How Has Changing Your Diet Changed You?

UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
So, you’ve decided to change your diet? Maybe eat more vegetables or less vegetables, drink more water or less, stop drinking alcohol or soda. Has this changed another area of your life, or changed your perspective on something?

When I was weight restored but still struggling to eat properly, I found myself going through triggering pictures and deleting them. I quit all social media, started going to bed earlier, got rid of some toxic friendships, transferred colleges and changed majors, started seeing a therapist (still need to find a new dietician, but that’s another box waiting to be checked), joined a club, stopped excessively working out, got a job then quit it for another job that I actually love, restored relationships within my family, have kept up a streak on Duolingo for French for 50 days, and have cut down on Netflix time (addicted to that one British baking show).
Wow, that’s a lot. And it all started with giving up control on my diet. Which is usually the opposite for most people. Getting control of their diet and striving for better health. And then once one starts doing that, they focus on other areas of their life.
Tell me about those areas of your life you’ve started to look at and maybe change?


  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    " Duolingo for French for 50 days, and have cut down on Netflix time (addicted to that one British baking show)"

    ^ we're of the same tribe; love that show

    (just substitute German for French on Duolingo)
  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    " Duolingo for French for 50 days, and have cut down on Netflix time (addicted to that one British baking show)"

    ^ we're of the same tribe; love that show

    (just substitute German for French on Duolingo)

    Makes me want tea and biscuits. Then the French side of me wants to fight that side of me.
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    Oh my gosh, it changed everything- my whole entire life! Before I started losing weight, I was a depressed couch potato with low self esteem who didn't know how to cook, constantly ate takeout, fast food and junk food, drank soda all the time, drank a lot of alcohol and never exercised. My immune system was in bad shape because of all this, so I always got sick with whatever cold or stomach virus came my way.

    Now I'm a proud "gym rat" (I use that term lovingly!) who cooks all her own healthy meals at home. I refer to myself as being "half-vegetarian" since I am now incorporating a lot of vegetarian foods into my meals. Just learned how to cook with tofu and loving it! I exercise every single day. With the exception of the occasional ginger ale, I hate soda and drink TONS of water every single day. I eat more fruits and vegetables now than I have in my entire life. I used to watch WAYYY too much TV, now I hardly watch it at all and prefer to read.

    I don't mean to brag, but it was a major upgrade in my life. Changing my food habits and diet changed everything. Not the same person I used to be- Thank God!
  • Selfloveclub
    Selfloveclub Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with the above ☝🏻it changes alot of things,your whole outlook on life and your mood. I found it also made ppl who wouldn’t give me the time of day when I was “fat” would start talking to me and paying me compliments wanting to be friends when I was slimmer...sad really!
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    edited October 2018
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    " Duolingo for French for 50 days, and have cut down on Netflix time (addicted to that one British baking show)"

    ^ we're of the same tribe; love that show

    (just substitute German for French on Duolingo)

    Me too! German, French, and the British baking show!! Although my Duolingo streak has been suffering for the last few weeks since I've started a new class...

    To answer your question though, I've experienced a few extremes of the ED spectrum (severe restriction followed by "recovery" followed by periods of restriction, binging, and purging). I have had to learn a lot about balance with regards to both diet and exercise, and how both can make me feel good and be a healthy part of my life if I choose to continue to apply that balance. I am constantly learning how to take better care of myself, which means feeding myself enough, but not too much, and running long or short enough that I still feel good, but not so much or so little that I don't feel good or look forward to it anymore. I'm also always working on eating what I really want to in moderation and not always what I think I HAVE to, and adopting healthier perspectives/perceptions of food in general.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    Never heard of Duolingo. Going to have to check it out.

    And not sure which British baking show you are talking about, but I do enjoy that Great one.....
  • gstaubs1
    gstaubs1 Posts: 200 Member
    Well for starters every female I have seen in the last 30 days has immediately said damn you look good. I flashed my abs at my ex girlfriend the other day and she I was thinking but you could have had this! haha...This website along with changing my diet and lifestyle has made such a positive impact on my life and self esteem. I feel on top of the world...To date I have lost 30 lbs. And I will never go back to ordering pizza 3 times a week and eating fast food...I have become more social and my confidence level is through the roof...Wish you all the best meeting your goals...
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited October 2018
    Surprisingly I haven’t changed much emotionally since losing weight. In a lot of ways I feel MORE depressed because being smaller was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I still have low self esteem, I still feel unattractive. I still feel kind of “lost” now that food is no longer my crutch. I’m in a lot of pain from exercising and since I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time I’m struggling with pretty bad hormonal issues. Losing weight hasn’t really done much for depression and anxiety.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Now that I have lost weight, my knees no longer ache, nor does my back. And not having to deal with those things has made me a nicer person. I look forward to getting on the treadmill every day. I don't crave sugar or fats anymore so I don't feel deprived.
    Surprisingly I haven’t changed much emotionally since losing weight. In a lot of ways I feel MORE depressed because being smaller was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I still have low self esteem, I still feel unattractive. I still feel kind of “lost” now that food is no longer my crutch. I’m in a lot of pain from exercising and since I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time I’m struggling with pretty bad hormonal issues. Losing weight hasn’t really done much for depression and anxiety.

    I too struggle with depression and I know it is no joke. Don't forget that depression is a medical condition, so just changing your diet doesn't work miracles. You don't say if you are taking medication or seeing a therapist. You will feel differently when you know inside that you are in fact, a beautiful woman - not just physically (but you look pretty in your picture), but also inside with so much to offer, I hate that you feel depressed and anxious. And I send you a hug.
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks <3@elsie6hickman I’ve been on antidepressants for a long time. I also go to therapy once a week. My depression was actually worse before I started taking meds. I’m functioning for the most part, but it’s still a battle.

    Thanks lol. That’s not me in my Avi by the way. It’s a picture of Rihanna (pop star) o:)
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I have always eaten pretty healthy. I now control my portion sizes mostly and I feel better because I hate that overly full feeling. I do feel better eating unprocessed food. Eating fast food and junk generally leaves me feeling crappy afterwards.
  • servant2you
    servant2you Posts: 30 Member
    Why does it cost more to eat healthily? I feel better but how long can I afford to eat this way?