Starting a new challenge! Ladies, Sexy in Six!!!

Hey ladies! I know so many of us are into challenges, but we always catch them after they close!

This fabulous challenge will be for women who are 110% committed to losing weight. It will be a supportive and motivating atmosphere to encourage each other (with a little friendly competition!) :wink:

We will have daily questions to discuss on the forum, weekly challenges to help earn bonus points for our teams, and weekly weigh ins.

If you are interested in joining our challenge, introduce yourself to us here! Then, follow the links I've listed below and read the Intro and Rules Page and fill out the Registration Form. We will be accepting the first 40 LADIES only! The six week challenge begins on Monday the 22nd.

I'm excited to meet you all and lose a ton o' weight!

Intro and Rules:
Registration Form:


  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    My name is Logan and I'm a 23 year old stay at home mom. I have an amazing 2 year old daughter! I started MFP at 175 and have lost 20 pounds. I am excited to start my first challenge! Please, add me onto your MFP friends so I can keep you informed with our threads and the weight loss results as we go. Just add a note that says sexy in six to the request so I know who you are.

    I'm looking forward to meeting y'all and kicking some booty over the next 6 weeks!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    My name is Bethany and I am a mom of 3 who are all under 5... I recently lost my motivation and I hope this will bring it back!

    P.S feel free to add me, just put the challenge as the message :)
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Ooh sounds fun!

    My name is Devon and I've just ramped it up with MFP this this is perfect timing! My biggest struggle with weight loss is my schedule...I work in a hospital and so am either off all day (and temped to snack) or working (and too busy to eat well). This has helped me keep on track so far this here's hoping!

    Looking forward to working with all of you...feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    My name is Bethany and I am a mom of 3 who are all under 5... I recently lost my motivation and I hope this will bring it back!

    P.S feel free to add me, just put the challenge as the message :)

    I'm coming off a motivation slump too. We can all get re-focused together!
  • Hello! my name is jasmine, and i've been on MFP for about 26 days now! I love reading post and I love giving/getting motivation and inspiration from fellow MPF members! I'm excited to join my first challenge so that I can reach my goal and have some fun on the way!!! Staying accountable is one of the most successful key to success!!!! Good luck to all and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Sounds great!! I am 38, mental health/substance abuse therapist living near and working in Ann Arbor, MI. I am married with one step son and 3 BEAUTIFUL nieces who are like daughters to me :)

    Can't wait to start!!!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Hi, I am Santiea and I am a relatively "new" user to MFP, but not the weightloss/fitness journey. I am a mother of two children, a boy and a girl, as well as a full time student finishing up my last semester of nursing school. When I first started on my journey, I sought out a husband and wife trainer team and they were/are wonderful. With a tight timeline and even tighter finances, I am no longer able to utilize them on a weekly basis, and for a while I floundered with out the constant support and accountability. Recently, I reconnected with the account that I had set up on MFP and have enjoyed the support and accountability from complete strangers. I always seem to rise to the occasion when challenged, soo I am ready to get things started up again.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    WTG!!! peanut....starting the challenge is a great idea....good luck:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hello all! My name is Kimberly, I am 30yrsold, and a high school English teacher. I have lost 16lbs so far. I am doing pretty good motivation-wise with my eating right, but my exercise is definitely lacking. I could use a bit of a push to get me working out more, and I love a good challenge.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Very excited. This is my second challege I’m joining so double the effort. :0)
    SW: 156.5

    I can’t wait for our before and after pictures :0)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome ladies! Especially those who are still new to MFP and challenges! Be sure that you remember to friend request me as you fill out the registration. This way, you will know when our threads are posted!

    Big welcome to my best friend kimi131! She's like my other half! :love:
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    hello everyone. I'm Kristy, and I have a son who just turned 2. I am an elementary music teacher, and it was the school teacher weight loss challenge that first got me motivated to lose weight. i've always struggled with my weight and was doing really well with mfp. this summer i kinda got behind and gained some back, but with this challenge i'm positive I'll get put back on the line. excited about meeting new people and hearing their stories :)
  • HI my name is Courtney. Im 21 working part time and going to school part time to ba a hairdresser. I live in California, the valley. I want to be as close to 159.9 as i can possibly get by Oct 13 when we leave for Disneyland and this is just the motivation that i need to get me there.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Ah! I forgot to intorduce myself.
    My name is Chris. I go to school in Boston, MA. I’m studying International Affairs with a minor in Business. I really, really, really want to reach my goal because I love it when people ask me what I’ve done to look so good. I love waking up in the morning full of energy and ready to get my day started. My boyfriend si super fit and I would love to be a hottie right next to him. :0)
  • Hey everyone. I'm Ashley and been at this since May. I didn't lose hardly any weight the 1st month but I did lose inches. I have finally hit 11lbs and 28 inches lose and I just want to keep seeing more. Need all the support I can get! I too work in a hospital as a pedi nurse from 7p-7a and trying to have a normal eating pattern on my days off is what I am still struggling with. (My dinner is usually 3am :). Can't wait to get a motivated group of us together to get Sexy in Six!

    Add me as a friend...put sexy in six in the message.
  • Hi I am Niki! I am the mother of a beautiful 3 month old girl that gained a bit (50 lbs!) during pregnancy and I am just starting to work it off! I am new to MFP and challenges I think both will be great motivators for me!

    I need to lose weight for health, to get back into my clothes and because I am an interior designer and it is tough to feel creative when I look and feel so frumpy!

    I am really excited to start the challenge! (although I am used to weighing in on Mondays so this whole Friday weigh in may throw me off!)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Hi I am Isobel. I started MFP in Januray of this year and thus far have lost over 25 lbs. Some days/some weeks are better than others. but I continue to plug away at it and am looking forward to reaching my goal of 150ish by this time next year. I am Canadian, eh ! I work full time and love my job, but it entails lots of either sitting at the wheel of my car or sitting at a desk or in meetings, so any exercise has to be intentional.

    I love being part of a challenge, it really helps to keep me motivated, and keeps me honest. I hope that you will accept an ..ahem 'older' person like myself in the challenge. I don't mind being 59 but I am really too young to be this oldf! lol :tongue:

    I also enjoy meeting more MFP friends to support one other. :smile:
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    Hi everyone my name is Lee. I am 20yrs old and I live in New York. I recently just finished 2yrs of Pharmacy school. I want to get a job and go back to college. I downloaded the MFP app as a calorie counter in Jan since then I lost 40 pounds. I recently joined the forum for more motivation to help reach my 130 goal.

    feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • DiHappy
    DiHappy Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in, ladies!

    I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding on September 17 and then am getting married, myself on November 5th so the next few months are SO important in the "photo world".

    I was on MFP a few months back and then lost touch, but I came back this Monday and am READY!

    Count me in, nice meeting you all :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Looks like we've got some great ladies signing up! We have people of all ages, stages in their weight loss, but EVERYONE seems pretty darn awesome! :wink:

    We still have plenty of room left on the roster, so pass the word along to your friends!