
For a while, about 5 or 6 weeks, I consistently stayed between 216 and 221lbs, despite maintaining a deficit, fairly active etc. Anyway so now this past week I've been dropping weight like crazy, every morning I've lost another pound or more, I'm down to 210 just now. Does this sound like a normal whoosh effect? Not just starting out either so it's not the newbie water weight loss. Thanks for any advice


  • kabrina30
    kabrina30 Posts: 94 Member
    edited October 2018
    It's possible. Don't be surprised if it goes back up some as well. I tend to ease down by .2 for several days in a row and then I'll woosh down three or four pounds. Then I'll go back up two pounds and get stuck there for a week or more. Then I'll start to ease slowly back down and the pattern starts all over again. It's been the same pattern for a year and nearly 90 pounds. I've learned to never trust that new super low weight.

    Are you using a trending app? I use Happy Scale and love it. It smoothes out the lose and shows a steady, gradual decline. Works wonders for motivating me!

    Also I find my weeks don't get reflected on the scale for a week. In other words if I do great this week I'll expect to see a good week on the scale next week. Likewise if I know I've not done great creating a defect it seems to take a whole week to reflect on the scale.
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    I won't mind if i gain a little back, it's coming off a bit fast for me to be comfortable. I was losing around 2lbs pretty consistently each week so this is new, I've lost 36lbs now. Haha yeah I haven't logged anything under 216 on mfp yet because I don't know where it's going to stop. Yeah I use Libra :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yep sounds like normal fluctuations, but if it doesn't stop in the next few days you can always increase your calories by a couple of hundred
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 979 Member
    This is exactly the woosh effect. Enjoy it! Chances are you fluid retention is no longer masking your fat loss while reducing itself, which it probably the reason you're getting a lot lost all at once. Do remember you might be also getting a low point on your water fluctuations, so you may well gain some of those pounds back again, don't be dishearten, it's completely normal.

    As TavistockToad said above, if it doesn't slow down in a few days or so, just add a few more calories to slow you down. But it's probably just that woosh you've been waiting for :grin: