Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • grandmasward59
    grandmasward59 Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me. I am just starting a long journey.
  • Cattlei
    Cattlei Posts: 5 Member
    Could always use more friends to help me stay on track and vice versa. I love my Keto diet but it’s not always easy. And, I’m pretty new here. :)
  • AnointedBlue
    AnointedBlue Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new to this app so far seems Cool, I like it. I have been dieting and training since April of this year and dropped 125 pounds~ So i am motivated to try anything that can help me with my Gains in the long run with a friend or two ;) so feel free to add.
  • splodeee
    splodeee Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I've been an off and on member for some years now. This final go round has finally stuck and I've lost 55 lbs. (my start weight was wrong so ignore my tracker). I'm looking for anybody who's friendly to be friends with, particularly people who have more than 100 lbs to lose.
  • EzPod
    EzPod Posts: 3 Member
    Erin from Australia - back on here after falling off the bandwgaon. looking for new friends to help with motivation and anything struggling with
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member
    Hi currently in the UK and log daily with open dairy. Focusing on fitness at the moment and always up for new friends.
  • SPR86
    SPR86 Posts: 10 Member
    Starting this up again

    I could use some friends, support this time around to make sure that I maintain once I get to my goal weight.

    Feel free to add and chat.
  • mehditfaitif
    mehditfaitif Posts: 9 Member
    hey guys plz add me its my first day here
  • r0wana3
    r0wana3 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! Pretty new here, but would love to be added!
  • kalebdeaver3692
    kalebdeaver3692 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all, using this app to track my macros for my bulking and cutting cycles
    Lookin to gain 15 pounds in the next 3.5 months 💪🏽
  • mamabear70
    mamabear70 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting Keto so could use all the help anyone can offer.
  • hollypopp10
    hollypopp10 Posts: 68 Member
    edited October 2018
    Life hit me, and I realized it was time to change. Looking for friends to keep motivated in my journey. Feel free to add me!
  • Cheeseandcats
    Cheeseandcats Posts: 143 Member
    Hi all! I use MFP like weight loss FB to stay motivated and am looking for others who do the same (actually posting/commenting on stuff). I'm 30lbs down and have about 85lbs left.
  • bubblebumz
    bubblebumz Posts: 12 Member
    Add me, i need more active friends too! I have a 179 day streak going and have no plans of stopping any time soon.
  • nanko876
    nanko876 Posts: 11 Member
    I need friends who are interested in health and fitness. I hate having conversations with persons who are not interested in fitness cause I don't want to seem insensitive.
  • LoveToRunForFun
    LoveToRunForFun Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there everyone - looking to make some connections... I'm training for a distance run and working through a lifting program. Just looking to surround my feed with others who are active on here :)

    Add me if you: like pictures, appreciate mild sarcasm or enjoy funny banter

    Otherwise you can swipe left :D
  • KRansome83
    KRansome83 Posts: 7 Member
    Not new to MFP but I wouldn't mind some new friends. I just want to surround myself with people who don't mind talking about health and fitness and motivating others around them.

    Just a tidbit about me: I've lost 20lbs so far with many more to go. I haven't really set a goal; I'm just taking it 5lbs at a time until I find that point where my health is better and I'm comfortable with that.
  • Geesj
    Geesj Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm keen to build a community of supportive and motivational people!
  • Eire2985
    Eire2985 Posts: 9 Member
    Me Please, this is my 3rd time on here, started again today and need friends :) x
  • MNWallflower
    MNWallflower Posts: 3 Member
    Lots to lose and looking for buddies! Open diary and I try my best to be on every day - but I make no promises. ;)