Alcohol Drink Talk



  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I think some people need to drink more often.

    You buying?

    For you? Mhm
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I've always liked dark beers, stouts and lagers so I dunno about that... :drinker:

    Cake flavored vodka is pretty delicious, though.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'd pour a nice glass of Pinot, but I'm too busy enjoying my strong, black coffee.

    Are there honestly people offended by anything Max writes?

    So...I guess I am to assume that the whole thread was an attempt to push someone's button and p*ss people off.

    Mission accomplished. Glad I could help out.
  • texas7005
    3 kegger @ my place tonight :P
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I think some people need to drink more often.

    You buying?

    For you? Mhm

    Yes. A nice glass of Pinot.

    Lol, I am having a vodka sour made only with Ketel One, I can taste the difference!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Keep your sweets and I'll keep my wine and we'll see who is the healthiest. :drinker:
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    <--- absolute alcohol snob

    You will not catch me with a Bud, Miller, Coors in my hand.

    NOW. A hamms? or grainbelt? Only at tailgating or rafting.
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    honestly, who the hell cares
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    When I first started drinking, I hated beer. I freely admitted I liked the sweet stuff. People would say beer was an acquired taste. I could not wrap my head around this. So I'm supposed to drink it when I don't like it hoping that one day, I'll eventually like it? No thanks. Until a friend told me about a particular beer that he thought I would like. I did and for years, would only drink that kind. Until *gasp* I acquired a taste for just about all beers. (I still can't stomache the dark beers like Guiness.)

    The same thing happened with red wine. Until someone pointed me to a type of red that I might like. And now I like all red wines, dry or sweet.
  • mominabox
    Whoha isn't that a little rude for so early in the morning!? Every person is different and u shouldnt criticize people for wat they like. Its goin in their body not yours. I hate sweet alcoholic beverages. Makes me sick after the 3rd round! Ill take my beer over a fufu drink anyday!

    I double shot that and hangovers suck from sweek drinks... says Mrs.Vodka and club with lemon
  • ChristalJo
    On the very rare occasion that I drink, I drink Jack straight. No acquired taste or anything.. So ha! Lol