Friends pls

Hi ..
if u have took your time to have a look I’m Ian and 37 from the uk..
would love some more support and motivation.
Would be more ideal I’d from the uk as same time line but it’s not a problem if not , will just be happy to get more people aboard ☺️☺️


  • parkertobefit
    parkertobefit Posts: 459 Member
    Any takers lol
  • Bossrae
    Bossrae Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Parker, unfortunately I'm not from UK. I'm Rae from US, 35 years young and trying to get in my best shape. Been at it for a while. So far I have lost 100 pounds. I have like 30 more pounds to go b4 I continue to maintain. But if you like I would love to be your friend.