How many times did you start over?

Ive started over trying to lose weight and getting healthier so many times I lost count and I'm so dicouraged I will never succeed. So how many times did you start over your journey before anything stuck and you were able to lose the needed weight? How much did you lose?


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    A single time, and I hadn't exactly 'quit'... I just stopped watching myself as close, but still tried to choose the healthy options when I could. But I stopped counting because my goodness, working 50-60hrs/week plus being a full-time student absolutely demolished my brain. Gah.

    I'd lost just over 100lbs. I've currently regained a 3-6lbs over the last two months, which I'm slowly chipping back down on. Bf gives me good food, gonna make me fat again.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    More times than I can count. This time I’ve lost 15 lbs in 2 months. I would still like to lose another 35-45 lbs. I feel much more confident and determined this time around. Usually, I give up after about a month. Honestly, I feel like I want it more this time. I can’t really explain why, but it feels different this time, like somehow I just feel like I know this time I’m going to reach final goal, it feels different than other times I’ve tried and given up. I’m not expecting fast results, I don’t have unrealistic goals set for myself, I’m just taking it one month at a time.
  • CHRISSYWEBB3262015
    Way to many times to count. In back and feel more focused but came to see I have no support to do at home or here so alone and I struggle. Need friends who support me.
  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    More than 20. Easily. Each one was very discouraging. But this time im determined. I do think you have to really want it thats a very difficult thing to quantify, we Think we want to lose weight but for most you have to make that real decision to change your life. I did it a few years ago and dropped 45lb in 5 months. Fast forward and now ive got 75 to lose again, but im determined and more motivated than ever.

    If theres one take away, everyone goes through this, and you CAN do it! Just think about the end goal and that with a little time you can get there
  • fleawill
    fleawill Posts: 29 Member
    Probably about ten times. This time I'm in month three and it feels good; I'm losing about a pound a week, which is what I want. I finally got serious about watching how much I was eating, and more importantly, I hired a personal trainer and made it very clear that what I want from her is to hold me accountable, i.e., check my food diary and exercise logs on MFP, as well as to push me with strength training. When I'm not consistently logging, she texts me and asks about it, and that helps keep me honest. I now make healthier food choices, but I don't deny myself anything if I really want it -- I just eat less. A lot less. I also got rid of all of the junk food in the house. I know that for me personally, it's having someone else holding me accountable that makes a difference.
  • elizabethmcopeland
    elizabethmcopeland Posts: 167 Member
    All of your failures are part of what make you successful.

    I've had many iterations of "dieting" and "getting on the wagon" over the last 20 years.

    It was only until I looked at my life honestly and started finding habits that worked for me (the things that I could do mindlessly, forever) that I was able to start cultivating the results I felt I wanted.

    There were a lot of times that I was down on myself. But...

    Do the work, create the habits of the person you want to be, and the results will follow.

    Blessings to you.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    edited November 2018
    You should be proud of yourself for not giving up. One thing that's helped me is to just decide that you are never sticking your head in the sand again. That you'll check in here everyday no matter what and at least attempt to do some food logging, however imperfect. Staying connected here helps me, even over long periods of kinda screwing up. I always imaging where I'd be if I gave up -- 100 lbs heavier? 200? more?
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,198 Member
    For the past decade, it's like I am on a 3 year cycle of "Seriously, have to drop some of this weight!!" So, I lose it, and hold it for a short time, and then regain it. I guess I get careless and lazy.
  • bunyauch
    bunyauch Posts: 4 Member
    More times than I can count as well. Hoping that using MyFitnessPal and Fitbit together will work - seems to be working so far!
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    Well, I seriously started trying to lose weight 4 years ago this past August. From then until now, I've given up so many times. I regained some weight - usually 10-20 pounds. But, then I tried again so many times, too! And, for all that time, I've lost a total of 95 pounds. I'm currently maintaining at a normal weight - but, would like to try for 25 more pounds.

    It all seemed impossible as I was going thru it. I ended up learning a lot about fitness and nutrition and myself. So, I'd have to say, in the end, I was successful. I wouldn't want to do it again, though.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    You asked; I hope this doesn't discourage you because we are all different. I have been at a BMI of ~24 for 8 month. Before that, the last I was at his weight was around 1985. I lost ~65 pounds to get here. There were times in the years since then that I didn't really know what healthy was and got to goal weights that were actually 25 to 30 pounds overweight a number of times and a few times stayed at that weight for a year or more. This time, I didn't want to turn 60 overweight and out of shape as that increases your risk of poor health and/or an earlier death. I turn 60 in under 2 months and I am fit and trim. Very fit, actually. Unless something happens to sideline me in the next few weeks, I will turn 60 with visible abs. I needed to be staring at higher risk of a shorter less active life before I got serious.
  • jhilkene
    jhilkene Posts: 104 Member
    Definitely quite a few times.
    I find a lot of it for me, was circumstantial.
    Usually I had or goal of some sort. For example, a competition, event, etc..
    Although this time, I was tired of feeling crappy, and just decided to focus on myself.

    I hope, OP, you find what clicks for you.
    As I've heard many say before, try and look at it as a journey, not just a destination with one final goal. ;)
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    edited November 2018
    Q: "How many times did you start over?"

    A: 1000

    .... give or take.
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred....
  • DonnaKelly79
    DonnaKelly79 Posts: 31 Member
    Wow, some great responses from previous posters! I too have tried countless, countless times, however this one is IT, I just know it. For me, it just happens to be the right time in my life, things are starting to fall into place and I am committed. I am only 20lbs down (over the last 2 months) of A LOT to go, but it's going well and I feel I can maintain. I am NOT denying myself anything, I just change what and how much i.e. yesterday I went to Taco Bell (my fave fast food) and had one burrito + a diet soda and I was honestly happy with that. One day a few weeks back I had DQ, but budgeted it into my calories.

    What I'd suggest is looking at what's stopping you (emotionally, physically) and working around it. I lived with my mother-in-law the past four years and didn't feel comfortable cooking in her kitchen, I've finally moved out and have a happy space to cook, when I have time, so this gets me one step closer to being ABLE to lose weight. I read an awesome quote that "you NEVER fail if you keep trying" and you are still trying by virtue of being here and thinking this all over, so keep thinking about what hasn't worked, and what could work - trial and error and you'll hit the right formula eventually :)