Struggling on weekends!😫

Ive been doing this CICO way of lifecfor a long time off and on. I find that I am compliant during the week and then come Friday evening I decide to 'treat' myself to pizza and beer and that leads to an all out weekend binge party. Sunday vomes and I hang my head in shame...Monday arrives and I do it all over again! How do I break this cycle??


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm a lot more loose on weekends, but I don't let myself go off the rails. Friday night is usually pizza night with the wife and kids...I have 2 or 3 slices and call it a night, not the whole pizza. I also like drinking beer on the weekends which I don't do much of during the week. It all seems to come out in the wash for me unless i go nuts, which I don't. I'm also a lot more active on weekends as I have more time for exercise and other general activity with the family or doing things that need to be done around the house or property...I'm on my *kitten* very little on weekends.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,987 Member
    I found an eating plan that worked better for me and my life than the traditional "5 small meals a day." I also don't deprive myself. If there's something I really want, I fit it in to my calories for the week. Pre-logging helps you determine how much you need to "plan ahead."

    Personally I can't put things off limits, and instead learned that I could be satisfied with a reasonable serving of the things I love.
  • StargazerB
    StargazerB Posts: 425 Member
    Have you tried prelogging your food for the weekend? Also it's ok to have a treat, maybe if you scheduled your treat you would be less likely to binge as you would know you have another one coming again soon.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    How about meal planning a few days in advance? I do 3 days or so, just in a notebook or app, what you plan to eat for each three meals and what you have on hand that will work for snacks. When I've written down that I'm going to have a vegetable stir fry and some gyoza, I've really no excuse to be all WHAT SHOULD I HAVE RIGHT NOW?
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    Find other ways to treat yourself. I try to never use food as a reward because I want to break some of the emotional issues I've had with food in the past. If I want to treat myself I have a spa night or order a new book - anything but food.

    It also helped me to completely cut eating out for a month. After the month was over I wasn't as tempted to order take out.

    Oh and plan/buy everything you need for food for the weekend. It's harder to justify ordering food when you already paid money for food in the fridge.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I'm a lot more loose on weekends, but I don't let myself go off the rails. Friday night is usually pizza night with the wife and kids...I have 2 or 3 slices and call it a night, not the whole pizza. I also like drinking beer on the weekends which I don't do much of during the week. It all seems to come out in the wash for me unless i go nuts, which I don't. I'm also a lot more active on weekends as I have more time for exercise and other general activity with the family or doing things that need to be done around the house or property...I'm on my *kitten* very little on weekends.

    Yup, I'm more active on the weekends too. Makes it easier to fit in higher calorie meals.

    @cartersmom06 I've also found it helpful to give my OH an extra slice of pizza instead of just splitting it with him, and having a large salad with it.
  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    I find that planning active things that further my fitness goals or have to be up really early for gives me a solid reason to eat right on Friday and Saturday night.

    I'll plan things like a bike ride, an early morning fishing trip, dirtbiking, snowboarding - etc...these are things you want to be properly fueled and rested for.

    On weekends I'm not doing those things, I keep myself in check by reminding myself that Saturday and Sunday are the only days I get to wake up with 8+ hours of sleep and go straight to the gym - my best lifting sessions are the weekends because I'm best rested - I can go harder, heavier, and do more than during the work week...if I choose to go out drinking or something, I'm sacrificing my best training days of the week. I REALLY like lifting, so that provides a lot of motivation to stay on track. That might not work for someone else though.

    Another thing I remind myself of is that a night out at the bars is around $100 blown that could be put to much better use. This is not to say I don't cut loose, I just do it less than once a month.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    What do you normally eat during the week? Eating within your calorie goals shouldn't feel like a chore. You should eat food that you like but that are within your limits. That would make you less likely to feel like you need to "treat yourself."

    Also, I think if you do decide to eat something on Friday that causes you to go over your calorie limit, you just need to think of it as a one time thing specific to that day. It seems like if you get a little looser on Friday, you get in the mentality of "well I already failed, I might as well just do whatever I want," and that causes the weekend binges. Don't think of food and trying to meet a calorie goal as something we win or lose or that is worthy of shame, etc. If you eat something you don't think you should have, then just try not to eat that on the next meal, or the next day, etc. Or try to only have one slice of pizza instead of two.

    As an example, I had a really rough day on Friday, and it caused me to want to emotional eat. And I knew that it was something I was going to do. But instead of leaning into it hardcore, I gave myself permission to do it, but I still put a limit on it and made better choices. In the past, my go to emotional eating choice was a 3/4 pound triple bacon cheeseburger from Burger King. However, instead of getting that, I got the 1/2 pound, non-bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's. Was it a "good" choice? Certainly not. But it still saved me several hundred calories from my other choice. Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we need to choose between the least bad of two options, and that's okay. So try to make the best choices you can under your circumstances, even if they end up being not as ideal as you would like.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I just budget more calories on friday/saturday. The belt is tighter during the week, then friday/saturday I allow a couple of hundred more. my weight loss is not fast (nowhere near fast) but at least this way I dont feel deprived and sad.

  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Someone once posted here that the weekend (Fri-Sun) is 3/7 days of the week. That's HALF the week not being on track. Really put things into perspective for me.
    Also I still have pizza and drinks and whatnot, but am more careful in the mornings, and make sure to get some kind of exercise in before going out. Dominos has a flat bread pacific veggie and for half a Large, it's only 880cal. My usual dinner is around 700 so it's really not so bad.