Losing the last few kilos - feel like giving up

I’m down to approximately the last 5kg, most of which is around my thighs. Over the last month though I’ve actually been gaining both weight & measurements! I’m very down about this & am wondering if anyone can give some advice please?

I’m thinking it could be to do with my exercise. I think that I’m gaining muscle which could account for weight gain but then why are my measurements increasing?

Current exercise is:
35 mins fasted interval running daily
20-30 mins weights or HIIT 5-6 times per week
20 mins high incline, fast treadmill walk 6 days per week

I was doing up to 250 squats per day but stopped these a couple of weeks ago when I noticed clothes were getting tighter.

Food is on track. 10 days ago I dropped from 1700 to 1500 calories & started gradually reducing carbs. I drink 8-10 glass of water per day.

I’ve always been a terrible binge eater but have tried very hard to stop this over the last 3 months. Now I’m going backwards, I just feel like eating everything in sight again!


  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    edited October 2018
    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    Regardless, with that amount of exercise you would be dropping a ton of weight too quickly imo on 1500 cals. I'm only 5ft1 and 112lbs i do less exercise than you and i lost approx 0.5-0.7lbs per week on 1850 cals...

    Are you certain that you are tracking your calories accurately? Ie measuring everything at raw weight on a digital scale. You need to measure cooking oils etc too.

    The last kgs of course feel like they take the longest and are the hardest. But that being said, you shouldn't be gaining weight on 1500 with that much exercise.

    It’s also easier to become more relaxed and complacent the closer you get to goal, i know i have been suffering that lately. So are you being tight with your logging, might you be eating extras and forgetting to log it?

    Is the exercising new, could be some water retention?

    Doubtful that your building muscle mass I’m afraid.

    How are you tracking your weight, making sure to weigh yourself first thing in the morning?

    Please don’t give up now, your so close! <3

    PS. massive thighs here too, why don’t they just shift dammit haha :tired_face:
  • klsn
    klsn Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for your reply RunForPizza88 & the pep talk 😊

    I’m 171cm tall & weigh 61.4kg, which I’ve just googled comes to 5 ft 7 & 135 lbs. I only weigh first thing in the morning.

    I weigh absolutely everything I eat & there’s no fudging on my calorie calculations. Over the last 3 months I’ve fallen off the wagon a couple of times when my weight/centimetres increased last month but picked myself up & have been stricter than ever.

    Yes, thighs are just the worst 😞
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    edited November 2018
    If you are certain that you are tracking accurately then you should be loosing weight on 1500 (I would think given your stats)...when you say you are eating 1500 do you mean this is the total you are eating per day or you are eating 1500 and then eating exercise cals back on top of this?

    That way the only other thing I could think is that you could be overestimating the calorie burn from your exercise. If you are eating only 1500 cals per day total, then I would expect you should have lost at least a little during the last 4 weeks.

    It's taken me around 5 months to loose 6kgs so the results take time for sure.

    I didn't really notice any changes in how I looked during months 1-3. Had many days looking in the mirror thinking 'I don't look any different' or 'my jeans are still so tight!'.
    The difference between my progress pics from month 3 to 5 have been dramatic though and that's only been a little over 2kgs lost.

    I've also had a lot of days were I felt like giving up or what I was doing wasn't worth it or working. You have to just stick with it and keep plugging away. I would implore you to ensure that your tracking is on point and that any days 'falling off the wagon' are not undoing your deficit for the week.

    Your bmi is just slightly lower than mine so I would bet you look pretty great already! You may want to focus more on resistance/strength training to get to your desired physique.

    Consider following a proper plan rather than just randomly picking and choosing - for example where did you get the idea to do 250 squats a day?! Is that bodyweight alone or weighted? Either way, it sounds tremendously tedious and unnecessary.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    edited November 2018
    Questions for you OP

    - How often do you take measurement?
    - How often do you weigh yourself?
    - Do you log your binges?
    - How much have you gained?
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I understand your frustration with losing the last 5 kg. I never did lose the last 10 lbs that I wanted to. First of all maybe you need to decide if those last 5 kg are really that important. The other thing that I remember is going from losing to maintenance was really hard because the lift from seeing my weight drop was gone and that had been motivating me to keep going. 135 at 5'7" is pretty decent but either way if you wish to continue be patient. Those last few pounds (or kilos) take a long time to go. You might want to consider a recomp. Some folks find that leads to better appearance eg: flatter stomach, more toned arms etc. than actually losing more weight. One other thing that might be worth considering is a diet break where you eat at maintenance for a couple weeks. When I stalled for three months I did that and it helped. I did gain a couple pounds (likely water) but once I got back on track the weight started dropping again. Good luck.
  • klsn
    klsn Posts: 28 Member
    If you are certain that you are tracking accurately then you should be loosing weight on 1500 (I would think given your stats)...when you say you are eating 1500 do you mean this is the total you are eating per day or you are eating 1500 and then eating exercise cals back on top of this?

    That way the only other thing I could think is that you could be overestimating the calorie burn from your exercise. If you are eating only 1500 cals per day total, then I would expect you should have lost at least a little during the last 4 weeks.

    It's taken me around 5 months to loose 6kgs so the results take time for sure.

    I didn't really notice any changes in how I looked during months 1-3. Had many days looking in the mirror thinking 'I don't look any different' or 'my jeans are still so tight!'.
    The difference between my progress pics from month 3 to 5 have been dramatic though and that's only been a little over 2kgs lost.

    I've also had a lot of days were I felt like giving up or what I was doing wasn't worth it or working. You have to just stick with it and keep plugging away. I would implore you to ensure that your tracking is on point and that any days 'falling off the wagon' are not undoing your deficit for the week.

    Your bmi is just slightly lower than mine so I would bet you look pretty great already! You may want to focus more on resistance/strength training to get to your desired physique.

    Consider following a proper plan rather than just randomly picking and choosing - for example where did you get the idea to do 250 squats a day?! Is that bodyweight alone or weighted? Either way, it sounds tremendously tedious and unnecessary.

    No, I’m not eating back my exercise calories.

    I’m calculating the calories burned using my Garmin with heart rate monitor.

    The squats were just body weight, though sometimes weighted if doing body pump or the like. My 13 y/o daughter & I are trying to do various challenges each month as she enjoys the challenge (me not so much lol).

    Thanks for your help, you seem to really get what I’m talking about. Well done for losing 6kg 😊
  • klsn
    klsn Posts: 28 Member
    Deviette wrote: »
    Questions for you OP

    - How often do you take measurement?
    - How often do you weigh yourself?
    - Do you log your binges?
    - How much have you gained?

    I measure monthly & weigh weekly.

    No, I don’t log binges. Over the last 3 months though I’ve been very good with this issue & have managed to reset & move on each time. Previously binges would lead to a downward spiral of weeks or months.

    I’ve gained around 1kg over the last month & measurements have increased back to what they were at the beginning of September.
  • klsn
    klsn Posts: 28 Member
    edited November 2018
    I understand your frustration with losing the last 5 kg. I never did lose the last 10 lbs that I wanted to. First of all maybe you need to decide if those last 5 kg are really that important. The other thing that I remember is going from losing to maintenance was really hard because the lift from seeing my weight drop was gone and that had been motivating me to keep going. 135 at 5'7" is pretty decent but either way if you wish to continue be patient. Those last few pounds (or kilos) take a long time to go. You might want to consider a recomp. Some folks find that leads to better appearance eg: flatter stomach, more toned arms etc. than actually losing more weight. One other thing that might be worth considering is a diet break where you eat at maintenance for a couple weeks. When I stalled for three months I did that and it helped. I did gain a couple pounds (likely water) but once I got back on track the weight started dropping again. Good luck.

    Thank you but what does “recomp” mean?
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    edited November 2018
    klsn wrote: »
    Deviette wrote: »
    Questions for you OP

    - How often do you take measurement?
    - How often do you weigh yourself?
    - Do you log your binges?
    - How much have you gained?

    I measure monthly & weigh weekly.

    No, I don’t log binges. Over the last 3 months though I’ve been very good with this issue & have managed to reset & move on each time. Previously binges would lead to a downward spiral of weeks or months.

    I’ve gained around 1kg over the last month & measurements have increased back to what they were at the beginning of September.

    Weight can flucuate daily for a number of reasons, could you start using the app happy scale to log your daily weight if you have the time? This app then shows you a trend, it might help with sanity levels for you? You could be getting really unlucky and just weighing in on a heavier day.

    With measurements those can flucuate a bit too, i only measure monthly but when i do i usually do it over 2 or 3 days in a row just to double check as some days my waist measurement can vary by a whole inch!

    If you truly are gaining weight though (and i know you dont want to hear this again so im sorry! ;) ) then you are just eating more than you think. 1500 is really not a lot of calories....if your having trouble eating any less then you might want to research body recomp your probably a prime candidate for this as you sound like you are already at a nice weight anyway so a recomp could do wonders. I’m planning to start that myself very soon too, so fed up of cutting now!!

    If you open your diary then I am sure some folks would be glad to take a look to see if there might be any obvious logging errors.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    klsn wrote: »
    Thanks for your reply RunForPizza88 & the pep talk 😊

    I’m 171cm tall & weigh 61.4kg, which I’ve just googled comes to 5 ft 7 & 135 lbs. I only weigh first thing in the morning.

    I weigh absolutely everything I eat & there’s no fudging on my calorie calculations. Over the last 3 months I’ve fallen off the wagon a couple of times when my weight/centimetres increased last month but picked myself up & have been stricter than ever.

    Yes, thighs are just the worst 😞

    Hm. I'm 168cm and weigh atm 61.8kg and I have been losing on just under 1700 (i'm old - 42- so unfortunately need to eat less than my younger self). For purely vanity reasons I'm wanting to drop another 1-2 kilos and far out, the last few kilos are ALWAYS the worst to lose! It's like the body says "nup - you're fine at this weight just stop".

    Which bring me to think that aren't you fine at that weight considering you're taller and lighter than me and i'm nowhere near big or fat? At all, like i'm pretty damn small. My mind tells me "oh your guts are huge" and "oh your thighs and huge" and "oh your arms are fat there isn't enough definition" - but it's ALL in my mind because when my mind is not being an idiot and I stand next to other people of my height I am usually one of the most compact.

    And I binge eat too btw.

    And for thighs, a lot of people on here will disagree with me becase CICO etc, but usually that means oestrogen and you can help get rid of that by taking DIM - as well as CICO.