Ladies! Buddy Up and Lose Weight--Join the Diamonds! [OPEN]



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    bump for later - have to head to work

    Name is Emma and my reason for joining is motivation and accountability always push me to do better. I am planning to compete in my first half marathon in January and I really need to be thinner because it will make the running easier. I believe in loss gradual weight loss though and fueling the machine. :)
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Hello my name is Chris. I've been on MFP for a about a year now and I've found it to be very encouraging. However, I'm someone who needs to have someone to personally encourage me or support me and I need to be able to support someone too. So the buddy system would be perfect for me. I need someone to keep me accountable and in the area in which I live, I don't have that. I started losing weight for several reasons but the main reason was my health. I have hypothryoidism so I have to work hard to lose the weight, but I'm not afraid of hard work!! I look forward to the motivation and accountability as well as making some new fitness friends!:smile:
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm Kristin. I just turned 30, I'm doing my first triathlon in 25 days, and I'm going to be a maid of honor in 2 months! I'd like to drop 20 by then, but have a lot longer journey then that. I do good with tracking calories for a few weeks, but always slack off after that. I think having a buddy will give me more commitment to coming here everyday. And it would be great to talk to someone with similar goals. Thanks!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    My name is Jen. I would like to join this challenge because I think if I had someone keeping me accountable everyday I would do alot better with working out and keeping myself in check.
    I'm looking to lose weight to be happier with myself and to be a better influence on my young daughter(she's 2).
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, my name is Danielle, and this is perfect timing for this.. I always start off losing weight extremely motivated, but lately I feel myself slowing down in that department, and that's when the scale starts going back up. I really want to get my butt in shape not only for myself but for my 1 1/2 y/o son and fiance. They deserve a happy healthy me. And I deserve to look HOT, lol!! I'm just tired of being the big girl. I have size 7 jeans that have been in my closet for the past 3 yrs that haunt me, and I want to squash those ghosts..
  • yanina6
    yanina6 Posts: 12
    Hi everyone, my name is Sandra....I just joined MFP about 5 days ago. Two years ago, I lost 20 lbs. and I felt so great about myself when I did. Unfortunately, the weight has come back. I'm determined again to lose it and stay on task to keep it off. I am looking forward to joining a team and having a buddy.
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    Hello my name is Claire and I would like to join the Diamonds for the motivational support, the accountability factor, also to be healthy and mirror happy!
  • Lantern823
    Lantern823 Posts: 115
    Good Morning All :) My name is Jackie. Ive been with MFP since january and I've lost 32 pounds so far. I always have trouble staying motivated. I've tried all different kinds of challenges and I would love to try a partner challenge because accountability is huge and something i need to work on in my weight loss journey. My motivation is simple : To never be 5 pounds away from 300 ever again
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Hi my name is Julie

    I would like to join this challenge as I really enjoyed the last diamonds challenge and was disappointed that it ended early. I found real support in the group and some of those ladies are my greatest supporters in my friends. I'd like to join as I've been at a plateu for a while. I am bridesmaid to my best friend in 4 weeks time (16th Sept) and at this time I cannot do up the zip on my bridesmaids dress. I would love the support of this challenge to help me get there on time.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome ladies! I am thrilled about how enthusiastic you all are and I know that Round 5 of the Diamond Challenge will be amazing!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there?
    I am Debbie and have been on MFP for over a year now. I got very close to my goal in December 2010 and then have been on and off the wagon all this year yo yoing and driving myself mad. I have logged in for the past 165 days despite my prevarication so I can be committed, I have a great bunch of mfpals that help me so much and I reciprocate. I am going back to the UK on 21st of september to a wedding and I want to look fab for that.

    I tend to swear and cuss and I do not attribute my weightloss to help from God so if this could be taken into account when pairing me up with someone that'd be good coz I dont like to cause offence, often ;)

    Really would love to participate in this, I hope it will be poss! Bring it on!!!! now where is that registration form ? Debbie

    To add, I did the c25k and then the bridge to 10, I did my first 10k in july and had my calf tear at 8k so had to walk the rest. I am currently still injured and banned from running walking hills (i live in mountainous france) and my bike even. I miss cardio and running particularly like billio and get very frustrated at times...... I am doing the 30 day shred and modifying the stuff i cannot make my calf do...... so am having to eat a lot less than i am used to, i do eat my exercise calories...... of which i am earning few now lol!!!
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    Hi, my name is Aleena and I also like to take part in this challenge because I need motivational support. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror and not frown when I try on new clothes. I also want to make my husband happy by looking good too :)
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Hi, my name is R. Anne. I was a part of last month's challenge and loved it. Unfortunately I missed one week of it due to a vacation, but i am back on the ball and ready to shed these extra inches & pounds, knowing that I had to report on my progress made it much easier to resist temptation and push myself. Also I'll be getting my mirena out soon (I know it doesn't affect some) but I have had some bad side effects, one of which had to be weight gain, ugh. So anyways, looking forward to this new challenge!!
  • Hello
    My name is Holly and I would love to take part in this challenge! I am a teacher in East Coast Canada and have been obese all my life. I have tried a million different things to lose weight. I have many reasons for wanting to lose weight. My biggest reason is I want to get healthy before having a baby. I keep putting off starting a family until I am at my goal weight. I also want my true self to shine. I feel like I am hiding under all this fat and can't really express myself.

    Can't wait to meet you all!
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    bump - had trouble finding it
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142 name is Starleng. I need this challenge for motivation and support. I've been playing at working out and eating right. I need to do this right. I turn 40 this year and I want to be one hot momma.
  • emi_esp
    emi_esp Posts: 24
    Hi, my name is Emily and I would like to join this group! I just started using MFP a few months ago and have found it very useful for keeping track of my calories but haven't really used the message board feature actively yet. I started out my weight loss journey this January at 183 lbs and am currently 165 lbs. My weight loss has been consistent but slow (with a lot of long periods of no change at all) I'd like to join the diamonds to get some encouragement to work harder, avoid sweets, and keep it up so that I can lose 1-2 pounds every week!
  • Hello! My name is Becky and i would like to join as well. I've been with MFP for a couple of months now, and love the site. But I am currently in the home stretch now to my sorority reunion, and I need that extra push to get the weight off I want. I started at 211 lbs and am currently at 197.6. This is the first time in 3 years I have been below 200 lbs and that feals great. I tend to start slacking off when I feel like I've got it under control. Which is right about now. If I have to be accountable to someone I feel like I would do so much better. I hope to lose 8 lbs in the next 4 weeks, and 15 more before the reunion.
  • My name is Nikki. I am ready to lose weight because I weight moe than I ever have in my lift. I am not happy with the way I look . Its hard to walk pass a mirror are shop because I dont feel secure with my body. My birthdai is in December and I want to see a whole new me.:smooched: