Looking for YOU!

HI GIRLS. I want to add you if you're a female looking for support in fitness or weight loss!!

My stats are:
27 years old,
SW: 164 lbs
CW: 137 lbs
GW: 125-130 lbs

My diary is open AND I share my private progress photoes, which is why im only befriending other women right now!

Please add me or leave a comment <3


  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    Would love a new friend
  • ashleyeatsbetter
    ashleyeatsbetter Posts: 34 Member
    Add me! Same height and weight although I'm ten lbs higher than your starting wt! Tell me what you've done and any tips/what's working for you! Keep up the good work!
  • sophiaeleanora
    sophiaeleanora Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for adding me girls! Ashley DM me :)
  • sophiaeleanora
    sophiaeleanora Posts: 28 Member
    Come on add me girls :D
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    edited October 2018
    Add me up girl - I don’t know how 8)

    30 yrs
    SW: 128
    CW: 114
    Goal: somewhere around 110, maybe

    Just about to take a break from cutting to move to maintenance for a while cause i wanna eat more! Focusing on body recomp to build dem muscles.

    Oh, and I wanna learn to do a pull up!

    Started off barely being able to hang from the bar, now i can pull myself up about 30% of the way :D
  • lesockie
    lesockie Posts: 79 Member
    Yes! Accountability! Feel free to add me!
  • jakendrahatrison
    jakendrahatrison Posts: 1 Member
    I could use accountability add me!
  • sophiaeleanora
    sophiaeleanora Posts: 28 Member
    I added you :D
  • Chloaye
    Chloaye Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I also have some WL goals and want someone to help me stay accountable. Aka a good reason not to eat the free food in the break room.

    Add me!!!

    My stats
    5' 2"
    SW: 186
    GW: 150 (initial. I'm pretty thick)
  • feduplittlemiss
    feduplittlemiss Posts: 2 Member
    Add me. 32F. SW 192 GW 140

  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    Add me. CW: 220. GW: 150. Open diary.
  • sophiaeleanora
    sophiaeleanora Posts: 28 Member
    Added you! Keep 'em coming girls 😍
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    Feel free to add me

    F, 40, 5' 7"
    HW: ~163
    CW: 152
    GW: 128-132ish (not sure, depends on muscle mass as I get closer)

    Been up and down a bit since my HW - was losing steadily (down to around 145), then a badly broken leg last year set me back just a few pounds shy of where I started (eating was enjoyable, not much else was). Slowly taking it all back off again.
  • Justkeepswimming2323
    Add me
    Female, 23, 5'6
    CW: 147
    GW: 125-130ish
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    36/f here