Calories goal

I weight 110lbs. Is it crazy to set a 1200 calories goal per day? I did but I am having trouble not going over the set goal per day even with exercises.


  • adrianahealy1
    adrianahealy1 Posts: 2 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    What are you trying to accomplish: Weight maintenance? Loss? Gsin?

    How tall are you? How active are you? How old are you? We need a little context here!

    1200 was way too low for me as an active, 150-some pound 5'5" 59-year-old, and I could lose weight at a higher intake. But that's me, not you.

    I am 35 years old my height is 5’2” I try to exercise everyday for 30-45min, but not always get to it. I want to get down to 104/5 pounds.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    ^^ I agree with middlehaitch, as usual. ;)

    You really want to be losing at a slow rate, at most, with so little to lose.
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member

    I'm 36 y/o, 114 lbs, 4'11" ( :( ) and would also like to lose a bit more. I still have some fat, mainly around my stomach... and an annoying little bit in my thighs and arms.

    But it does get tiring to keep cal so low. And it's hard not to be in a bit of a hurry, isn't it?

    Especially since my plan is to up my tdee as much as I can once I've reached maintenance (via regular activity and exercise, which I've come to love), so I can consume as many calories as possible. I have quite the appetite, hehe

    But for now, it seems that I have to tighten up my calorie intake if I want to lose these darned last pounds u.u. It does get tiring. I'm doing some strength training and cardio. Hang in there!

    The answers you received helped me do some thinking as well :)
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    OP my stats are v similar to yours, im 5ft1 and currently 114lbs. Been eating circa 1800 cals per day and loosing 0.5-0.7lbs per week.
    Everyone is different. Personally, i’d say 1200 is pretty low even for short and light females like us, expecially if you exercise...
    I have an office job 9-5 but walk 14k steps per day for lunch breaks, strength train 4 times and run 4 time per week.
    1800 leaves me a bit hungry really!
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    OP my stats are v similar to yours, im 5ft1 and currently 114lbs. Been eating circa 1800 cals per day and loosing 0.5-0.7lbs per week.
    Everyone is different. Personally, i’d say 1200 is pretty low even for short and light females like us, expecially if you exercise...
    I have an office job 9-5 but walk 14k steps per day for lunch breaks, strength train 4 times and run 4 time per week.
    1800 leaves me a bit hungry really!

    Wow, even with lots of extra activity I would definitely not lose at 1800 cals. My metabolism is pretty rubbish it seems. I did not luck out on that one...

    Can I ask how old are you? I'm 36 = ). I'm also not the OP, but I have similar stats and struggles.
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    sophia162 wrote: »
    OP my stats are v similar to yours, im 5ft1 and currently 114lbs. Been eating circa 1800 cals per day and loosing 0.5-0.7lbs per week.
    Everyone is different. Personally, i’d say 1200 is pretty low even for short and light females like us, expecially if you exercise...
    I have an office job 9-5 but walk 14k steps per day for lunch breaks, strength train 4 times and run 4 time per week.
    1800 leaves me a bit hungry really!

    Wow, even with lots of extra activity I would definitely not lose at 1800 cals. My metabolism is pretty rubbish it seems. I did not luck out on that one...

    Can I ask how old are you? I'm 36 = ). I'm also not the OP, but I have similar stats and struggles.

    Hey Sophia 8) I’m 30. Like you I used to use the old phrases ‘im small so i cant loose weight’ or ‘i must have a slow metabolism’.

    My personal opinion is that many people dont loose weight cause they don’t remain consistant, they stick with it for like a week and then when they don’t drop as much on the scale ss they hoped (due to unrealistic expectations) they give up and begin overeating again. Well, that used to me be.

    I ‘tried’ for 1 year constantly saying I was ‘on a diet’ which meant i was starving myself some days and then getting so hungry I’d say screw it and have a blow out undoing any calorie deficit I’d made for the week. And the cycle continued.

    I’ve now realised the key is consistancy, weighting and logging accuratly and having a very moderate daily deficit (200-250 cals). It’s taken me 5 months to loose 14lbs (so it’s not an over night process!) BUT I am now at my goal weight and starting to focus on eating at maintanince and increasing strength training to hopefully create my goal physique!

    Cool, thanks for replying.

    I think that because I'm losing the last 10 pounds (god all mightyyyy), I really have to make my peace with it being a slow process, achieved with a small deficit, consistency and patience.

    Some things you said about over-restricting and then blowing it all to heck in a day or two (swiping a week's worth of deficit!) did ring true to me, not gonna lie. I started losing weight in January and was fine for a while, but the last 2-3 months have been the main struggle... and yeah, there has been some binging/restricting, to be honest.

    I struggle enough restricting cals as it is at this point, so my goal now I'm thinking is to find the smallest deficit I can work with. One that's juuuust shy of maintaining... one that'll keep me losing that final nudge. (To be clear, by the smallest deficit I mean the highest calorie intake.) That way I can get better workouts in, which is much more motivating for me at this time than focusing on food intake.
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    edited October 2018
    sophia162 wrote: »
    sophia162 wrote: »
    OP my stats are v similar to yours, im 5ft1 and currently 114lbs. Been eating circa 1800 cals per day and loosing 0.5-0.7lbs per week.
    Everyone is different. Personally, i’d say 1200 is pretty low even for short and light females like us, expecially if you exercise...
    I have an office job 9-5 but walk 14k steps per day for lunch breaks, strength train 4 times and run 4 time per week.
    1800 leaves me a bit hungry really!

    Wow, even with lots of extra activity I would definitely not lose at 1800 cals. My metabolism is pretty rubbish it seems. I did not luck out on that one...

    Can I ask how old are you? I'm 36 = ). I'm also not the OP, but I have similar stats and struggles.

    Hey Sophia 8) I’m 30. Like you I used to use the old phrases ‘im small so i cant loose weight’ or ‘i must have a slow metabolism’.

    My personal opinion is that many people dont loose weight cause they don’t remain consistant, they stick with it for like a week and then when they don’t drop as much on the scale ss they hoped (due to unrealistic expectations) they give up and begin overeating again. Well, that used to me be.

    I ‘tried’ for 1 year constantly saying I was ‘on a diet’ which meant i was starving myself some days and then getting so hungry I’d say screw it and have a blow out undoing any calorie deficit I’d made for the week. And the cycle continued.

    I’ve now realised the key is consistancy, weighting and logging accuratly and having a very moderate daily deficit (200-250 cals). It’s taken me 5 months to loose 14lbs (so it’s not an over night process!) BUT I am now at my goal weight and starting to focus on eating at maintanince and increasing strength training to hopefully create my goal physique!

    Cool, thanks for replying.

    I think that because I'm losing the last 10 pounds (god all mightyyyy), I really have to make my peace with it being a slow process, achieved with a small deficit, consistency and patience.

    Some things you said about over-restricting and then blowing it all to heck in a day or two (swiping a week's worth of deficit!) did ring true to me, not gonna lie. I started losing weight in January and was fine for a while, but the last 2-3 months have been the main struggle... and yeah, there has been some binging/restricting, to be honest.

    I struggle enough restricting cals as it is at this point, so my goal now I'm thinking is to find the smallest deficit I can work with. One that's juuuust shy of maintaining... one that'll keep me losing that final nudge. (To be clear, by the smallest deficit I mean the highest calorie intake.) That way I can get better workouts in, which is much more motivating for me at this time than focusing on food intake.

    Well done girl you sound like you are on the right track now and I’ll try to not derail OPs thread anymore with too long of a response so hit me up with a message or whatever any time if you want any more advice or anything.

    Just remember it is slowwww, 5 months for me to loose 14lbs and that was with being nearly perfect every day.

    I would highly recommend that once you have lost a few more lbs you look into doing recomp, that’s gonna do wonders for giving you the shape of body I am assuming you probably desire, more than than just loosing more lbs and being ‘skinny fat’.

    The best bit about this process for me has been freeing myself from the guilt, no more guilt when I eat pizza, no more ice cream guilt, no more guilt if I miss one workout or spend the day on the sofa relaxing. One day or one large meal or one lazy day is a drop in the ocean.

    You can do this! <3 ^___^