
Lynnes_Losing_Weight81 Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys, I’m on here again to regain my happy because it’s gone! Life got ruff with four kids, personal issues and I quit smoking cold turkey as of June15th of 2018 and man did I blow up and so here I am! I started my initial weight loss journey in 2015 at 330lbs and was able to lose 133lbs by 2017! Being 197lbs was great and I was so happy and very confident! Over time I just continued to gain weight and give up on myself! I re-started my weight loss journey September 10, 2018 @ 278lbs and as of today I am 257lbs but I want to be 175 by my birthday April 16! At this point I’m stuck! I can only work out 4 times a week due to my career and kids but I’m at a loss I feel like stress is taking over again because I am not losing! I work 13/14 hour days at a hospital so I’m worn out after work! Can someone give me some advice? I no longer know what to do or how to feel but I can’t give up! I try to burn 1000 calories a day at planet fitness and I don’t eat more than 1500 calories but I hardly make it to 1500! Any advice and motivation will help! Just need some encouragement and ideas! Thanks for reading! I’m embarrassed by these pictures but so what I’m going to be back to that confident sexy woman! I was 254 but I gained this was a few days ago!


  • Lynnes_Losing_Weight81
    Thank you so much for the advice!
  • wmweeza
    wmweeza Posts: 319 Member
    I am NOT an expert, I just speak on what works for me. Counting calories and weight lifting. I religiously log everything and measure
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    Firstly I think you need to re-evaluate your goals, you are not going to be able to lose over 75lbs in just 6 months without making yoursellf hungry/ill. A safe rate of loss is 1-2lbs per week.

    When you lost the weight the first time you had a lot more to lose so it would have come off a lot quicker.

    As was mentioned already above weight loss does not require exercise, so there is no need to be trying to stress yourself over getting more workouts in. Exercise should primarily be for health not weight loss.

    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym, log your food accurately and eat back conservative amounts for exercise and you should have no problem losing as long as you're doing something that is sustainable.

    People often regain because they make super drastic changes that they can't stick to - have you considered losing the weight a little slower, making better habits over time so that you learn to eat in a way that you can stick to forever?

  • somethingsoright
    somethingsoright Posts: 99 Member
    edited November 2018
    First off, you are a stunningly beautiful woman at any weight, so don't feel like you've got to reach a certain weight by your b-day if it means running yourself ragged.

    Burning off 1,000 calories a day at the gym while working full-time and then coming home to care for children is a recipe for stress. I would shorten my time at the gym, focusing on intensity while working out (HIIT, weight training), and then make sure I was weighing all my food to get an accurate count. A couple weeks ago, the scale wasn't moving, so I started weighing all my food (even the pre-packaged). I couldn't believe how off the calories were. I was getting in an extra 100-200 calories a day because of not weighing everything.

    Another thing that's helped me is keeping track of my average calorie intake, both weekly and monthly, using a spreadsheet. I was sad about only losing 5 lbs in October. With all this hunger I've been experiencing, I thought it should've been more. But when I looked at my monthly calorie average, compared it with what my TDEE should be, it was close to being on track. It then clicked in my head that isn't a crash diet, it's a change for life. And a slow loss is still going in the right direction.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    What exactly are you doing at Planet Fitness? How many steps a day do you get at work?

    There are mistakes that people commonly make that cause them to not lose weight that we might be able to spot if you change your Diary Sharing settings to Public: