Diet plan VS just eating healthy

Which has worked better for you? I think a plan works better for me for a while until I fall off the wagon. What has worked best for you? Do you follow a plan or just try to pick healthy options?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If you fall off the wagon, doesn't that mean it didn't work?

    I didn't do either. I just logged my food and hit my calorie goal. Sure, I did make some small changes over time as I learned from my food log, but I just tried to eat a varied diet and hit my calories goal.

    Yep ... this.
  • latestarter75
    latestarter75 Posts: 50 Member
    It’s goal dependant really if your goal is purely weight loss then any plan that puts you in a deficit by either increasing activity levels and or cutting calories will work, if the end body composition is important then it gets a little more complicated
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,622 Member
    I find plans where you eliminate an entire food group unsustainable in the long run as well. As a former personal trainer, I’m in the camp of “eat less, exercise more”. I eat good quality food, and don't drink my calories (I have wine vs a 500 calorie mixed drink, never been much of a soda drinker). I just need to up my exercise!
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member

    I eat many "healthy foods and meals" but staying in my daily goals. But I totally include indulgences every day. I have a little bit of chocolate after lunch and dinner daily.

    Basically i am eating in a way that I will need to (and be able ot) CONTINUE eating one the weight is lost (just my overall caloric intake will go up a bit to maintain VS loose but not enough that i can completely change how I eat).
  • Beeingthin
    Beeingthin Posts: 40 Member
    I don’t have a diet plan. I have lost close to 100lbs 15 or so years ago and became a dictionary of how many calories everything has. I had 35lbs to lose from 3 back to back babies this time and I stay home with then. For me, following. Diet plan gets tedious and time consuming, time I don’t have, and I lose interest. I know what healthy choices to make but I do t deprive myself, I just make sure to log everything. I don’t even put what food I ate, I just do a quick add of my calories. I’ve been doing this for a few months and I’ve lost over 20 lbs and 3 dress sizes. Do what works for you. If you always fall off the wagon, a plan isn’t working for you. I know for me, the restrictions alone would MAKE me fall off the wagon. I still eat pizza every once in a while, only now it’s not 3/4 of the pie. Lol!