I am Not losing weight.Does anybody have suggestions as to why?

I am attempting to lose 100 pounds. I started a few weeks ago and I thought since I am obese (259.6 pounds according to my BMI) that I will lose a lot of weight in the beginning fast and then progressively slowed it down. I stopped eating out, drinking about 80 ounces of water a day, I exercise about 6 days a week using the body project by Daniel and yet I have not lost any weight. Does anybody else had the same issue? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!


  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    edited October 2018
    Congrats on your new journey, perfect advice above you will lose weight just make sure your doing the above.

    By the way my all time high was 256 lbs it took me a year to get the hang of this and to really commit to changes, also at the same time I was going through life altering changes with my mom. So just keep in mind nothing about this may be simple amd straight forward, but you will reach your goal, goals if you stick with it and don't give up even when your having challenges.

    The first year I lost 33 lbs , the first 3 months of this year I lost 20 plus pounds quickly for me because I changed things up a bit. And I'm still not at goal because a lot of times I eat at maintenance and my life is hectic but I havent regained any pounds. I'm still driven to get to my goal which is much closer than it was and I wont stop until I do. I lost weight mostly by diet, Im currently adding exercise to 4 days of the week and I get non traditional exercise on the other days.

    Hope this helps with insight into the process. Best of care.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Have you not lost any weight at all? If you open your diary, we may be able to help you troubleshoot.
  • accountantwiz
    accountantwiz Posts: 2 Member
    I document everything using mynetdiary app and I always keep my calories around 2,000 calories a day. This is a lot less than I used to eat. I do about 45 minutes of cardio.
  • jtechmart
    jtechmart Posts: 67 Member
    If you are not loosing weight, here are a few reasons it could be:

    1. Not cutting enough calories.
    2. Not being consistent enough with eating right each day.
    3. Not giving it enough time, since it sometimes can take a few weeks to see results.

    Strangely enough, I have also found I get results sometimes when I stop exercising and dieting for a few days. But, that is only after being consistent for 10 days or more.

  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    How many calories does MFP recommend you eat in order to lose weight? Are you using a food scale to weigh your food? 2000 calories may or may not be enough to create a calorie deficit for you, and if you aren’t weighing your food, you’re almost certainly eating more than you think you are.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I document everything using mynetdiary app and I always keep my calories around 2,000 calories a day. This is a lot less than I used to eat. I do about 45 minutes of cardio.

    Your calorie target sounds reasonable. I am 262 lb right now and eating 1800 per day (I am sedentary).

    The most likely cause if you have been doing this for more than 2 weeks is logging errors (less than 2 weeks, if you started exercising, is muscles retaining water in order to repair)

    1) Do you weigh all solids and semi solids (like peanut butter and mayo) and measure all liquids except water?
    2) Are you finding correct entries in the database (for example boneless chicken instead of bone-in, not using someone else's homemade entry, etc)
    3) Are you weighing and measuring everything before cooking and using the entries for raw?

    There are others but these are the most common ways for people to eat more than they think they do.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    @accountantwiz - Don't make the mistake of thinking this will necessarily happen quickly. Work to build the habit of weighing/measuring *all* food (even packaged foods) and then logging it. I started working on getting healthier and losing weight at the start of 2018, and didn't start losing weight until those 2 practices were really solid habits. I allowed 3 weeks to work on each new practice as I made changes. You may be faster, but be patient with yourself if you are not!
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    This is a great read - every possible reason you could not be losing weight, with explanations and solutions:

    Thanks for posting this. I saved and bookmarked it.