Sweet tooth help!



  • Sugar_Dumpling
    Sugar_Dumpling Posts: 50 Member
    For me my sweet tooth fixer is Walls mini milk ice creams!!!!

    They are only 30 calories with 0.7 grams of fat and they come in three yummy flavours. It's a treat win-win without falling off the healthy lifestyle wagon.

    I hope this helps :) x
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you for responding! I'm so frustrated.

    I'm 5'2 and currently weight 166 lbs. I'm working out 6 days a week. 3 days of weight training and 3 days of cardio. You say 1200 is too few.. some days I do go up to 1400. What would you suggest for calories? And do you really think this is why I'm not losing? I don't think 8 lbs in 3 weeks is good at all.. I thought it would come off much quicker!

    WHAT?!?! 8lbs in 3 weeks is fatntastic! 2lbs a week is really good seriously. Don't rush it b/c you have a higher chance of gaining it back. Just relax. You're doign awesome!
  • liyabug
    liyabug Posts: 5
    Awww... You guys are great! Thanks so much for the positive comments. Maybe I am being too pessimistic. At least I'm losing weight and not gaining anymore!

    Also, Thanks for the comments about the thyroid meds. Maybe I do need to give it more time for them to work and regulate my metabolism!

    Good luck to everyone! I'm glad I found this site. It helps to have people who are going thru the same challenges!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    With you on this one!
    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and fat free pudding cups. A small stash of chocolate for the really rough days, but I only allow one or two squares.
    Also, if I've been a really good girl, fat free frozen yogurt.
  • otgrouch
    otgrouch Posts: 21
    The skinny cow ice cream that everyone is talking about is really good.. Also i buy the mini fudsicles or ice cream sandwiches on 70/80 calories for when I have to have something sweet...
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Schwan's whole frozen blueberries with a touch of splenda - satisfies my sweet tooth and that little devil in me that likes frozen treats!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    :love: Loooooove sweets!! What I do is basically leave room for a PIECE of chocolate, salt water taffy, apple with cinnamon, iced coffee with skim and splenda, OR yogurt with fruit! Just make sure you leave room for it (with calories && carbs!!)
  • annaasun
    annaasun Posts: 74 Member
    Eat really small portions and really small bites.

    For example. I love oreos. I take one or two (about 45 cal each). and nibble on it. I like to leave it on my toungue until it melts so the taste lingers. :) You could do that with the tip of a cake or a pie. IDK, just a suggestion.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Awww... You guys are great! Thanks so much for the positive comments. Maybe I am being too pessimistic. At least I'm losing weight and not gaining anymore!

    Also, Thanks for the comments about the thyroid meds. Maybe I do need to give it more time for them to work and regulate my metabolism!

    Good luck to everyone! I'm glad I found this site. It helps to have people who are going thru the same challenges!
    Sadly the weight doesn't come off as quickly as it seemed to go on =( 8lbs in 3 weeks is great, I usually lose a pound a week if I'm lucky!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    I have a terrible sweet tooth too. I don't keep any Ice cream, cookies, desserts, chocolate, etc. in my house at all because I have NO SELF CONTROL. That being said, since I have removed it all from my house, I've really cracked down on my sugar intake, and I've found that I don't crave it anymore. My Mother in law left some Reese's PB cups in my freezer, and I didn't even give them a second glance.

    I think that once you really reduce your intake of processed sugars, you'll notice you aren't craving them so much anymore.