals that have enough protein for me but are meat-free for him, and that aren't a bazillion calories, has been a challenge! Tonight we're having corn on the cob, steamed zucchini & squash with Italian seasoning, cherry tomatoes with homemade pesto and spicy cornbread. Probably more carbs than I should have, but lots of veggies! And the cornbread will likely keep me away from the frozen treats later on!

    You can do it. It may even be easier once you return to work because you can bring your lunch and not be tempted by food around the house all day. I even eat breakfast at work (because I'm always running late). I indulge more on the weekends and those are my days off from working out too, and by Monday morning, I'm ready to hit it again.

    See if your library has Tom Venuto's Body Fat Solution - there's a wealth of info in there. Jackie Warner's book is really good too, both her workout and nutrition plans.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Yes, doing that much work, I'd say up your calories or maybe even try zigzagging them.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    thanks- bumping hope to get more GREEEAAAATTTT advice.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I would say definitely go to the Dr. and have a full blood workup. You have A LOT of the symptoms I had before. I was diagnosed in 2008 with Hypothyroid, but was still unable to lose the weight. I was FINALLY diagnosed with Celiac Disease (which caused the thyroid by the way) late 2009. No matter how hard I worked before that I lost little and still felt dreadfully tired. Now that I have been Gluten Free since late October 2009 I feel much better and am able to lose the weight. FYI, I follow a high protein, low carb diet with LOTS of veggies.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Keep in mind that losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. It sounds like you need to focus a little more on what you're eating and a little less on what you're doing in the gym.

    My advice? Drop the trainer. Work out at home for awhile, you already have the tools and the determination. Focus on cutting down on the processed carbs (I now try to keep my total carbs to less than 60 grams a day and I'm seeing the scale move again) especially since you've determined they don't make you feel good. Eat a little more, watch the sodium, drink your water and see how it all goes for the next few weeks. As you basically said, the only way to go from here is up, right?

    By the way, given your reaction to bread and pasta, have you been checked for a wheat allergy or Celiac's disease?
  • ecaz
    ecaz Posts: 115
    I'm certianly no expert, but I would try upping your calories. I know it sounds sooo counterintuitive, it really took me a long time to get my head around it. In fact, it took an almost 2 month plateau to force me to try it. And it seems to have worked. Lbs are slowly starting to come off again.

    Another thing I did regarding carbs...I CANNOT give up bread or pasta totally. It makes me grumpy and intolerable to be around - i may be addictied -whatever - I dont care. But I CAN give up bread and pasta ONLY AT NIGHT. I have some carbs with breakfast, nurtigrain waffles or whole wheat bread. I have carbs with lunch - bread on my sandwich. But I have cut WAY WAY back on carbs at night and that seems to be helping too. If I know I will have carbs at night (like spaghetti and meatballs) then I dont have them during the day. It seems to be working for me.

    And I had to completely give up Mexican food. I hate that I have to do that. But I did.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eight months and no weight loss?? I would suggest it's time to see a doctor and have your thyroid checked. It also sounds like you might be glucose intollerant, but it sounds like you've cut those out but still worth mentioning to your doctor.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I looked at your food diary and have a couple of suggestions. Firstly, try eating a little cleaner, less processed foods. Secondly and this has been said before I would eat more, you're short calories everyday. one day you tracked 900 calories (not sure if you ate stuff you didn't track). That's not nearly enough! Also, get a full workup done at the doctor. I had a friend who was burning 4-5,000 cals a week and gained 5lbs in a month, she had adrenal fatigue and had to backdown on her workouts. Something to think about. Also, just don't give up.... even if you're not losing, you're not gaining either!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Hi - the folks here have given you some great advice - as a former bread and pasta-holic, cutting back on the white carbs really helped me!! (white bread, white rice, potatoes, etc...)

    I started out in Nov 2010 at 288 lbs and my blood pressure was extremely high - so I started walking - JUST walking - and some minor gym class type calesthenics at home. It's now August and I've lost 60lbs. MFP allows me 1800 calories per day but I usually consume 1500 cals on average. (Of course a heavier person has a little more leeway and the pounds come off quicker at the beginning)

    I try to walk everyday - either at lunchtime or after supper for 45 min to an hour. I log all my food and beverages and watch my SODIUM the most of any category. I try to eat as many veggies as I can - but other than the carbs, I eat regular foods in moderation. I don't go to the gym except to use their scale once a week.

    I've finally worked my way thin enough to be able to jog some, while I'm out for a walk, and I do ride my 10spd bike for running errands and just for fun. But I'm NOT busting my butt exercising - I just exercise enough to complement the changes I've made in my diet. I've averaged a 1.5 lb loss per week since Nov.

    So it is possible to lose weight without becoming a slave to the gym. But each of us are different and what works for one person might not work for another. Wishing you luck on your journey!